Pirate Family

Chapter 503 Scary Woman and Perverted Man

"Is this the woman His Royal Highness Loki likes?" Ulay looked at Lola, who was supported by Lorne, and wondered.

The aesthetics of the giant family is slightly different from that of humans, so Lola is not too ugly in Ulay's eyes, but a bit ordinary. Without thinking too much, he directly put Lola in his pocket, and then walked towards a group of jailers as if nothing had happened.

Just as the two waves of people passed each other, the captain of the prison guard suddenly stopped and shouted coldly.


Could it be that he was discovered? Lorne, who was standing on Ulay's shoulder, was also taken aback. He subconsciously held the scalpel inside his clothes, ready to fight at any time.

The captain of the jailer walked up to Ulay, sized the latter up, then patted Ulay's sturdy shoulder, and said with satisfaction.

"The lad is quite strong, are you interested in becoming an honorable warrior?"

"I'm already a warrior! I'm serving His Royal Highness Loki!"

Ulay said proudly, it is his greatest honor to be able to serve Lord Loki!

"Then do it well! Don't let those arrogant pirates succeed." The captain of the prison guard said with a look of regret, and then walked towards the prison with the rest of the prison guards.

"It was a false alarm." Jasmine breathed a sigh of relief after the jailers had walked away, wiped off the fine sweat from her forehead, and said slowly.

If they were discovered just now, a fierce battle would definitely be inevitable. These jailers are young. If the one who lives in the palace is brought over, it will be a very serious diplomatic incident.

"Let's go back to Lord Loki's castle first." Ulay also breathed a sigh of relief, "I know a shortcut."

The entire giant city is a square capital city, the giant prison and the giant palace are in the middle of the city to the north, and Loki's castle is to the south of the capital. The shortcut Ulay mentioned was to pass through the ruins of the royal palace in the center of the capital and return to Loki's castle in a straight line.

Ulay started to trot, and Lorne, who was sitting on his shoulder, felt the wind whistling around him, and the scenery changed. After a while, he came to a piece of wreckage of a building.

"This is the ruins of the palace, the place where Lord Odin fought the man named Caesar before!"

"Hiss." Seeing the ruins, Lorne couldn't help but gasped. The ruins were like a collapsed mountain, boundless, and the wreckage of the royal palace in front of him was tens of meters high.

Is this really the trace of a battle?

"The two of them are the strongest fighters I have ever seen, and they are also my lifelong goal." Ulay said longingly, and then pulled away a huge stone pillar, and a path appeared in front of everyone.

"Come on, sit tight!"

Ulay said slowly, bowed his body, his calf slightly bent. Unconsciously, Lorne grabbed Ulay's shoulder armor subconsciously.

"Let's go!" Wu Lai rushed in along the trail among the ruins like an arrow that had been leaving the string, and the wreckage of the surrounding buildings hit his strong body and instantly turned into powder. A huge cloud of dust rose up behind him, looking from a high altitude, it looked like a knife cutting through the entire ruins.

"That's how it feels!" Wu Lai jumped over a tall building and landed on the ground, causing the ground to tremble slightly. But he still didn't slow down, like a runaway wild horse, he rushed towards the south of the capital.

On the south side of the capital, an ordinary street. This is the civilian area of ​​the giant kingdom. Fortunately, the aftermath of the great war did not affect this place, and the surrounding buildings were still intact. Several middle-aged giantesses rushed home with a bag of food.

But at this time, a booming sound suddenly came from their ears, like thunder flashing. They pricked up their ears with surprise on their faces.


A figure rushed out of the ruins, jumped in front of several giantesses, and picked up a cloud of dust. The food in their hands was not stable and fell to the ground.

"You bastard! Cough cough!" Standing on Ulay's shoulder, Lorne coughed violently. At this time, he was ashamed, not at all calm as before.

"Ahem, a man's heart is like a wild horse, once it is unleashed, it can never be taken back." Ulay said with some embarrassment.

"I don't care, but you can see if those women will forgive you." Lorne sensed the emotions of the people around him, directly used the fruit ability to leave Ulay's shoulder, and said pointedly.

Wu Lai raised his head, looked at several middle-aged women looking at him with gloomy faces, turned around, and Jasmine and Jin Yuan, who were covered in dust, walked out of the ruins of the palace, looking at him also coldly.

"This..." Ulay felt a little uncomfortable. Subconsciously clutching his head.

Clap clap clap clap!

After a while, Lorne stood on Ulay's shoulders with a red and swollen face again, and said gloatingly. "Let you offend a woman."

"I don't want to go back to His Royal Highness Loki." Ulay rubbed his still red and swollen face, and said with some embarrassment.

"Hehe." Yuanyuan and Jasmine found a basin of clear water, and after a lot of effort, they wiped off the dust on their faces, and looked at him coldly.

"You can't offend a woman if you offend anyone." Ulay muttered as he touched his still painful face. Just now, the two women hated the most. It's hard to imagine that Jen Yuan, who is obviously a small human being, possesses such terrifying power.

Are all human beings this scary?

"What did you say?" Gion looked at Wu Lai coldly.

"I said His Royal Highness Loki's castle is just ahead." Looking at the garden, Ulay gave up decisively. He pointed to the towering black castle ahead, and said slowly. "This saves a lot of time."


"If you want to persuade me, please go back." In the black iron castle, Loki looked at a long-braided giant in front of him, and said coldly. "Go back and tell your master, no matter what his conditions are, I will reject him."

"Your Highness Loki, please think twice. My master said that if you agree to cooperate with him, he will help you get that human woman out of the giant prison."

After hearing the word "human woman", Loki stood up as if the explosives were ignited, and roared angrily. "I forbid you to say that about her! She is my favorite person!"

"Now, get out!"

He immediately issued a eviction order. The long-braided giant couldn't hold back his face, stood up with a gloomy expression, and walked out. When he walked to the gate of the castle, he turned his head and glanced at the towering black iron castle, and said gloomyly.

"My master thinks highly of you when he cooperates with you. After a while, you will understand what you have lost today!"

"Human woman, haha." He seemed to have remembered something, with a weird smile on his face. "Falling in love with that pervert may be the saddest thing in your life."

Outside the castle, two giants, a man and a woman, ran towards this side, just passing by the long-braided giant.

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