Pirate Family

Chapter 454 The Bounty Hunter's Three Trump Cards

"Is this the crew of the famous Whitebeard Pirates?"

He was pursued by a blue steamer, a new type of vessel rare in this sea, more durable and faster than oak barques.

A man with a square face and hair combed to the side stood at the bow of the boat and said with a look of disdain.

"I don't think so. His captain is so weak. I don't know if his title of the world's strongest man is in vain?"

The revolver in his hand spewed sparks, and another bullet accurately hit the dying man lying on the boat ahead.

This man is bald, with a bushy black beard on his upper lip, and he is carrying an extremely long sword.

When he heard his opponent insulting his father, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and raised his long knife, and the orange-red flame burned blazingly on the long knife. Dragging his tired body, he leaped forward and jumped towards the pirates chasing him.

"You are not allowed to insult father!"

But when he leaped into the air, the bullets in the square-faced man's hands poured out in an instant, smashing him into a sieve. Weakly fell to the deck.

"The speed at which he pulled the trigger was very fast." Lorne frowned and said slowly.

This is the first time he has seen a strong man using a gun make a move.

"If you don't pay attention, many people will fall into this shooting speed."

When the arrogance of the knowledgeable color is suppressed, the role of the knowledgeable color is only a danger warning. If you want to deal with them, you can only rely on your own reaction.

"One of the three ace bounty hunters of the Bounty Hunter Alliance, codenamed Silver King."

"A man who has the ability to independently hunt and kill more than 500 million bounty criminals."

Gion explained that after all, she has been stationed in the Chambord Islands all year round, and she is familiar with the members of the Bounty Hunter Alliance, which also has its headquarters in the Chambord Islands.

Their aces were instantly recognizable.

"He is extremely arrogant, likes to insult his prey, and even if he faces a prey that is far weaker than his own, he also likes to use ambushe tactics, let him be injured first, weaken the opponent's combat effectiveness, and then slowly hunt him down."

Lorne nodded. There are no idiots in this sea area. To be precise, idiots can't sail this sea area.

This man dared to attack Whitebeard's subordinates, he must have full confidence in his own strength,

Either they have confidence in their fighting power, or they have confidence in their ability to escape.

Seeing Lorne's interested expression, Gion couldn't help becoming vigilant.

"Hey, hey, you don't want to save Whitebeard's subordinate, do you?"

"Although this can gain Whitebeard's favor, we are the Navy, and the Bounty Hunter Alliance is our friend anyway, so what's the point of helping the opponent?"

They are now in an extremely embarrassing situation. As a navy, theoretically they should take action when encountering pirates and arrest them, but since Lorne is going to visit Whitebeard later, if he knows that he is waiting for someone The words of his subordinates.

I'm afraid he won't get out of his boat alive.

Just as Jinyuan was struggling in his heart, Yin Wang on the other side walked up to the dying man, stepped on the man's head with his leather boots, and said dismissively,

"Run, aren't you good at running? Didn't you cut my throat in the tavern? Why don't you do it now?"

The Silver King was depressed. He had just hunted a big pirate, was eating wine and singing, and suddenly this man recognized him as a bounty hunter.

It's fine if you recognize it, but this man still provokes himself. With Yin Wang's violent temper, can he bear it?

Immediately went back to the hotel, called all his brothers, and ambushed the drunk when he came out after drinking.

Relying on the first-mover advantage and the suppression of knowledge, Yin Wang severely injured the opponent in a single encounter, and this is how he now has the cat-and-mouse side.

"Skills are not as good as others, and I am willing to bow down," the man lying on the ground spat out a mouthful of blood, but still said stubbornly.

"I lost, I admit it, but if you want to use this to provoke Dad, it's still far away!"

"Sneak attacking people is such a trick, you can't hurt Dad even if you practice it for ten years!"


Before he finished speaking, the Silver King stomped on the man's head again,

"It's tough enough, I like it!" He waved his hand and asked a companion behind him.

"He seems to be called Fossa, check his bounty for me."

It is impossible for such a strong man not to carry a bounty on his body.

The bounty hunter immediately took out a small book and began to read it. This is the data of bounty criminals integrated by their bounty hunter alliance, arranged from high to low.

Those below 10 million are marked in white, which means they are all trash fish.

10 million to 100 million are marked in green. It is recommended that elite bounty hunters go there. Before making a move, it is necessary to understand the opponent's ability through internal information.

100 million to 500 million are marked in blue, this level, only the more powerful part of the elite bounty hunters can form a team to shoot.

Five hundred million to one billion, marked in purple, this level is no longer accessible to ordinary bounty hunters, even in the huge bounty hunter alliance, only the three trump cards and a few are lucky hunted.

As for more than one billion, it is marked in blood red, and only one entry is written in the introduction.


He flipped through the manual for a long time, and finally found the reward list of the man in front of him on the fifth blue page.

"Flaming Sword Fossa, with a bounty of 390,000,000 (390 million), the captain of the fifteenth team of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"It seems that I have caught a big man this time." Silver King patted Fosa's face and lifted him up.

"I'll take your head, let White Beard come and find me everywhere!"

As Lorne said, Silver King is extremely confident in his ability to escape, because his "Unsinkable Hunter" is one of the few submarines that can dive into the deep sea at will.

As strong as Whitebeard, it is impossible to find yourself in the deep sea, right?

"You underestimate daddy too much!" Fossa spat bloody saliva on King Yin's face, knowing that he was going to die, but he didn't have the slightest fear. This is something called backbone taught by daddy.

"You are such an arrogant guy, we don't know how much we have crushed over the years!"

"Then..." Silver King was about to say, "Let's try it, but saw a huge ship with a navy flag sailing slowly on the sea level.

A man with black hair is now at the bow of the boat, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"I advise you to stop. After all, Whitebeard's companion is worth far more alive than dead."

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