Pirate Family

Chapter 422: Shadow, Shadow, Shadow!

Swordsmen are different from other warriors, they pursue ultimate destructive power.

In the world of swordsmen, everything is divided into two types. Those that can be cut off, and those that can be cut off temporarily.

But it is precisely because of this terrible destructive power that the swordsman consumes a lot of physical energy. Especially when facing an opponent who is equal to them, their duel will not last too long.

Sure enough, not long after Beckman finished speaking, the two took a few steps back after fighting each other.

The breathing of the two of them was a little disturbed, and the hand holding the knife trembled slightly. This shows that the two of them are close to the limit of their physical strength.

"The number one swordsman in the world, well-deserved reputation." Shanks smiled calmly.

"If it's just a competition of swordsmanship, I'm not as good as you."

"However, what I am best at is actually not swordsmanship. You have to be careful with the next move."

However, Mihawk didn't speak, and Shanks only responded with a knife.

"Are you going to use that trick?" At this moment, Shanks' crew members were a little excited. They know what Shanks will use next.

"That's for the old man with the white beard. Is it really suitable for this place?"

"Tyrant..." Shanks closed his eyes, and the domineering lavender color spread. wrap around this.

The surrounding flowers and plants moved without wind, and with Shanks at the center, he slowly bent his waist.

It was as if the whole world had lowered its noble head.

And Shanks is the king of the whole world.

And Mihawk tightly held his black knife Ye, this Shanks is definitely the strongest opponent he has ever encountered.

It is also the first time he has seen a domineering domineering look that can affect the surrounding environment.

Mihawk knew that he would stand at the pinnacle of swordsmanship since he learned the sword.

But at this time, he hesitated.

But this hesitation only lasted for a moment, and Mihawk dismissed it from his mind, and was secretly surprised at the same time.

Is this the real usage of domineering color? Let the opponent not have the idea of ​​​​being an enemy.

The two confronted each other, refining their aura to the peak. They all know that the next knife may not be able to separate life and death, but it will definitely determine the outcome.

But at this time, a big hole suddenly opened in the city wall of the Central City of Sri Lanka, and a murloc with blue skin flew out of the city, landing right in front of the two of them.

His body was full of horrific injuries, and it was a miracle that he was alive. But after seeing the two people passing by, he still struggled to get up. At the same time, he said vaguely in his mouth.

"Run, there is... a... monster... in the city."

"Jinbe...the boss is about to...can't hold on any longer."

At this time, a black figure tens of meters tall slowly stood up, looked at this side, and shook its head slightly.

As if provocative.


As soon as Lorne entered the central city, he frowned slightly when he saw the scene in front of him.

Sri Lanka is known as the richest island in the middle of the New World. Pirates who have been there once used words like "gold everywhere" to describe it.

Lorne once thought that even if this Sri Lanka was not as holy and inviolable as Balan and Mary Gioia, it should be as clean and tidy as Adela.

But what appeared in front of Lorne was a chaotic city. The shops on both sides of the street were smashed and robbed, the white walls were covered with blood, and many residents fell powerlessly against the walls.

The pirates searched for wealth in the city, and then escaped like stray dogs. Countless zombie-like monsters ravaged the city. When the group of zombies caught sight of a living person, they rushed forward. And stuff a shadow bat into the opponent's body.

It didn't take long for the person to become the new zombie.

"Why, are you softening your heart?" Doflamingo raised his eyebrows when he saw Lorne like this, and said with interest.

"It's just pathetic."

Lorne saw a pirate and knew he couldn't escape, so he rushed into a shop, grabbed the hostess inside and began to tear her clothes, wanting to enjoy it before the group of zombies arrived.

But at this moment, he suddenly froze, and then a blood sword pierced his heart.

He fell all over the hostess. Garrett, who was standing behind him with a look of contempt, was revealed.


The hostess only reacted at this time, pushed away the corpse lying on her body, and then yelled out of control.

But she saw the black-haired man in front of her put her index finger near her mouth and made a silent movement.

Immediately afterwards, she could no longer make a sound.

"I don't reject killing, but I hate this kind of senseless massacre."

Lorne frowned and said coldly.

"This Moria really disappointed me. It turned out to be Huo's dog."

The first time he saw this group of zombies, he knew that it was written by Moria.

Force the shadow into the target's body, turning the target into a puppet of oneself.

What Huo wants is not just a Sri Lanka, he wants to use Sri Lanka as his bait, and then eat all the prey in one bite!

After eating the dessert in the center of the city, is the next target Shanks and Mihawk dueling outside the city?

"Wait a minute, there might be a tough battle coming." Lorne looked at Doflamingo and said calmly.

At this time, he didn't know how many shadows Moria had devoured, and he couldn't guarantee that he must be Moria's opponent now.

After all, at his peak, he was a big pirate who could compete with Kaido.

"Moria, is that trash worthy of him?" Doflamingo sneered and said, countless thin threads flew out of his hands and hung on the limbs of several zombies.

Manipulating them to dance a funny dance, just like a marionette on the stage for people to make fun of.

"Fufufufufu, manipulation?"

"I don't know who among us is the one who is the most capable of manipulating others."


"Why, my strength will become smaller." Moria punched Kurt through the chest, and then lifted him up by his braid.

Kurt knew he was going to die, but he still asked his own question. In the midst of the duel, his strength continued to drain.

Otherwise, he wouldn't lose so quickly.

"Because there is a 'ghost' in my heart." Huo walked over, patted Kete on the face, and said with a mocking face.

Moriah took out a pair of giant scissors, grabbed Kurt's shadow and cut it off. Then stuff the cut shadow into his mouth.

Kurt was powerless to resist and could only watch it happen. After Moria swallowed Curt's shadow, he slapped him full and said with an intoxicated face.

"Shadow, shadow, not yet full."

Moria's shadow suddenly began to elongate, turning into a black giant tens of meters high.

The giant looked in a certain direction, drooling from the corner of his mouth.

"More shadows!"

Thank you book friends for the monthly pass of Sue Piefan, Sake, Xuanshang L Xiaoyu!

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