Pirate Family

Chapter 405 Crazy Proposal

For a moment, the already relaxed atmosphere suddenly became solidified, and a murderous intent flashed in Garrett's eyes as she looked at the black-haired man in front of her.

Blood flowed out from the arm, turning into a sharp blood dagger, hidden in the sleeve, ready to strike at any time.

She doesn't allow anyone to hurt Lorne.

Lorne narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the man in front of him.

"Are you serious?"

"What do you think?" The man with the pigeon on his shoulders put his arms around his chest and said with a half-smile.

"Stop playing, Lu Qi, even if you want to do something to me, it shouldn't be at this time."

Lorne said indifferently.

"On the sea, I'm waiting for you."

This black-haired man is exactly the cp-9 agent who met Lorne in the Adela Sea area, Rob Lucci. Lorne fell in love with Luqi's bloodthirsty character, and Lorne was also attracted by Lorne. Attracted by Eun's condition of allowing him to kill at will.

The two hit it off and chose to unite together.

Later, Lorne used his own power to provide Rob Lucci with various opportunities to make meritorious deeds. Rob Lucci also used the resources of cp 9 to help Lorne eliminate dissidents in the name of the World Government. The two worked hand in hand and worked together for many years.

However, ever since Lu Qi accumulated enough meritorious service and was promoted to cp-0, the two seldom contacted each other.

Today, after Lu Qi became cp-0, the two met for the first time.

"But now I have a very important question to ask you." The two were old friends for many years, and there was no need for unnecessary greetings. Lorne cut directly to the topic and asked softly.

"About your cp-0."

"Oh?" Lu Qi nodded. He understood Lorne's character and would never do meaningless things.

What he asked must be what he wanted to know.

"About the identity of one of your cp-0 members."

No one noticed the secret conversation between the two in this room. When Lorne walked out of the room, it was already late and it was time for dinner.

The dining room was a small auditorium, and the kings sat together in twos and threes, as if they were discussing something.

In the afternoon news spread among the kings that a Draconian had been injured. The kings were panic-stricken and in no mood to eat. Lorne, who was the instigator, enjoyed Mary Gioia's food with a calm expression.

As if this matter had nothing to do with him.

During the meal, Ariel wanted to come over and say something to Lorne, but a group of princesses and queens surrounded her in the middle, and she couldn't get away at all, so she had to give up. He watched helplessly as Lorne left gracefully after the meal.

The dinner was over, and the kings returned to their dorms in twos and threes. At this time, Marie Gioia was calm, but the "Tianlong people's attack incident" seemed to ring a wake-up call, and condensed into a drive-by flower in the hearts of the kings. The lingering cloud.

Tomorrow is the World Conference. Will the World Conference this time really go well?


When the first ray of sunlight shone on Marie Gioia's land in the morning, Lorne set off for the conference room of the World Conference.

There was a huge circular table in the meeting room, and the kings attending the meeting sat on the periphery of this circular table. Lorne looked around, trying to find his acquaintances.

Sitting on his left is a middle-aged man with a bald head but an unusually serious expression, and sitting on Lorne's right is the Queen of the Kingdom of Martial Arts, Xia Lan, who had met once before.

At this moment, Xia Lan looked at Lorne with vigilant eyes.

Ariel sat diagonally across from Lorne, and after noticing Lorne's gaze, she nodded slightly at him. Agatha sat next to Ariel, playing with her fingers idly.

This little girl has been avoiding Lorne since that incident, and Lorne has nothing to do about it.

Doflamingo leaned back in his chair and snorted, he didn't seem to care much about this meeting.

But beside him, there was a huge empty seat, which seemed to be reserved for someone.

"Sorry, I'm late." At this time, the door of the conference room was slowly pushed open, and a tall man with a Bible walked in slowly.

He sat down next to Doflamingo, put the Bible in his hand on the table, and said calmly.

"Can we start?"

His tone was not kind, and the kings present frowned slightly, but they still didn't explode in the end.

After all, this man is a bear, tyrant, Bartholomew Bear!

"Even you are here, this meeting is interesting." Doflamingo tapped the conference table lightly, the thin lines in his hand constantly intertwined and changing.

"By the way, who is the speaker this time, hurry up and announce the start of the meeting."

"I am," a short old man with a book in his hand stood up slowly. He coughed and adjusted his clothes to make himself look more gentlemanly.

"I will preside over this meeting, so please take care of me."

"It's over! How could it be him?" Xia Lan, who was sitting next to Lorne, covered her eyes in despair.

"This King Link is notoriously pedantic. This meeting will waste a lot of my time."

Not only Xia Lan, but many kings present seemed to know this Link, and they all frowned.

It seems that Link's popularity is not very good, Lorne secretly thought. But it doesn't matter, he doesn't care about this World Conference. Just take it as a vacation for yourself and let yourself have a good rest.

But soon he regretted it, and he suddenly understood the reason why these kings were crying.

This Link speaks very slowly, with long stretches between each word. Lorne almost fell asleep listening to it, and the most terrifying thing is that due to his age, Link's memory is not very good. I often forget half of what I said and say it again.

After most of the day, the theme of the World Conference has not even been cut.

Lorne reckoned that at this rate, the seven days of the World Conference would at most resolve some trivial matters. It is estimated that there is no time to discuss other matters related to the vital interests of the kings.

"The brilliance of the seniors... cannot be forgotten, we... must solve the... pirates... for the future of the juniors..."

Link was out of breath after a long speech, and Lorne was worried that he would die suddenly, so he slowed down and took a sip of water before continuing.

"So the first thing we have to solve is how to deal with the pirates?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lorne's squinted eyes suddenly opened. What Link meant was that he was going to declare war with the pirates? A golden light flashed in Lorne's eyes, and he looked at Doflamingo and the bear, wondering how they would react.

However, these two people seemed to have not heard what Link said, they closed their eyes and said nothing.

"Eradication of the pirates is a major event that will benefit at this time and benefit the future. I plan to build an ocean-going army to expedition to the new world. Eradicate the Four Emperors! Return the sea to a bright future!"

Link said loudly, he tapped the table lightly, his gaze was firm.

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