Pirate Family

Chapter 390 Bubble Island

"You said you want to attack Bubble Island?"

In the cabin of the Sun Pirate Ship, a strong murloc with dark red skin looked at Aaron sitting in front of him and whispered.

"Yes, Boss Tiger! Those stupid humans are deceiving people too much! They even treat our compatriots as slaves!"

"Sooner or later, I will kill these humans!"

Aaron said angrily.

"Correct me, they not only treat murlocs as slaves, they also treat their own kind as slaves," Beside said calmly. He is older than Aaron, so he can see farther.

"But those who do this are, after all, a minority. Most of them are quite friendly to the murlocs. Just like Princess Otohime."

"You are too kind and too weak! Brother Jinpei!" Aaron hammered the table angrily, smashing the wooden table to pieces.

But neither of the two people present had any reaction to this. It seemed that they had long been used to Aaron's character.

"Humans are human beings, inferior species that haven't yet evolved the ability to swim. It's our kindness that we murlocs didn't bully them."

"I didn't expect that they not only don't know how to be grateful, but also try to enslave our murlocs."

"We must let this group of arrogant people know that we murlocs are not easy to mess with!"

"But," Tiger frowned. "After all, Bubble Island is the territory of Vinhill Lorne. If we fight it like this, it is tantamount to declaring war on him."

The name Lorne is the most shining star in the sea in recent years. Some people put him together with the red-haired Shanks who retreated after challenging the white beard Edward Newgate.

Call them two quasi-emperors!

It means people who are second only to the four emperors of the new world.

In fact, after Skee's decline, many of his territories became unclaimed. His title of Four Emperors is no longer worthy of the name. Many people are guessing, which of the two, Lorne and Shanks, can take that position.

What's more, it was revealed recently that Lorne personally killed Kaido's number one general, "Jin", the leader of the three disasters, and married the Charlotte family. His strength and power are unfathomable!

Even Tiger didn't dare to offend Lorne easily.

"Although Lorne is perverse, domineering and lawless, he is not a person who cannot communicate."

Tiger said in a low voice,

"We can communicate with him first..."

"Communicate!" Aaron stood up with his hands on the table. growled.

"Did they communicate with us when they arrested our compatriots?"

"Don't you understand the character of this group of human pirates? They only see the word benefit in their eyes!"

"But they forgot one thing."

"Forget who is the real king of this sea!"

Aaron pointed to himself, and then pointed to Tiger and Jinbe who were sitting aside.

"It's not their humans! It's our murlocs!"

"He, Lorne, is a capable person who dare not even come to Murloc Island. I'm afraid he can't even withstand the slapping of our Murloc Karate!"

The more Aaron talked, the more excited he became. Tiger and Jinbei looked at each other, and they both saw the deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

The gap between murlocs and humans is so serious in this era.

Tiger also made up his mind. I am waiting for others to go to Bubble Island to have a look, if there are really many Murloc compatriots there.

So whatever you say, save them.


New World, Loxor Sea Area, Bubble Island.

This place was originally just an ordinary small island, but because it is located in the middle of the Loxor Sea, the residents of the surrounding islands often come here to exchange for what they need. Over time, it became a market.

Later, because of the advent of the era of great pirates, Bubble Island happened to be on one of the three main waterways of the New World. Occasionally passing caravans and pirates will also bring novel commodities and goods from other places. It gradually prospered here.

It has become the economic center at the front end of the new world, where you can buy everything you want.

Women, weapons, slaves...

Especially after the Vinhill family took over here, Bubble Island has become an important arms trading point.

At noon, the bright sunshine was shining softly on the port, and the ships docked at the pier in an orderly manner.

As soon as a pirate in a red waistcoat got off the boat, he saw a group of marines walking towards him. The leader's navy clothes had the badge of a brigadier general, and he stared at the man in red.

"The man in red with a reward of 130 million Baileys, Lidore!"

"Who am I? It turns out to be Brigadier General Chico who has been haunted all this time."

Lidore plucked his ears, and said nonchalantly,

"Do you want to fight me here? I don't care. It's a big deal not to come here in the future."

"But you," Lidore said provocatively, licking his lips.

"Do you think you can bear the anger of that one?"

"You!" The brigadier general known as Ke Ke was furious, just about to make a move, but thought of something and forcibly held back.

He said viciously to Lidore.

"When you leave this island, I will personally arrest you!"

After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

He came to this place just to replenish his equipment, and the reason he lost his composure just now was because he met his old enemy. Now that I calm down, I can't help but feel a little scared.

If he really made a move in this place just now, it's probably because General Aokiji Kuzan behind him couldn't keep him.

After all, the rule that you must not make a move on Bubble Island was set by that man!

All those who dared to violate this rule are now hung in a grave by the port.

Seeing Chico's receding figure, Lidor couldn't help spitting.

"How cowardly!"

He also thought that this person couldn't help but attack him, and then he was dealt with by the Vinhill family.

But thinking of the Vinhill family, Liddor couldn't help being a little envious. Both the navy and the pirates must abide by the rules he made, and he has achieved this level as a pirate.

worth it!

Thinking about it, Lidoer suddenly saw a shrewd and capable woman in a black suit standing on the port, as if she was waiting for someone.

His eyes lit up involuntarily, and he was about to walk over to strike up a conversation.

At this time, the woman in the suit seemed to have waited for the person she was waiting for, and waved towards him.

A woman with blond curly hair and an unusually hot figure stepped off a merchant ship. She seemed very happy to see the woman in a suit and rushed over.

"Little Violet! Sister, I miss you so much!" The blond woman threw herself on the woman in the suit and kissed her hard on the cheek. After a while, she said with a smirk.

"Why didn't the one in your family come with you to meet my sister?"

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