Pirate Family

Chapter 426 Strength

High above the sky, a man with some white wings was flying in mid-air. He was holding a two-meter-long flintlock gun and was aiming downward.

He is Seagull Sinio of the New Pirate Alliance. As early as the beginning, he was sent out by Huo to hide in the sky and wait for the opportunity to move.

They were able to defeat Kert and the group of murlocs so easily, thanks to Sineo.

But at this moment, Sinio's face was slightly hostile, and he fixed his eyes on the swordsman holding the black knife below him.

This eagle-eyed Mihawk prides himself on being a master of swordsmanship. Back then, he was so scared that he didn't dare to do anything. This time, he wanted to blow the man's arrogant head off with his own hands.

Mihawk's speed below was getting slower and slower, and Xinio began to aim slowly, waiting until Mihawk killed Yaze again. Sineo's eyes widened.

"It's now!"

As long as he pulls the trigger, the head of the strongest swordsman in the world will explode.

But at this moment, he felt a hint of danger in the dark. He subconsciously turned his head, and a bullet grazed the side of his face. The bullet was attached to the black domineering color of the weapon, even if he tried his best to resist it, it left a deep bloodstain on his face.

On the island of Sri Lanka below, a silver-haired man with a cigar in his mouth held a long gun, with a little smoke coming out of the muzzle.

He is the deputy head of the Red Hair Pirates, known as a man who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Shanks.

You know, Shanks at this time is as famous as the demon Lorne.

"Sneak attacking others is not a good habit." Beckman said indifferently.

"So you'd better stay where you are and don't move."

The members of the Shanks Pirates looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Only Jesus Bu, who was also a top shooter, knew who Beckman said to just now.

"Such a despicable act, this Huo I missed it." Shanks touched his head. Then he pulled out his saber Griffin. Walk slowly towards the central city along the road that Mihawk just cut.

"Boss seems to be angry." Fatty Lackey Lu didn't know, it was the first time he saw the boss showing such a fierce expression.

"No way, who made him the boss?" Jesus wiped his spear and followed behind Shanks.

This time, Mihawk's battle has been at a disadvantage. Although he has the world's top destructive power and powerful domineering, when facing an opponent like Yaze who can weaken the enemy. Still a little difficult to deal with.

What's more, there is Moria, who is at the peak, watching from the sidelines.

With a swing of the sword, a huge gap appeared in Yaze's waist, but he didn't care, the gap healed in a blink of an eye.

And Moriah's shadow mage has also recovered, he completely protects Moriah behind him, and Murloc Jinbe also protects Huo. Mihawk was not given the slightest chance.

If things go on like this, defeat will happen sooner or later.

But at this time, a man's dismissive voice sounded in the battlefield.

"Despicable people don't deserve to win."

A red-haired man with a long knife appeared on the battlefield. Behind him is the entire red-haired pirate group!

"You're finally here!" Huo looked at Shanks with killing intent on his face.

His final plan is to gain the power of this man and his entire red-haired pirate group.

It is best if you can be controlled by your own "Evil Thought Fruit", if you can't, use Moria's "Shadow Fruit" to cut off their shadows, and then use it for yourself.

With the power of the entire red-haired pirate group, Huo can become the top tycoon in this sea.

Under the control of Moriah, countless shadow zombies slowly moved towards the group of red-haired pirates.

This is the puppet made by the New Pirate Alliance after defeating so many pirate groups and looting the shadows of all of them.

He is not afraid of death and has extraordinary strength.

"It seems that we have to fight?" Shanks sighed, his eyes gradually became sharper.

A lavender halo, with him as the center, spread around Zhang, and soon enveloped the entire battlefield.

The enemies standing on the battlefield felt a suffocating pressure.

"The Overlord's Territory." Shanks said lightly, that is, after the duel between himself and Mihawk, his physical strength was a little overdrawn, otherwise this skill alone could crush them all to death.

And Huo's confident expression, after feeling the suffocating domineering, suddenly froze.

He seemed to have underestimated the strength of the monsters in this sea.

"Quick fight," he ordered. Then joined the side battle against Mihawk.

After being severely weakened, Mihawk has lost the power to kill him instantly.

The shadow mage who was free led the zombies and surrounded the group of red-haired pirates.

The zombies were so frightened that they didn't understand, roared, and then rushed towards the red-haired pirates.

Shanks wanted to swing his knife, but a fat murloc jumped right in front of him.

"Murloc Karate·Jiao Beat!"

A huge shock wave was released at zero distance. Fortunately, Shanks raised his knife in time to resist, and the fist and knife collided, and the two took a step back.

"It's the first time I've seen a murloc as strong as you." Shanks narrowed his eyes, "Report your name."

"Jinbe!" Jinbe grinned, his two sharp fangs combined with his murderous eyes were extremely scary.

"I remember your name." Shanks nodded and said with a little regret.

"But it's sad that a strong man like you is manipulated by someone like Huo."

"So let me help you."

Shanks raised his sword against Jinbei, and under the blessing of "The Overlord's Territory", even if he was exhausted, he could still maintain the strength of his previous peak period.

It is more than enough to deal with an unknown pirate. With a slash, Jinpei dexterously dodged, but was still cut open with a shallow wound.

However, Moriah's body has already rushed in front of Shanks. He has devoured thousands of shadows, possesses unimaginable terrifying power, and even repelled Shanks who was in the overlord state in a head-to-head confrontation.

But there was a flash of excitement in Shanks' eyes, he was not afraid, and he hit two with one!

"Then let us deal with the others." Jesus Bu yawned, and then drew out the two short guns from his waist.

Step by step, he walked towards the hordes of zombies raging ahead.

Bang bang bang bang!

Every bullet can carry an enemy.

However, there are too many enemies, and there is also a huge shadow mage watching from the side. They want to clean up and it will be a while.

Therefore, the entire battlefield has fallen into a stalemate, and the side of the three parties that can resolve the battle first will be able to break the deadlock.

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