Pirate Family

Chapter 424 Pure Pirates and Evil Fruits

"I don't know what to say." Jinbei said, frowning. If you want your own life, use your fist to speak.

If you want to take it away, you can take it away, so isn't the mouth cannon invincible?

But he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

According to rumors, this Huo is as cunning as a fox, how could he say such mentally retarded words.

Could it be?

Jinbe squinted and found that the murloc pirates who had followed him ashore were pretending to be several corpses, and they had already touched Huo's side before he knew it. Waiting in the wings, seemingly ready to strike at any moment.

"No!" Jinbe yelled nervously. Aaron stood up suddenly, holding a sharp dagger, and rushed towards Huo.

"Go to hell, dirty human!"

But at this time, there was no panic on Huo's face, he looked at Jinping with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

"I can't kill you for the time being, so I'll take your little brother's life to pay for it!"


Huo Yi didn't move, and a gunshot fell from the sky, directly piercing the body of the murloc Aaron.

This strong murloc jumped into the air, there was nowhere to hide, he could only bear the shot, and then fell powerlessly to the ground.

"It's that sniper again!" Jinping's eyes were tearing apart. If it wasn't for the sniper who didn't know where he was hiding, how could they have lost so badly?

He wanted to attack Huo, but was stopped by Moria.

This powerful pirate didn't say a word, but his meaning was very clear, that is, if you want to attack Huo, you must pass me first!

"But this trash doesn't seem to be able to withstand your life." Huo Ping said flatly.

"So I have to add a few more." Huo walked to a corpse and lightly stepped on the cloak covering the corpse.

Then this "corpse" began to tremble imperceptibly.

It's like being scared.


Moria understood Huo's meaning, and manipulated the huge clone "Shadow Mage" to kick the corpse's waist, kicking the corpse into the air like kicking a football.


With a horrible scream, the cloak fell off, revealing a blue-skinned murloc hiding inside.

The murloc made a huge gully on the ground, and houses collapsed wherever they went. It was like a gigantic long sword, splitting a huge hole in the central city of Sri Lanka.

Through this opening, everyone can even see the scene outside the city.

The two swordsmen are now outside the city, facing Huo Yao.

Huo froze for a moment, bowed slightly, and made a "please" gesture.

"Your despicability really exceeded my expectations." Jinbe said coldly, looking at Aaron who fell to the ground and the murloc who was kicked away.

"People like you are not worthy of sailing on this sea!"

Huo Yi stepped on Aaron's head and said dismissively.

"Not worthy?"

"I don't think you are worthy! In my opinion, many people are not worthy of sailing on this sea."

"They use the name of pirates to gain fame and fame."

"Pirates are adventurers who yearn for freedom! Hehe, it's just a joke!"

Huo stepped on Aaron hard, and the latter's moans and screams made him extremely intoxicated. He pointed to himself with the index finger of his right hand.

"A real pirate should be someone like me! Someone like me who wants to win by any means!"

"Fame is nothing in front of the final victory!"

There is really no limit! Jinbe looked at Huo and Aaron who was screaming, and frowned. He had never hated a person so much, even those slaves who sold murlocs were not as good as Huo in front of him.

All he wanted to do now was hit Huo Yitong and step on his head.

"Murloc Karate, Jiao Beat!" Jinbe lifted the corpses of two zombies and threw them at Huo.

Murloc karate is a secret art of the murlocs, theoretically only murlocs can practice it.

When he first started practicing, he was able to swim in the sea more like a fish in water, but at a high level, he was able to inject his own power into the water flow and control the water flow at will.

And on land without seawater, you can only manipulate blood.

Of course, it is impossible for Jinbe to control blood as easily as Garrette. As long as the opponent has strong physical fitness, he can easily resist his own control.

He had already controlled the blood flow of the corpse just now, as long as he touched Huo's body for a moment, he could explode instantly.

With Huo's physical skills, it is impossible to dodge!

But just when the two corpses were about to fly in front of Huo, Jinbe suddenly remembered what Huo had said.

"Fame is nothing compared to victory."

There seems to be such a grain of truth, such as the notorious Shi Ke and Charlotte Lingling, Kaido and others. Isn't it the same as King's Landing, the whole new world?

In the past, I once heard that there is a knight pirate group in this sea, and their members are all high-quality knights. Powerful and happy to help others.

But in the end, because of the kindness in their hearts, they fell into a trap and were destroyed by a group of weak bounty hunters.

In this sea, good people are not rewarded.

Thinking of this, Jinping's hand couldn't help hesitating for a moment.

But at this moment, he missed the best opportunity to attack Huo. Huo turned around casually, dodging the attacks of the two corpses.

He slowly walked in front of Jinping, his eyes full of pride.

"Did you feel it? The evil thoughts in your heart."

"This sea is evil in nature and an abyss. Only demons who crawled out of hell can stand on the top of this sea."

"So, are you ready to unleash your inner demon?"



For the first time, a trace of confusion flashed in Jinbe's eyes. He raised his head and looked at Huo.

"Yes, human beings are greedy and will only harm others for their own benefit."

"I'm going to kill everyone!"

"Yes, that's it." Seeing Jinbei like this, Huo knew that he had been controlled by his "evil thought fruit".

The fruit of Huo's evil thoughts, once the thought "I am not as good as him" arises in the other party's heart, and then as long as there is the slightest uncertainty in his heart, he will be invaded by evil thoughts.

Become your own puppet.

Huo Ke was extremely envious of the fighting power shown by Jinbei.

"Ah, ah, it hurts." In the deep pit, Yaze took out a dagger, aiming at his heart and stabbing it in. Then a certain zombie pirate suddenly froze, and countless black airflows flew out of his body and flowed towards Yaze.

After a while, Yaze's wounds all over his body healed. He struggled to get up from the deep pit, and saw Jinping with a sluggish face, his face was full of understanding.

"Awaken, my demon." Huo Da shouted. The confusion in Jinbe's eyes dissipated and became firm.

"Kill all enemies!"

"That's it." Huo Dagong finished, and then turned his gaze to the huge ravine that spanned half of the city.

Two powerful auras are rapidly approaching.

"The main dish is here, are you ready, my soldiers?"

Thank you for the two monthly tickets for the journey of the book friend Mao Shenstick!

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