Pirate Family

Chapter 428 Not as good as me!

Is it also a manipulative devil fruit? His biggest hole card was ruthlessly revealed, but Huo didn't feel the slightest panic in his heart.

Moria can manipulate shadows, and he can manipulate evil thoughts, so what can he manipulate this Lorne?

But no matter what can be manipulated, one thing is certain, that is, the body of manipulative devil fruit ability users is not strong.

I still have a chance to come back!

He raised his head and looked at Lorne with clear eyes. The black curly hair in the shawl makes him look like a big boy with sunshine.

"As expected of the legendary demon Lorne, it was really wise that I didn't choose to attack you at first."

If his initial target had been the chosen demon Lorne instead of Moonlight Moria, the situation would have been completely different.

Yaze looked at Lorne, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes. This ability to manipulate other people at will was something he wished for!

He waved his hand, Jinbei, Yaze, Moria and others beside him all stopped, as if they were listening to his order.

All the zombie soldiers also froze in place. Like a statue.

"But!" A hint of madness flashed across Huo's face,

"Why do you think I can't escape, so you don't dare to detonate the explosives. At worst, everyone will die together?"

What a madman!

The faces of all the people present changed in an instant. They didn't expect that Huo was so crazy, their plan failed, and they directly wanted to drag everyone to die together.

I'm not as crazy as he is, a thought that crossed the minds of many present.

But at the moment when this idea appeared, an evil thought suddenly rushed into their hearts, perhaps it is not a bad thing to follow such a crazy person.

Only the craziest can dominate this ocean.

It's done! There was hostility on Huo's face. Just now, many people had the idea of ​​"not as good as themselves" in their hearts. At this time, evil thoughts had already entangled their hearts.

"It's now."

Taking advantage of the gap between them fighting against the evil thoughts, the huge shadow mage had already rushed towards Mihawk.

"How dare you!" At this time, Mihawk's eyes were still clear. As a swordsman, he couldn't swing his sword without a firm heart.

But at this time, he was too weak to resist the shadow mage. Moria also took this opportunity, took out a pair of scissors, and caught Mihawk's shadow.

"Ehhaha, I accept the shadow of the world's number one swordsman!"

Click, the scissors cut off Mihawk's shadow. He wanted to struggle without his master's shadow, but was thrown into his mouth by Moria.


Feeling the immense power, Moria was moved. He casually picked up a long sword from the battlefield. This ordinary long sword is like a part of his body.

Moria felt that there was nothing in this world that he could not cut with a single sword!

Is this the power of the world's number one swordsman?

He picked up the long sword and walked towards Lorne with a grim expression. At this time, Moria's heart was already controlled by evil thoughts.

He only remembered that the man in front of him had humiliated him, and now that he had gained strength, he would repay the humiliation he suffered in the past.

"This is the beauty of manipulative devil fruits. You don't need great power, you can get everything with your brain."

After seeing Moria devouring Mihawk's shadow, Huo finally let out a long sigh of relief, and walked up to Lorne in high spirits, as if he had a chance of winning. He waved his hand lightly, and Moriah on the side stopped moving.

Sora has the power to look down on everything, but he is still someone else's dog, how sad.

"Then tell me what your abilities are."

Huo couldn't wait to ask, he had already collected several manipulative fruits, if he got Lorne's ability again, then this conquering of the world would be within reach!

"Are I capable?" He raised his head so sleepy, his black eyes showed no expression.

"Probably manipulating people's hearts."


"Don't you think you're too close to me?" A strange smile suddenly appeared on Lorne's face, and the faces of Garrett next to him also returned to calm. Tilting his head, he looked at Huo curiously.

Huo didn't know what to do. But there was a vague sense that something was wrong. He wanted to run away, but his body didn't listen and he couldn't move.

When he walked over, Doflamingo had already wrapped countless thin threads around his body, and with Huo's physical skills, it was impossible to break free.

"The superhuman fruit is the fruit of evil thoughts. As long as the other party has the idea that he is not as good as you, he will be invaded by countless evil thoughts. Anyone who is not determined will become your puppet."

A red-skinned murloc came out slowly. He was seriously injured. He looked at Jinbei beside him with regret.

"Why aren't you dead, Tiger!" Huo recognized the person who came, and asked struggling.

"Because your ability is not perfect, you can't completely control others," Tiger said coldly. He recalled that the boy had said in his ear before he was defeated by Yaze.

"help me!"

The boyish voice with a crying voice made Tiger feel soft-hearted.

What an ambitious character Yaze is, how ridiculous it is to be reduced to someone else's puppet.

"Your performance just now should be to let everyone be infected by your madness, and have the idea that you are not as good as you." Lorne said slowly, a trace of sickness suddenly appeared on his face.


"What happened to you again, my madness is not as good as your illusion,"

"Is it difficult to destroy an island?"

You know, at the very beginning, Lorne became famous in this sea with the words "crazy, no matter the cost".

He used the sword of Damocles to destroy so many small islands that he earned his title of "devil". What's more, he also personally released the prisoners in the city, which created this chaotic world. era.

Compared with him, Huo was still too young. If it wasn't for Vegapunk, Lorne wouldn't even look at this newcomer.

He just aroused the "arrogance" and "arrogance" in Huo's heart through his perception ability, and made Huo walk in front of him, throwing himself into the trap.

At this time, Huo Cai knew that he had fallen into Lorne's trap, and quickly shouted at Moria and the others while the others were still dealing with the evil thoughts in their hearts,

"Come and help me get rid of this man."

Moria, Yaze, and Jinpei surrounded Lorne and the others, and Huo didn't believe that Lorne could defeat them.

As long as he defeats the man in front of him, then the final victory belongs to him!

There was a determination in Huo's heart.

His great plan must not be blocked in this place!

If you fail, you might as well die!

Thank you Manmanfei for the monthly pass!

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