Pirate Family

Chapter 462 Calm

The incident on the Moby Dick was just a small episode, no matter how violent the storm would be, it had nothing to do with him.

The only thing he cared about was that this spy dared to frame him, causing him to almost lose this body.

In the middle of the night, Lorne heard a slight snoring sound from the next door, and after confirming that both Jion and Jasmine were asleep, he took out a phone bug.

"Blue, blue, blue."

"Brother Lorne, it's me, do you miss me?" A girl's voice came from the opposite side.

"Yes, I miss you." Lorne said lightly. After leaving Studio, he went to the paradise himself, and really didn't have time to accompany Xiaojia.

"Thank you, Brother Lorne." Garrett said sweetly.

"By the way, where are you now?" Lorne asked after exchanging pleasantries for a while.

"I was on my way back to Wan Guo, and my mother called and said she missed me. I haven't been back for a long time, so I just went to see her."

Sidio Island is not far from the sea area of ​​Wanguo, but at the speed of Xiaojia's boat, it will take ten days anyway. Lorne silently calculated that Xiaojia should not have arrived in Wanguo at this time.

"Listen, there's something I have to tell you," Lorne paused for a moment before continuing. "I just met an assassin on Whitebeard's boat."

"Ah, you met an assassin, are you injured?" Garrett asked with some concern.

"The point is not this," Lorne took a deep breath and said slowly. "That faction has the ability to plant spies in Whitebeard's place, so it can also plant spies in your mother's place. You must be more careful."

There was silence on the other side for a while, and then Garrett spoke weakly.

"I understand, brother Lorne should be more careful."

After telling Garrett, Lorne hung up the phone. He wasn't really worried about Garrett's safety, because unlike Whitebeard, Charlotte Lingling's physical strength was frighteningly strong, even in a relaxed state, she possessed quite terrifying defensive power, and she was nicknamed "Steel Balloon". Lorne was actually not worried about her being assassinated, let alone Katakuri, a man who could predict the future.

He waited for a while before making another call.

"Blue, blue, blue."

"Hello." A lazy female voice came from the other end of the phone bug, perhaps because she had just been woken up from a dream, Violet's tone was not as capable as before.

"Help me find out who is in charge of CP-9 now." Lorne said coldly.

This big ship is big, but Jasmine still doesn't like to curl up in the small cabin, so she sat on the huge chair on the deck and fell asleep. She heard something in a daze, opened her eyes, and found Luo En leaned on the side of the ship on the upper deck alone, looking at the distant sea by the moonlight.

"What's wrong? Can't sleep because of the fright of White Beard?" Jasmine said coldly. Lorne turned his head and met Jasmine's eyes. Why didn't he notice that this woman's mouth was so poisonous before? Sure enough, the giantess who read the book was different.

"I'm just wondering how long it will take to get to Elbaf."

Looking at the calm sea, Lorne happened to fully reflect a new moon in the sky. The sea breeze was blowing at night, and the sea level was slightly rippling, making it extremely peaceful.

"There is still Didi Island ahead, and after sailing for half a day, we will reach the windless zone." Jasmine followed Lorne's gaze and looked over, the moon reflected on the sea level had a circle of ripples, and the ripples turned into a vortex.

A huge blue whale jumped out of the sea, destroying this rare tranquility.

"The fish jumped out of the water to breathe the fresh air," Jasmine said lightly, "the storm is coming."


"Fuck, is Whitebeard crazy?"

In the sea area of ​​the giant whale, a ship with the pirate flag of the Thorn Skull is galloping on the sea, as if avoiding some monster.

A large hole was broken on its left side, and sea water was continuously flowing into the hull through this hole.

A pirate with a square hat and a parrot standing on the left button is instructing the crew to fill up the broken copper.

"We are just passing by here, why attack us!" The man roared, and the parrot on his shoulder also imitated his words, "Attack us, attack, attack."

His name is Gru, and he has a bounty of 190,000,000 (one hundred and ninety million) Bailey's blood thorns. I want to talk about cooperation with Kaido, the Four Emperors.

Unexpectedly, when passing through Whitebeard's territory, he was suddenly attacked by a unit under his command.

"I can't take it anymore." Gru said angrily when he saw the looming pirate ship behind him, "I want to fight them to the death!"

"Fish is dead and the net is broken, fish is dead and the net is broken!" the parrot roared loudly.

His words undoubtedly ignited the emotions of the pirates behind him. After all, the pirates are the freest people in this sea, and they have never been so useless. All the pirates raised their weapons one after another, responding to the captain's order.

"The fish dies and the net breaks, the fish dies and the net breaks!"

"Okay," Grue couldn't help being very proud when he saw the morale of his men, and immediately ordered them to turn the bow of the ship and decided to fight hard. Suddenly, they saw a light sailboat beside them increase their speed and rush towards their pursuers.

The light barque flies the banner of a skull with a mace in hand.

"Pele's big stick Anthony with a bounty of 250,000,000 (250 million), these bastards are dead!"

The so-called enemy of the enemy is an ally. Seeing that someone was standing on the same front as him, Gelu added a bit of confidence. The team under the Whitebeard Pirates sounds very bluffing, but it is not the headquarters after all, and Gru doesn't believe that the other party can compete with his teaming up with Anthony.

"Little ones, listen to my orders! Follow Anthony's bastard's boat, and we will defeat Whitebeard's boat together!" Gru said with pride. He raised the long knife in his hand and swung it forward.

"Kill! Knock! Knock!" All the pirates shouted excitedly. You must know that this is a ship with the white beard flag. If they win this battle, they will become famous! When bragging with others in the future, you can always say that I once sank Whitebeard's ship.

Thinking of the shocked and envious eyes of the other party, they were all motivated to paddle.

"That's it!" Gru nodded in satisfaction, but just as he was about to say the next deployment, a huge slash flew over from the ship with the white beard flag, cut across the sea, and shot directly from Anthony's The boat passed through.


There was a violent explosion on Anthony's ship, and a piece of shipwreck flew in front of Gru, all the pirates were silent, only the parrot on his shoulder continued to roar.

"Knockout! Knockout!"

boom! Grew pulled out his pistol and shot, killing the parrot.

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