Pirate Family

Chapter 452 Going to sea, the next target, Elbaf!

"You really don't want me to come with you?"

In the port of Sdio, a huge warship was docked there. Garrett stood at the pier, looking at Lorne worriedly.

"I don't know what's going on with Elbaf. I'm not at ease if you come with me."

Lorne said slowly, although the old man in the Warring States Period said that he was going to negotiate with Diaros, but he couldn't find any trace of that guy, so there was nothing he could do.

Moreover, this giant female lieutenant general was persuaded by Lorne with his own ability, and had nothing to do with the Warring States Period.

Lorne smiled and patted Garrett's head.

"Besides, some people are eager to make trouble for the family. I don't feel relieved without you."

"Understood, Jia Lei nodded," and then tried to show a smile.

"I will definitely take care of the family on your behalf,"

"But you must promise me."

"Don't do anything dangerous."

At least the card game has always worried her, because Charlotte Lingling is a devout believer, so she grew up beside Charlotte Lingling, and she has always believed in one thing since she was a child.

That is, there really is destiny.

Now that I know Lorne's destiny is to command thousands of troops and charge towards the highest throne, either become a dead bone in front of the throne, or ascend to that throne!

Then, Garrett will not stop him, she wants to be his sword, his armor, either to glory together, or,

Destroy together!

The big ship left the port slowly, and Garrett stood at the pier, watching the big ship until it disappeared on the sea level.

"It seems that you are good at deceiving little girls. Others are very devoted to you."

A lazy female voice sounded in Lorne's ear.

Gion was wearing a cool swimsuit, lying on a beach chair on the upper deck and basking in the sun.

"Thank you for the compliment." Lorne replied casually, and then took out a book of "Detailed Anatomy" and began to read it. For the fruits of surgery, knowledge is power.

As a bridge between Lorne and the navy, Gion came here many times to convey the mission of the navy, and the two of them became acquainted after coming and going.

After getting acquainted with each other, Lorne discovered that this garden completely overturned his previous harsh image of the navy. When getting along with people he was familiar with, he didn't have the usual aloof appearance at all. Instead, he talked a lot. funny ratio.

Moreover, her views on pirates are not as extreme as Akainu Sakaski.

The world is neither black nor white, but a fine gray.

She clearly knows that pirates are inexhaustible, as long as people still have dreams and the pursuit of freedom, pirates will continue to appear.

Rather than letting a cruel pirate cause harm to the world, it is better to support one that is relatively easy to control.

Lorne is the target of their dovish choice.

"Hmph!" Gion snorted, ignored Lorne, and began to apply his own sunscreen on his own.

Her long legs are slender and charming. Due to exercise, she has no trace of fat on her body, and the charming vest line around her waist is shining with the sun's light.

Gion was very confident in her figure, and at the same time, she thought in her heart that if Lorne became lustful, she could use this to blackmail Lorne.

"I also want."

However, Lorne was still staring at his medical works, but after seeing this scene, the beautiful giant lieutenant general Jasmine on the lower splint also closed her book and begged for sunscreen.

Women, there is no one who doesn't want to be more beautiful, even if it is a woman of the giant race.

Gion wailed, and then handed the sunscreen and lotion to his best friend with great reluctance, and watched pitifully as the other squeezed out all the liquid in the two small bottles and smeared it on her face. Thin layer.

"It feels pretty good, but the quantity is a bit small." Jasmine handed back the two empty bottles to Jing Yuan, and then went back to reading a book on her own.

She is one of the few giants who likes to read.

"Wow, my limited edition Baomeilai." Gion looked at the two empty bottles with distress.

She bought it from Xihai's colleagues at a high price, and now there is not a single drop left. She glanced at Lorne sadly, if she hadn't shown off in front of him, she wouldn't be like this.

"It seems that your navy is living in poverty." Lorne closed his book and looked at the garden with interest.

"Don't use your dirty pirate pipe!"

"Or you can come and hang out with me and be my secretary, among other things, you can use cosmetics as you want."

"Don't try to corrupt a Marine's inner justice with your dirty Bailey!"

Gion said viciously, who does Lorne think of himself as, a little makeup is like impressing himself?

"I have business dealings with people from Xihai Crane Clothing House, and I can buy their latest limited edition bags."

"And the Bubble Island under my command has the only food street in this sea where you can taste the delicacies from all over the world at the same time."


Gion felt that her justice had collapsed, but the most basic professional ethics allowed her to keep her heart and did not agree to Lorne's evil request.

However, after feeling the gap between the rich and the poor between herself and a big pirate like Lorne, she became depressed, and even basking in the sun became unhappy.

Until Lorne promised to give her cosmetics, limited edition bags, and take her to the Bubble Island Food Street to taste the delicious food from all over the world,


Her mood improved again.

And the other vice admiral, Jasmine, was not as easy-talking as Gion. After losing to Lorne, this taciturn woman became even more,


And from time to time, he looked at Lorne with a strange look. Once Lorne found out, he immediately turned his head and pretended to be reading a book.

As everyone knows, her every move is under the surveillance of Lorne, who has the ability to perceive.

The big ship sailed like this, and two weeks later, they appeared near a piece of blue sea.

"Whitebeard's giant whale is in front of you." Gion said seriously,

"According to information, Whitebeard's Moby Dick is currently in the sea of ​​giant whales. Should we avoid it?"

"No need." Lorne looked at the distant sea with great interest. The blue and dark blue seas were clearly separated, like an invisible thin line cutting the sea in two.

He had seen this kind of scene before when he went to the Sea of ​​Nations.

Lorne smiled slightly, showing his white teeth.

"I sent a letter of thanks to Whitebeard before, saying that I will visit him later."

Yuyuan: "????"

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