Pirate Family

Chapter 438 Jody's Test

His subordinates glanced at the pirates at the other table, and then a drunk immediately stood up and walked towards Jody staggeringly.

"Hey! Isn't this the tiger shark with a bounty of 20 million Baileys, Roja?"

The drunk man sat next to Jody, put his hand on Jody's shoulder, and shouted loudly.

"Don't you recognize me? I'm Hart the Dingo."

This made the tavern suddenly quiet, and it took a few seconds for the bustle to resume.

But at this time, everyone present, including the previous group of bounty hunters, focused on Jody.

At the same time, their breathing became a little short. Among the bounty hunters, their strength is not very top, otherwise they would have gone to the new world to mess around.

For them, 20 million Pele is quite a considerable number.

I'm coming!

Jody knew that someone was testing him, but he still pretended to be dazed and asked.

"Did you recognize the wrong person? I'm not..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Hart gagged Jody.

"I said, what are you afraid of? With my brother here, would anyone dare to attack you?"

After finishing speaking, he greeted the bartender and ordered a case of wine.

"Today, you and my brother will not return home if we are not drunk!"

Grunt grunt grunt.

The two continued to drink heavily. However, this Hart didn't seem to be able to drink very well. He didn't drink much, so he fell on the table.

"Hahahaha," Jody laughed, as if mocking Hart's drinking.

But at this time, a bounty hunter in denim suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

"There's a bounty of 8,000,000 (eight million) Bailey's Dingo Hart," and then turned to look at Jody again.

"And Roja the Tiger Shark with a bounty of 200,000,000 (20 million) Bailey?"

"Who are you?" Jody asked pretending to be blank.

"It doesn't matter who I am," the bounty hunter pulled out a revolver. This is the latest product of "Winhill Armed Company". The silver-white streamlined gun body is very beautiful, and the burst speed is quite fast, and it can be modified to fill large-caliber ammunition. It is a sharp weapon for killing people and stealing goods!

He bought this gun from the battlefield on Iqi Island in the middle of the North Sea at a great price.

"The important thing is, I took the bounty on the heads of the two of you!"


Flames spewed from the muzzle, and a high-caliber ammunition roared out. Aimed at Jody's head.

Jody originally wanted to use armed domineering to resist, but after thinking about it, Beihai did not have the concept of domineering, but turned his head, pretending to be an instinctive reaction of the body.

The bullet grazed the side of Jody's face. Hit on the bar of the tavern.

"Bounty hunters and pirates are fighting!"

It was only at this time that the drinkers came to their senses and prepared to flee in panic, but found that the door of the tavern had long been blocked by a group of bounty hunters.

"This door seems to be broken!" A bounty hunter said lightly.

"So I wronged everyone to stay here for a while."

Is this person trying to test himself by attracting a group of bounty hunters to besiege him?

Jody narrowed his eyes and began to think.

To be honest, he really doesn't pay attention to this group of bounty hunters. After all, as early as ten years ago, he was a big pirate with a bounty close to 100 million.

After so many years, his strength has improved a lot.

But since there is a test, it means that "the examiner" is secretly observing. Jody opened his eyes, and he couldn't show too much strength to make the other party afraid, and he couldn't be too weak to make the other party look down on him.

"What luck, I missed it." The bounty hunter with a revolver was surprised to see that he had missed a shot. He was about to shoot again, but Jody hit his wrist with a wine bottle.

The revolver fell to the ground and slipped around a corner.

"How dare you sneak attack me!" Jody roared pretending to be angry, and an old fist hit the bounty hunter's face directly.

In order to avoid killing the opponent all at once, he reserved some strength, but even so, he directly collapsed the opponent's nose.

"How dare you!" the bounty hunter said incredulously while clutching his nose, with blood continuously flowing from his fingertips.

At this time, his companion had already come over and slowly surrounded Jody and the two of them.

"A mere pirate, how dare you attack a bounty hunter?!"

Just as the group of bounty hunters were about to attack, a strong male voice slowly rang in their ears.

"You guys, do you really think of yourself as the master of this sea?"

"I'm also a bounty offender. You've influenced me to drink, you bastard."

The bearded man got up, picked up the silver revolver on the ground, and played with it. He reminded three meters up, just standing there, there is an oppressive force.

"So, is the door to the tavern ready now?"

"The bounty of 65,000,000 (sixty-five million) Bailey's Vulture Modo." The leader of the bounty hunter said the name of the comer with a livid face.

Then he waved his hand and said to the companions behind him.

"let's go!"

Vulture Modo is a veteran pirate group in the North Sea. After the Don Quixote family left the North Sea, they became the top power in the North Sea.

The title of vulture does not mean that he looks like a vulture, but that he is as cruel as a vulture.

After the bounty hunters left, the drinkers in the tavern let out loud laughter.

It is rare for a bounty hunter who is arrogant and arrogant on weekdays to look so embarrassed.

When the door of the tavern was closed again, Modo helped Jody and Hart back to their seats and poured them a glass of wine.

"I heard that you are looking for the Pirates to join?"

Modo pretended to ask casually.

The meat is here! That's what Jody was waiting for, he replied honestly.

"Yeah, I'm the most capable person in our place. My dream since I was a child is to be a pirate."

"It can be seen." Modo squinted his eyes and said, the skill that Jody showed just now is really good, and with a little practice, he can become a qualified fighter.

And did not abandon Hart to escape alone. This kind of simplicity is extremely rare in the pirate world.

"May I have your name?"

"Jodi." Jody touched his head and said honestly.

"It's the same name as Jody from the Vinhill family, and people in my hometown usually laugh at me for it, so I'm going to go to sea and show them a big pirate!"

"A good dream!" Modo commented, he looked around Jody, and didn't see anything suspicious. He opened his big hand towards him.

"Then do you want to join us? I have a big business."

"When I complete this business, we will have inexhaustible wealth. At that time, don't say anything about the thugs under the command of Shichibukai, even Lorne himself, can't compare with you!"

Thank you Red ぃ Butterfly~ for the two monthly tickets!

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