Pirate Family

Chapter 408 New Pirate Alliance

Of course it doesn't mean that the two are afraid of this puppet bomb. In fact, even if he exploded on the spot, there are countless ways for the two to evacuate safely.

The reason they are dignified is because they see some small details.

The strength of this King of Feathers is very rare, and Doflamingo estimates that it is probably about the same as the 70 to 80 million pirates in the paradise.

If it was just that, Doflamingo wouldn't care, but there was a word mentioned in Huo's words, transformation.

Transformation also means that it may be mass-produced.

Doflamingo saw the terrifying war potential of this technology at a glance.

After hearing about the volcanic rock, Lorne has basically concluded that Vegapunk is in their hands, and this so-called "New Pirate Alliance" did not show such strong technological strength before, but now it has been shown, not to make it clear Tell everyone, do they have a scientist in their hands?

Reminiscent of the "Punk Hazard" incident some time ago, the answer is ready to come out.

"Also, don't think that Mary Joya's guards can save your lives. My puppet carries a device that can block Mary Joya's monitoring. Now people outside don't know what's going on inside."

"For the sake of safety, no one is allowed to approach this group. Otherwise, I will detonate the volcanic explosive immediately."

"I'm done talking, now"

"Time begins."

Huo said coldly on the other end of the phone, King Feather took out an hourglass from his body and put it on the table.

"Think about it, kings."

The quicksand in the hourglass kept falling, and as time went by, the hearts of the kings gradually became anxious.

One billion sounds like a lot, but for most of their royal families, it is not an unbearable number.

So, what the hell to do now?


In a new world, in a certain sea area, a naval warship is sailing on the sea.

Some pirates were happy to see Lie Xin, and wanted to attack this warship, but when they saw the man standing on the bow of the warship with his hands wrapped around and a resolute face, their expressions changed drastically, and they turned around and ran away.

Because this man was once a well-known admiral, the black-armed Zefa!

A few years ago, after the navy failed to round up Laidfield and Caesar in the Paradise, the older generation of generals abdicated one after another, and handed over the power to the new generation of red dogs, yellow monkeys, and Aokiji.

Zefa also completely faded out of people's sight, and he didn't even participate in the execution war.

What is the purpose of appearing here at this time.

"Report to Teacher Zefa!" At this moment, a young navy rushed out of the cabin,

"Ahead is the Devil's Rock sea area. According to the intelligence of the informants, there was a transaction between the New Pirate Alliance and the Four Emperor Kaido."

"They got this sea area from Kaido."

"I hope the message will not be wrong." Zefa looked at the information, and then put it back.

He looked into the distance, at the small island looming on the sea level, a little hatred appeared on his resolute face.

Zefa served as the vice-principal of the Naval Academy after his retirement, in charge of mentoring new recruits.

But not long ago, a warship carrying a formation of naval recruits was ambushed by the New Pirate Alliance in the waters of Paradise, and the entire ship's recruits disappeared without a trace. Later, the navy found the bodies of several female sailors on the wreckage of the warship.

These corpses are full of traces of ravages, one can imagine what kind of inhuman torture she suffered during her lifetime.

Zefa remembers that when he went to call the parents of these sailors, there was still some hope in their desperate eyes. At the same time, they kept saying that being a navy is their children’s dream. Now that they have made this decision, they have the consciousness to dedicate their lives to justice!

They were already mentally prepared!

But the more this happened, the more guilty Zefa felt. He couldn't forget the immature faces in his memory, so he vowed to wipe out this new pirate alliance!

The warship gradually approached the sea area of ​​Devil's Rock, and Zefa could even see the outline of the island. I don't know if it's because Huo Taito is so proud, or because they are not here at all.

The area around the island is uninhabited, and there is not a single pirate on guard.

"Crowd!" Zefa snorted coldly, commanding the boat to dock,

"Brigadier General Ag led people to surround the island, and never let a fish slip through the net"

Zefa commanded calmly, and a strong man over three meters tall gave a military salute and roared seriously.


"Brigadier Na Keke is in charge of guarding the surroundings to prevent sneak attacks by pirates."

A tall and slender female navy with long black hair nodded.

"I see, Teacher Zefa."

"Then, others, follow me to defeat these pirates!"

Zefa yelled! Lead a group of elite soldiers to jump on Devil's Rock Island.

But at this time, a lazy male voice rang in their ears.

"This island is the territory of the New Pirate Alliance. You came here without permission, can I consider it a declaration of war?"

The man is wearing a long robe, covering his whole body in darkness. He is sitting on a rock, holding a fishing rod as if he is fishing. After seeing Zefa, he tilted his head and said.

Seeing the man's face clearly, Zefa looked surprised, and then the surprise turned to anger.

"I just said how the new Pirate Alliance knows the actions of the Navy like the back of their hands. It turns out that you are also one of them."

"You will pay the price for this! King Shichibukai!"

While Zefa was talking, he commanded the navy to surround the man.

But there was no panic on the man's face, he pointed his middle finger at Zefa and said sarcastically.



Conference room of the World Conference. The time of the hourglass in the center of the table kept passing, and the kings present were extremely anxious.

Finally, someone couldn't bear it and signed the "Voluntary Donation Agreement" in front of them.

Someone took the lead, and the others seemed to be inspired, and they also picked up the pen and owed their names.

After all, your own life is the most important thing! One billion Baileys is not too much for them, the big deal is to exploit the people in their own territory. But if you die, everything is empty talk!

In a short time, dozens of kings wrote their names on the agreement. After finishing this matter, these kings were relieved, and some even began to urge other kings who did not leave.

Lorne had a look of helplessness on his face. He had struggled for so long and only managed to accumulate such a small fortune. He never thought that Huo could get so much wealth with one "kidnapping". If this agreement comes into effect, this new pirate alliance can get tens of billions of Bailey's wealth.

At this time, more than half of the kings still hold a wait-and-see attitude.

And in the hourglass, there are only three minutes left!

Thank you book friend {Day} for not understanding {Night}'s black monthly ticket!

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