Pirate Family

Chapter 43 The Legend That Will Come to an End

"What are you two talking about?" The quarrel over there seemed to have a result, and it ended with Turner's victory.

I don't know what those Turners did to him. At this time, the pirate who failed was completely exhausted, curled up in a corner, and became a ball.

"How about it, let's have a good chat. Let me just say that this little guy is interesting." A hearty old man's laughter came from the depths of the prison, and it was the old Bach.

"It turns out that you old bastard is still alive. This time you are right. Not bad." Shi Ji replied with a sneer. It seems that he and the old Bach seem to have some friendship.

"What is this time? You little bastard." Old Bach said angrily, and Lorne could imagine him blowing up his beard angrily.

"Isn't it? After you were arrested, I took over all your subordinates. I treated them as subordinates who had followed Lao Tzu for many years, but what did they do to me? My whole regiment of dozens of ships hunted Roger, and they ran away Already!"

"This is your crew!" The golden lion Shiji roared. It was his life's regret not to defeat Roger head-on! And the betrayal of his subordinates is what he hates the most. These two things came together.

Let him hate the old Bach's crew deeply, and vent his anger at Roger's escape and the loss of most of the whole regiment.

Although, Roger's escape was entirely due to the sudden storm, and had little to do with them.

"You liar! Lao Tzu's subordinates are all first-class! They are all real warriors! They will never do anything like fleeing the battle. Even if you escaped, it is because you treated them badly and made them feel that you are not worthy of leading them!"

Old Bach roared angrily. There was a hoarse cough in his throat, obviously he was old and he was annoyed by Shi Ji.

"Maybe, if there is a chance to go out, I will let you see the evidence with my own eyes, and then twist your neck off with my own hands!" Shi Ke snorted coldly, and then did not continue to entangle with the old Bach.

However, the remaining prisoners did not let the two big men go, but booed.

Looking at the booing prisoners, Lorne wondered for the first time whether he had come to the wrong place.


Days passed, during which time the gate of Impelton's sixth floor was opened once, a silent and ruthless prisoner was escorted out, and then another was brought in.

A more silent middle-aged man, he is serious and resolute. Lorne couldn't help but look at him a few more times. He happened to be held in the cage of the prisoner who was escorted out.

Needless to say, the inmate who went out is afraid that he will never have the chance to come back.

On this day, the entire sixth floor was unusually quiet, and no one was making jokes or joking around. Even Turner, who had the worst mouth, closed his chattering mouth.

Everyone in Infinite Hell knows that today is the execution day of One Piece King Gol D. Roger.

The prisoners in Infinite Hell were all in a low mood. Many of them had fought Roger before, or had heard of his reputation. His death is the end of the era of pirates.

One Piece is dead, what kind of pirate do you still want to be? This is what many young people think about going to sea. The gate of infinite hell slowly opened, and Ken walked in slowly.

His expression was serious, but mixed with a hint of relief.

This barbaric age, this chaotic sea, everything will end today. This is his dream. It was also one of the driving forces that pushed him to become the Director of Impelton Prison in Advance City!

And the completion of his dream began with One Piece Gore D. Roger.

Ken stepped into the Infinite Hell step by step, and the prisoners around him were listless, without the mood of joking with Ken in the past.

"What's the matter? My heroes? Why don't you sing the praises today?" Ken said with a big laugh. The downcast faces of the heinous criminals made him feel happier.

"You bastard! Ken!" The prisoner closest to him got up and stared at the director of prisons, Ken, with tearing eyes. The prisoner was the one who was punched by Ken before, but his vitality was really tenacious. He was bleeding all over his body before, and he was unconscious. After simple treatment, it took only a few days for him to be alive and well.

The monsters imprisoned on the sixth floor really cannot be treated with common sense.

"Asshole? Huh?" Ken clapped his hands, and two soldiers behind him walked in holding an object covered by a black cloth. Then it was gently placed in the infinite hell.

"Although you call me an asshole, I still won't be angry with you, because I am the king of the prison! Hahaha!" Ken said with a big laugh, and then pulled the black cloth away with one hand. A giant monitor screen appears in Infinity Hell.

"The execution process of One Piece Gol D. Roger will be broadcast live all over the world at the same time. People all over the world, including the murlocs living in the deep sea, the fur tribes living in the forest, and the giants of Elbaf People will all enjoy the decapitation of Gol D Roger at the same time."

"Even if you are heinous bastards! But I still give you the right to watch the live broadcast." Ken laughed and turned around, "Don't thank me, bastards! This is a special gift from the warden!"

"a ha ha ha!"

Ken laughed and walked out of the gate. Two jailers who moved the screen followed closely behind Ken, and slowly closed the gate on the sixth floor. All that remains is a large screen with images constantly flashing.

The powerhouses present didn't say a word, and they had long been accustomed to Ken's provocation. Excessive scolding is nothing but a joke.

"I heard that Ken is also a miserable person." Turner, who was locked next to Lorne, said suddenly.

"Poor life?" Lorne asked in confusion, repeating Turner's vocabulary.

"Ken's news used to be worth 30 million Baileys! Now that you're locked up with me, I'll sell you 10 million Baileys!" Turner was stunned after finishing speaking, and suddenly realized that he was now imprisoned here , taking Bailey doesn't seem to work.

"Forget it, I think you are more pleasing to the eye, so I will send you this news."

News worth 30 million Baileys? Lorne pricked up his ears to listen carefully.

Turner paused and said.

"Ken, an animal fruit ability user, I don't know which animal it is, because there is almost no chance for a strong person who has fought against him too much to pass on the news. Whether it is armed color or knowledge-colored domineering, they have cultivated to the top. , Black Arm Zefa, extremely strong physical skills."

"I used to work in the Judicial Island for a while, and I hated crime and corruption extremely. I was transferred from the Judicial Island because I hated the filth and filth inside the Judicial Island. It was extremely cruel and liked to torture and kill prisoners. According to some information, Ken was young. At that time, his parents were tortured and killed in front of him, which led to his distorted personality."

"Dangerous level: Extremely dangerous, it is recommended not to provoke."

Turner finished speaking in one breath, and then looked at Lorne proudly, with a trace of complacency in his eyes.

How about it, bro!

Is this the news worth 30 million Pele? Lorne couldn't complain.

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