Pirate Family

Chapter 442 The World's Highest Right

"Recommended candidates?"

Warring States means this. It was clear that Yaze could be given up, but Lorne had to come up with someone to fill Yaze's vacancy.

"It should be fine for Seaman Jinbe from the murloc family."

Lorne said lightly, although Jinbei at this time is not as powerful and domineering as in the original book, he has already begun to have strength, and even his Tiger is quite inferior.

"Murloc?" Zhan Guo shook his head decisively.

"Murlocs can't do it, you know that."

It seems that during this period of time, the gap between humans and murlocs is still very large.

Maybe Sengoku himself doesn't care about Shibe's race, but people who are not of my race must have different hearts. If there is no restraint, they still don't feel at ease about Shibe.

Lorne perfunctorily mentioned the names of several pirates, including the recent sea knight Gaia, or the golden emperor Tezolo, but Sengoku rejected them as inappropriate.

At the back, even Lorne became a little impatient, he frowned and asked.

"What does the Navy mean?"

"Dialos." Warring States slowly said a person's name,

"The higher-ups don't allow what happened to Huo to happen again, so they pay close attention to the emerging newcomers."

"This Diaros is the most outstanding one among this group of newcomers. If possible, the higher-ups want him to become the king's Qiwuhai."

"But the navy is not doing this right now, so you need to come forward and help the navy communicate."

"He just appeared in the Chambord Islands some time ago, and if you count the time, he should come to your territory soon."

This person should be the person that the navy was going to use to replace Moriah. Lorne lowered his head and began to think.

Lorne had heard of this Diaros before. He is a newcomer who has only entered the great route in the last year. He once attacked Judiciary Island angrily because his companion was arrested.

Finally, before the companion crossed the gate of justice, he was rescued.

It seems to be able to turn the things it touches into ashes, and wherever it goes, there will be no grass, just like the end of the world.

If it was him, he would indeed have the strength to assume the position of Shichibukai under the king.

However, it can also be seen that the situation of the navy is a bit embarrassing, otherwise, before this, pirates with "bad marks" like Diaros would not be considered at all.

"Okay, I'll go talk to him." Lorne nodded and agreed to the matter.

"But I have a request. No matter whether it succeeds or not, I want the Navy to give me a way to go to Elbaf."

"Elbaf, the kingdom of giants?" Sengoku asked suspiciously.

"What are you doing there?"

Elbaf is the strongest country in this sea. The world government has tried to bring it under its command many times, but it has been rejected by the other party.

Seeing that Lorne didn't answer, Zhan Guo felt a little helpless.

"I can only send you a lieutenant general of the giant family. As for whether he is willing to take you there, I can't say."


Lorne said lightly.

Perhaps it was because the busy government affairs made the spirit of the Warring States period a bit depressing, or because the burden on the shoulders was too heavy. At this time, the words of the Warring States period were much more than usual. The two chatted for a while before hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, the smile on Lorne's face disappeared completely, and he asked Violet next to him,

"Did you hear anything?"

"Heroes are late," Violet said seriously after thinking for a while.

"I recently read the biographies of emperors from all over the world, and found that no matter how wise and capable kings are, they will inevitably become dull when they are old. They believe too much in their own experience and doubt the people around them."

"Pedantic, old-fashioned."

Lorne said sharply.

"Successive failures have made Warring States timid. He is afraid that the current situation will get worse and dare not make changes."

"Do you think it's still the era when you can overwhelm everything with your own force?"

Lorne turned his head to look at Gage's laboratory and his arsenal, with a regretful expression on his face.

Having been a human being for two lifetimes, he deeply knows that manpower is insignificant in front of the cold war machine.

The sword of Damocles, volcanic rock explosives... These things all verify the correctness of Lorne's theory.

Now that Roger has created the era of great pirates, he will personally lead the arrival of the mechanical age.

The tide of the times is coming!


Marie Gioia, there was a thin man sitting on the empty throne that was supposed to be empty. He was holding a book, reading it lazily, yawning from time to time and making a lazy sound.

At this time, the door of the hall opened slowly, and several old people walked in. They walked straight to the throne, and then knelt down respectfully.

"Master Im, please guide us!"

If anyone else sees this scene, they will be shocked, because these old men kneeling on the ground are the highest power holders of the world government.

Five old stars!

"What happened." The man called Im closed the book in his hand and asked calmly.

"About what happened in Sri Lanka and Stone Island."

Said the man in kimono holding a long sword.

"Oh, this little thing." Im rubbed his temples,

"Can't you decide for yourself?"

"The important thing is not this matter." The goatee in a suit said slowly,

"It's the devil fruit that appeared in this incident."

He took out Xie Nianhuo's reward list and put it on the table under Im, then briefly described the ability of the Xie Nian Fruit, and finally concluded.

"This fruit is too evil."

"And the power that destroyed Sri Lanka." Goatee took out another photo from his body, which looked like a work photo of a young man with white hair.

His eyes were deep, as if he had seen through everything.

"The volcanic rock explosive developed by Vegapunk is quite destructive and can easily destroy an island."

"The power is comparable to the legendary Pluto."

"It's horrible to have something like this out there."

"Is there something comparable to Pluto?" Im's eyes flashed a flash of memory.

"And," the old man with white curly hair wearing a black turban took out a document, the top of which was Lorne's reward list.

"The blood of the Vinhill family seems to have mastered the method of going to the sky above 10,000 meters, and has created a terrifying weapon."

Below the Lorne reward list are photos of him destroying an isolated island near the Adra Sea with the Sword of Damocles, and the decisive battle with Jhin in the Loxor Sea.

"This kind of weapon is too dangerous to be mastered by pirates!"

"What happened eight hundred years ago must never happen again."

The five old stars knelt down in unison and asked in unison.

"Master Im please decide what to erase from this piece of history."

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