Pirate Family

Chapter 447 The Avengers

Aoya's face froze. She originally asked Yaze to think about the future. She wanted to ask him to find a powerful force to protect him, such as Kaido, Shiji, etc. who had a grudge against Lorne, and those who were very friendly to their subordinates. White beard.

Or before there is much misunderstanding, apologize to Lorne as soon as possible, in order to ask for the other party's understanding.

But I didn't expect that Yaze would want to strike first and kill Lorne so as to avoid future troubles. Is this the man who aspires to become One Piece?

Arrogant, lawless, and reckless in doing things.

This is the label that Oya gave Yaze.

"They were lucky and escaped the big explosion in Sri Lanka. Then I will create another explosion for him."

Yaze clapped his hands, and his subordinates escorted a bald old man up. The old man's face was terrified, as if he still didn't understand his situation.

"Solom, an honorary member of the Artisans Association of the Red Earth Continent, is good at machinery manufacturing and shipbuilding. He was lured by the high salary offered by the Vinhill family five years ago, and joined the Vinhill family and became their craftsman leader."

Yaze took out a document that recorded Suolan's life.

"But," Yaze said in a cold voice with a cold face.

"A few months ago, Lorne was tempted by beauty, crossed the river and demolished the bridge, slandered your technology, and imprisoned you. Until a while ago, he was engaged to the woman from the Charlotte family, in order to show his kindness , to release you."

"Am i right?"

Yaze said slowly.

"Yes, yes!" Suo Lang said almost with tears in his eyes. "That white-eyed wolf in Lorne, he acted recklessly, was seduced by beauty, listened to slander, and dismissed my position. He also wanted to harm me!"

"His so-called kindness is nothing more than releasing me from that prison, turning me from a prisoner to a slave!"

"Bah!" Suo Lang spat, with resentment on his face.

"It's pity that I helped him wholeheartedly in the early days of his Vinhill family!"

Then came Solange's curses for a long time, exhausting almost all the vicious curses he knew.

"Did he lie?" Yaze glanced at Oya and asked. Aoya used to be a well-known psychiatrist when she followed him to sea, but she offended the local dignitaries because of a mistake. If Yaze hadn't passed by and rescued her, she might have been reduced to the confinement of a certain noble family. up.

"Judging from his micro-expression," Oya sighed, this Yaze finally took the path of becoming an enemy of Lorne. "No."

She once had a relationship with Lorne when she was in the King's Qiwuhai meeting. The impression that man gave her at the beginning was self-confidence, a firm belief that there is nothing she can't do, arrogance, in his eyes, she has never been afraid of this word. According to Oya's statistics, anyone who is an enemy of Lorne will have no good end.

This mental portrait is a usage of psychology. When she was bored before, she once made some psychological portraits of the kings of this sea.

There are two people similar to Lorne, the self-confidence of Roger the Pirate King, and the arrogance of Shiji the Golden Lion.

Lorne, who has both personalities, is destined to embark on the road of kingship. Is it really wise to be an enemy of him?

But since Yaze had already made a decision, she, the crew, had no choice but to follow Yaze's decision.

After all, when he rescued her from that dark cage, Oya decided to follow Yaze for the rest of her life.

"Since you said he wasn't lying, then he wasn't lying!" Yaze helped Suo Lang up from the ground, patted the dust off his clothes, and said kindly.

"Lorne has blind eyes and doesn't know Mr. Solange's ability, but I do."

"I want to ask sir, do you want revenge?"

After hearing the word "revenge", Solang's muddy eyes burned with raging flames. After coming out of the Vinhill family, he never expected these two words. It's luck that Lorne didn't make trouble for him. up.

But Yaze's words made him regain hope.

He wanted to pull Lorne off that high throne, to see if he would still show his arrogant expression when he fell from the top of the cloud into the mud.

Seeing Solang's expression, Yaze knew that the matter was over, he ordered his subordinates to bring a chair, let Solang sit down, and then spoke slowly.

"Since our two goals are the same, we can work together."

"You have worked in the Vinhill family for so long, you should know their family's operating mode well."

"That is!" After deciding that he wanted revenge, Suo Lang knew everything, and told everything he knew about the Vinhill family.

After a while, Yaze stared into Suo Lang's eyes, and after confirming that the other party had finished speaking, he nodded solemnly.

The strength of this Vinhill family far exceeded his imagination.

The whole Haihai knows that the Vinhill family started out in the arms business, and he and the Don Quixote family joined forces to monopolize the arms business of the whole world.

Adela, the country of flowers, has gradually transformed into a tourist country after Queen Agatha came to power. On the surface, the arsenal of the Vinhill family, Lilis Island is just a deserted island. With the weak protection there, Yaze was the first to not believe that it could produce munitions for the whole world.

So here comes the question, where are those munitions produced from? This is almost the question of everyone in this sea.

Now that Solange answered Yaze's question, Lorne actually found the legendary Sky Island, conquered the entire sky, and transformed Angel Island and Bika Island, the homes of Sky Islanders, into the arsenal of the Vinhill family.

A steady stream of weapons and equipment was transported from those two islands to Lilis Island, and then transported to customers all over the world through the "Venhill Armed Company".

Yaze glanced at Oya, who nodded slowly towards him.

No lie!

"So that legend turned out to be true." As a native of Beihai, Yaze had of course heard the story of "Rolando the Big Talker", but he had always scoffed at this legend since he was a child.

Now I think of what Rolando said before he died, that the country full of gold was washed up to the sky.

"Yes." Solang nodded, he had also heard of that legend. "Lorne got a large amount of gold in Sky Island, which became the capital for his fortune."

Yaze found a nautical chart, and then found the trace of Gaya Island in the middle of the paradise, frowned and said.

"It turns out that in this place, the people passing by here are all weaklings. No wonder Lorne came to the new world with confidence."

Yaze put away the chart, with a cruel smile on his face.

"But now I know it."

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

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