Pirate Family

Chapter 395 Challenge

Seeing Lorne's smile, Solang shuddered.

The whole sea knows that Lorne's nickname is "the devil", and isn't the devil's favorite thing to do is to play with people's hearts?

After working in the Vinhill family for so many years, if he knew that Lorne would not let him go, scolding him just now was just to make himself feel better.

Now that Lorne said he would let him go, Solang hesitated instead. He tightly hugged the iron chain of the cage, with a rather forced smile on his face.

"Forget it, I, Solan, know that I have committed a serious crime, so I will not try to get Lord Lorne's forgiveness."

"If I say I let you go, I will definitely let you go, because Xiao Jia usually persuades me to do some good deeds." Lorne said with a smile.

"Aren't you willing to go if I let you go?"

Lorne is talking nonsense. Garrett grew up in a pirate family, and she has no concept of good and evil in her heart, so it is impossible to do these meaningless things.

"I'm not going out!" Solang yelled, holding the chain tighter at the same time.

But this was out of his control, Lorne waved his hand, and several jailers around him ran into the cage and dragged Solang out.

Solang stared at Lorne, just about to yell, Lorne snapped his fingers, and he couldn't control his mouth anymore, he could only whine.

"Take him to Gage's laboratory." Lorne said lightly.

"It's okay to let you go, but before I do a little surgery for you."

Solang looked at Gage's white laboratory, his face was extremely pale, as if he saw the devil's bloody mouth.

Half an hour later, Jia Zhi pushed Suo Lang out of the operating room, took off his mask and asked suspiciously,

"Is it enough to just install a signal transmitter above his heart? But will it be too obvious?"

From Jia Zhi's point of view, the traces of this operation are very obvious. As long as Solange tells others what operation he has undergone by Lorne, it is easy to find this signal transmitter.

"There is still an important step." Lorne showed a strange smile on his face, he clapped his hands, and a fat man with a chicken leg came in from outside.

"Boss, is this the guy?" Fat Tiger wiped off the oil stains from the corner of his mouth, looked at Suo Lang who was lying unconscious on the bed, and said disdainfully.

At the beginning, Suo Lang offended many people in the family, including Fat Tiger, relying on his own skills and arrogance.

Now that he is in trouble, Fat Tiger certainly won't give him any good looks.

A lavender halo appeared on Fat Tiger's hand, and he touched Suo Lang's head.

This time, what should he forget?


When Solang woke up from a coma, he found himself imprisoned in a cage surrounded by scrawny slaves.

He rubbed his head, feeling dizzy, and didn't know what happened. He only vaguely remembered that that brat Lorne was in a good mood after he climbed up to the Charlotte family, and wanted to release himself.

Suo Lang looked around and couldn't help yelling, did this bastard Lorne treat himself as a slave trader?

He turned his head and looked at Bubble Island behind him, with resentment in his eyes.

"Sooner or later, I will pay for all of this with blood!"

Little did he know that his every move was seen by Lorne who was located in Sky City. After seeing this scene, Lorne said lightly to the people around him.

"The bait has been released, but I don't know if the people of the new Pirate Alliance will take the bait."

"See if they have the courage to eat the fat of the Vinhill family!"

In a sea area in the new world, on a small canoe, a man wearing a wine-red patterned shirt, a black cloak, and a long black knife is sitting on the small boat, holding a goblet in one hand , slowly savoring the red liquid in the cup.

The other side overlooks the sea in the distance.

He was going to Paradise to attend a meeting.

But suddenly, he frowned, his yellow pupils shone like an eagle, he raised his head to look at the sky, and said softly.

"My friend in heaven, what's the matter?"

At this time, the sky was clear and clear, and after a while, a small black dot appeared in midair and flew towards the man. It was a man with a two-meter-long flintlock gun and white wings.

"Sinio the Seagull of the New Pirate Alliance?" The man sitting on the boat put the goblet on the table and said calmly.

"Did you take me as a hunting target?"

This quietly rising new force is hunting pirates everywhere, and even Moonlight Moriah, one of the Seven Martial Seas under the king, has been defeated by the other party. He knows this. But he didn't take these things to heart.

There is no other reason, just because his name is Mihawk, Hawkeye Joe Rachel Mihawk!

"Don't dare, I'm just here to deliver a letter." Xin Neo flew into the air ten meters above Hawkeye, facing this man, only by pulling away a little distance could he feel a little at ease.

Because Mihawk has too many titles, the world's number one swordsman! Black knife! The strongest swordsman, etc., these titles are accumulated by him with countless victories.

No one will question his strength. As a pirate, Mihawk even has many "fans" all over the world. These "fans" even think that Mihawk's personal strength can rival the Four Emperors!

So even if he is as arrogant as Sinio, he has to be careful when facing Mihawk.

"What letter?" Mihawk squinted his eyes slightly, and said, at the same time, he began to think in his heart whether he should kill this new Pirate Alliance member. After all, the old man in the Warring States period kept talking about himself as the king of Shichibukai, but he didn't contribute much.

Killing this person who was considered by the navy to be a confidant's confidant might clean his ears a lot.

Sinio was swept over by Mihawk's sharp eagle-like eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive in his heart. He swallowed and said respectfully.

"A letter of challenge."

"Challenge? Who? Are you a new Pirate Alliance?" Mihawk frowned and said.

"No, of course not us, but a formidable, respectable opponent."

Sinio threw a piece of parchment over, and he still dare not enter Mihawk's attack range.

The parchment fell lightly into Mihawk's hands, and when he spread it out, it read.

"After the Xialong Festival, Sri Lanka, I look forward to discussing swordsmanship with you."

"Sincerely, Shanks."

Xialong Festival is a traditional festival in the mid-sea region of the New World, usually around March, marking the arrival of summer. Mihawk did the math, there is still plenty of time, and he can let himself go to the paradise to deal with the affairs of the navy before leaving.

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