Pirate Family

Chapter 399 Lancelot

"People's dreams and ambitions will never come to an end." The blond man repeated Lorne's words with some excitement in his tone.

"Finally found the meaning of life, Miss An Lina!"

The blond man was wearing a silver-gray metal armor with a bright red cloak behind him. He looked handsome and personable, more like a holy knight than a pirate.

The only fly in the ointment is that his eyes are somewhat deep and vicissitudes.

Lorne looked at the blond man with interest. In fact, he had already discovered that this man was following them. It's just that because I didn't feel the other party's malice, I didn't do it for a long time.

"Freedom and dreams are what we have always pursued!" The blond man said intoxicatedly, then walked up to Lorne and bowed respectfully.

"thank you."

what's the situation?

Lorne and Garrett looked at each other, and they both saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

"I wanted to thank you very much," the blond man seemed to feel something, raised his head and said with regret.

A group of navy soldiers rushed towards this side in a hurry. They took out the flintlock guns on their backs and pointed them at the blond man.

"But I don't have time now. If we can meet in the sea of ​​the new world in the future, I will repay your kindness of teaching!"

"Catch him and offer a bounty of 100,000,000 (one hundred million) Bailey's pirate knight, Lancelot!"

bang bang bang!

Bullets shot out from the muzzle of the flintlock, and the blond man named Lancelot lifted his cloak, and the soft cloak blocked Lorne and Garrett.

The bullet hit the cloak, making the sound of metal colliding, and the bullet fell to the ground, which was crisp and pleasant.

At this moment. The residents of the nearby Chambord Islands had long since dispersed, and only the two of Lorne, a naval unit, and the man called Lancelot remained in the huge long street.

"Flying fruit?" Garrett looked at Lorne and asked. The ability shown by Lancelot is 90% similar to Diamanti, a senior cadre of the Doflamingo family.

"No." Lorne shook his head. Diamanti's flying fruit is to make objects fly like a flag. The essence of his cloak is high-strength steel.

But Lorne clearly felt that Lancelot's cloak was just a piece of ordinary silk.

Did it harden somehow? Lorne thought about it.

But Lancelot obviously didn't notice that Lorne started to think. He turned around and said anxiously to Lorne while defending against the attacks of the naval soldiers.

"They are coming at me, I hold them back, you go first!"

After finishing speaking, he really used his body to completely resist Lorne.

"Lancelot is a Devil Fruit user. Ordinary attacks have no effect on him!" A colonel with a huge cannon barrel on his shoulder moved away from the crowd and walked to the front of the team.

"This is the rocket launcher X-3 I got from the scientific combat force, it is enough to deal with this pirate!"

After speaking, he pointed the barrel at Lancelot, as if he wanted to kill this man with one shot. His finger was on the trigger of the bazooka, and at the same time his heart began to tremble.

If he gets rid of Lancelot by himself, he will not only get the reward offered by that lord, but also become famous. By then, his future will be bright.

The captain looked at the two behind Lancelot, with a cruel smile on his lips.

Although these two people look familiar, it doesn't matter so much! For the sake of a bright future, what are some small sacrifices worth?

Lorne frowned. Although he didn't care much about this matter, the actions of the naval officer made it clear that the two of them were included in the attack range.

So he snapped his fingers, and all the navy present were stunned. They were like stone sculptures, motionless.

They stopped attacking? Lancelot put down his cloak in surprise and looked at the motionless navy soldiers.

Then, Lorne snapped his fingers again. The marines resumed their movements, but their faces were full of confusion.

"Where's Lancelot? Wasn't he still here just now?" The colonel put down the bazooka on his shoulder, walked up to Lorne, and asked in a loud voice.

"Did you two see that!"

"It seems to be going in that direction." Lorne pointed to the west, there was a winding path that continued to extend into the depths of the island.

"I hope you don't lie to me." The captain gave Lorne a vicious look, then turned and left.

Don't run away from the achievements you have obtained! Pirate Knight Lancelot is one of the few criminals who can be caught by himself with a bounty of over 100 million yuan, because although he is powerful, he abides by the so-called knight's principles, rarely takes shots, and even counterattacks can be counted on his fingers.

Looking at the sailors leaving gradually, Lancelot was dumbfounded, isn't he right here? How can they turn a blind eye?

"Thank you, you helped me again!" But Lancelot was not stupid, he knew that all this was due to the man in front of him, so he bowed respectfully again.

"Your kindness is as admirable as your erudition."

Lancelot praised from the bottom of his heart. The man in front of him clearly possessed such great strength, but he easily forgave the navy who wanted to kill him. His noble character is admirable.

"Merciful?" Lorne was taken aback for a moment, this was the first time he heard someone use this word to praise himself.

Even Garrett next to him chuckled. Lorne is a pure pirate, just like his nickname "Devil", and he has never been able to match the necessity of "benevolence".

If it is as expected, there should be a few supernovas who have just arrived in the Chambord Islands gathered in the west, and the captain of the navy rushing over rashly, I am afraid there will be no good results.

"Let's not talk about it now," Lorne glanced at Lancelot, "You don't look like a pirate."

Lorne and Garrett walked into a tavern casually, followed by Lancelot. Sit right across from them.

"I want two glasses of your signature, Song of Blood." Lorne said to the bartender who came over, and then looked at Lancelot.

"What do you want to drink, I treat you."

"The knight never drinks too much... oh no, I don't like to drink, a glass of water will do."

Lancelot said instinctively, then consciously made a slip of the tongue, and immediately changed his words.

This made everyone present couldn't help but smile knowingly, but Lorne didn't want to expose him.

"Tell me your story, I am just now interested in hearing it."

When he mentioned himself, Lancelot's sunny and handsome face dimmed, and he slowly told his own story.

"I was once a knight."

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