Pirate Family

Chapter 449: The Next Thirty Years

In the new world, in the sea of ​​giant whales, a large white ship floats in the boundless sea. On the flagpole hangs a black skull pirate flag, and a curved crescent moon is engraved on the upper lip of the skull.

From a distance, it looks like a white beard.

This sea area is one of the few sea areas in the New World where the weather is not ever-changing. It is famous for the blue whales that live here and have huge bodies comparable to sea kings.

The owner of the skull flag took a fancy to this sea area, so he occupied this place by force.


On the big white boat as huge as a whale, a tall man with a bottle hanging from his body was drinking to his heart's content.

This man is the strongest man in this sea, one of the Four Emperors, a living legend.

Whitebeard, Edward Newgate!

"Today's ration has been used up, boss, you can't drink any more."

A petite woman in a nurse's uniform held a notebook, angrily stood in front of the man and reprimanded him.

However, due to the large gap in stature between the two, a woman is like an angry kitten in front of a man, without any majesty.

"Hey, did you finish drinking so soon?" White Beard poured the wine bottle, and found that no drop of wine came out, a little discouraged.

However, he obeyed the nurse's words and was no longer self-willed.

A man next to him with a shaved pineapple head felt a little distressed when he saw this scene.

If it was before, Dad would definitely not care about Miss Linna's words, but it is different now.

The old man's physical condition is not as good as before. The hidden wounds from the battles when he was young, and the diseases brought about by aging are tormenting his body all the time.

Coupled with the war with Shiji a few years ago, although he won the victory, it also made the old man's condition worse. Now the old man has to rely on the bottles and cans hanging around him to survive.

This is the portrayal of the old man in his twilight years.

"I'm just an ordinary person with only one heart," Whitebeard comforted, as if feeling his son's emotions.

"It is a human being who will always age and die."

"Our era is over." Whitebeard sighed. People of his contemporaries were old and dead. Looking across the sea, they couldn't find a single acquaintance.

Strange flags, strange people.

"I just don't know which brat will be able to take my place."

White Beard showed his white teeth and laughed loudly. As a pirate, he was never afraid of death.

"The pirates in the new era are still too young." Said a burly man in a half body armor, he had a rather ferocious face and seemed to be forever angry.

"Even if Dad doesn't make a move, Kaido, big.mom and they are not something these newcomers can shake."

"Not necessarily, Joz, you forgot about that man." The pineapple-headed man shook his head,

"You mean, red-haired Shanks?" The burly man named Jozy asked tentatively.

He had witnessed the battle between the old man and the newcomer named Shanks before.

That man showed a strength not inferior to his father's at all. The gap between him and the four emperors today may only be the forces under his command and his own territory.

If it's him, maybe it's really possible.

"Hahahaha, Roger has a really good eye for people!" Mentioning Shanks, Whitebeard suddenly laughed.

He still remembered the trembling look of Shanks and the red-nosed clown when they faced him. He didn't expect that after only ten years, that young man had grown to this level.

"For the next thirty years in this sea, it may be the two of them who have the final say."

Whitebeard sighed.

"The two of them?" The pineapple-headed man noticed his father's words and asked suspiciously.

"Who is the other one?"

He has witnessed Shanks' strength with his own eyes, and he is convinced. Who else can make Dad value him so much?

"Report to daddy," at this moment, a pirate ran up to Whitebeard in a panic, holding a letter in his hand.

"This is a greeting post from the Vinhill family, say, say yes..."

Before he finished speaking, Whitebeard laughed loudly.


He took the letter from the pirate, engraved with the family crest of the Misty Moon of the Vinhill family, and then tore the envelope into pieces without even looking at the contents of the letter.

"Tell the person who sent the letter, what's the matter, ask that kid to come and tell me in person."

"It seems that this is the guy that Dad is talking about."

Marco and Joz looked at each other, both of them knew that Dad deserved someone else, and that was him.

"Vynhill Lorne?"

Marco glanced thoughtfully at the scattered pieces of paper.

Is that man really worthy of father's attention?


New World, Bubble Island,

"Do you know him?" The red-haired woman turned around, glanced at the back of the man who passed by them, and asked suspiciously.

Then he closed his eyes and began to perceive this man.

His body is well exercised, without the slightest cellulite. His body seems to be loose, but it is in a tight state, ready to enter the fighting mode at any time.

He should be a fighter wandering around the world, almost squeezing out the potential of his body.

The perception of animals, especially cats, is particularly strong. After the woman got the fruit, the hunting instinct of the beast and the arrogance of knowledge produced a wonderful reaction, allowing her to judge the strength of the opponent more accurately.

The man is very strong, but it may be limited by his talent. He has entered a bottleneck period. If he uses the devil fruit, the woman is fully sure to win the battle.

There are as many trash fishes of this strength as there are in this new world where strong men are born in large numbers!

"Maybe it's my illusion." The handsome man with long blond hair turned around and said slowly.

"I always feel like I just passed a prehistoric monster."

"The voyage during this period has made you a little nervous." The woman curled her lips and said nonchalantly.

"It's time for us to find a place to relax," she suddenly cried out in surprise as if remembering something.

"I heard that the famous Gulan Tezolo is in the giant whale area, not too far from here."

"Otherwise, let's go there!"

"as you wish."

The man returned to the residence of the Vinhill family. A man in Taoist robes was sitting quietly in the dojo, with a long black knife lying flat on his watch.

As if he felt something, he said without turning his head.

"You are finally back, Lord Enel."

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