Pirate Family

Chapter 505 Thor

Lorne smiled slightly and was noncommittal about what Gion said. Because both of them knew that the reason why they had contact with the Charlotte family was only because Xiao Jia's surname was Charlotte. One's own ambition cannot be satisfied by a son-in-law of the Charlotte family.

Thunder Dragon soon came to a huge palace. This palace is the most magnificent palace Lorne has ever seen. Just the two stone pillars in front of the gate are hundreds of meters high, piercing into the sky like a pillar of the sky.

Each step is ten meters high, looking from a distance, it looks like a ladder to the sky.

"Everyone who comes here for the first time will feel very small. I am no exception." Loki said lightly, looking at the top of the palace, his eyes were full of longing, but he quickly covered it up go down.

"Come down, my brother, and accompany me to meet the most powerful warrior in this country, my father."

At this time, a Thunder Dragon had already stopped in front of the palace, a giant in a golden battle dress, with an extremely strong figure, wanted to walk up the stairs, but after seeing Loki and the others, he stopped his footsteps. Stop at the gate of the palace and wait.

"I thought you still hated your father because of that woman, and you wouldn't come to this banquet." The giant in the golden battle skirt opened his arms, wanting to hug Loki, "but I didn't expect you to end up Come, my dear brother."

Loki frowned slightly, deftly avoiding the arms of the giant in the golden battle skirt, and said coldly. "Do I know you well, Thor."

The eldest prince of the giant kingdom, the giant known as the "Hero of Thunder", Thor! Lorne's pupils shrank slightly, and he remembered what Ulay said before, but looking at it this way, the relationship between Loki and Thor didn't seem to be very harmonious.

Thor withdrew his arm in embarrassment. At this moment, he saw the people standing behind Loki, and said coldly. "Who are these people? You know that the father doesn't like humans at first thought."

Although because of the relationship between Caesar and Roger, Odin has a good impression of humans, but because decades ago, a group of humans came to Elbaf to plunder the resources here, plus the heroes of the giant kingdom, "Waterfall" Beard" Yoruru was killed by that woman, he has always hated humans.

"They are my friends." Loki said lightly, and then pushed Thor away, "I'm sorry, I'm going to meet my father, please let me go."

After speaking, he led Lorne and others up the ladder to the sky.


From the beginning to the end, Loki only had a smile on his face, and he didn't put away the smile on his face until after Loki and the others walked away. Cursed softly.


As we all know, in order to maintain the strength of their blood, the giant royal family often finds powerful giant women to intermarry. This is how Thor was born, and his mother is one of the few female heroes in the entire giant kingdom.

However, Loki's queen mother is just an ordinary giantess, who was born by the giant king Odin during a fasting festival.

This is a secret in the entire kingdom of giants. After learning of this incident, Thor has been brooding, thinking that the existence of Loki has tarnished the strength of the blood of the giant royal family.

"Don't worry, he won't be able to laugh soon." Behind Thor, a strong giant with a long whip came out from behind the brontosaurus and bowed slightly to Thor.

"Everything is arranged, my lord."

"You were born great, and everything in this kingdom belongs to you, my lord."


The entire Giant's Palace is like a magnificent pyramid. Loki walked to the halfway up the pyramid, found an entrance familiarly, stepped into it, and came to a large hall. At this time, the banquet had already begun, and the palace ministers talked and talked happily, and got drunk.

There was a row of giants holding swords all around, motionless, if not for the slight heaving of their chests, Lorne would have thought they were just statues.

A giant in golden armor and a crown sits high on the throne, pouring a large glass of wine into his mouth.

He is the king of Elbaf, the kingdom of giants! The strongest man in this country, the hero among heroes, a man named Odin!

But at this time, this hero didn't have any joy in celebrating the festival, instead he was frowning, and when he saw Loki, he let out a cold sigh.


"You still have the face!"

He drank the fine wine in his glass and said coldly. "I thought you were going to end your friendship with me for that human woman."

"Have you figured it out now?"

When the emperor got angry, Odin's voice was like rolling thunder, and the ministers who were drinking in the hall slammed their wits, then kept silent and looked at the father and son in the middle of the hall.

In a huge hall, you can hear a needle drop.

Rocky wanted to come forward and say some words of congratulations, but Odin's words made him stunned, and he didn't answer, and he didn't answer.

Lorne and Gion, who followed Loki, remained silent. He suddenly felt that it was a wrong decision for him to attend this banquet. Perhaps it was because of the tense relationship between the father and son that Ulay and Jasmine decided not to come.

"Of course Little Loki has figured it out. How can a mere human woman compare to her father?" At this moment, Thor walked into the hall, laughing loudly. "After all, for little Rocky, the so-called love at first sight is nothing more than normal."

"Is that so?" After hearing the words of his eldest prince Thor, Odin's face eased a lot. Loki is his favorite son, but he is rebellious and often does some outrageous things. The daughter of a woman shall sever her father-son relationship with herself.

This made me furious. Now I hear that Loki has figured it out. His mood calmed down a lot. At this time, he saw Lorne and Gion who were following Loki, frowned and said,

"who are they?"

"They are my friends," Loki replied slowly, taking a deep breath. "It's also a person from the World Government."

"World government?" Odin chewed the word, turned his head and glanced at the two humans, and saw that the uniform on Gion was somewhat similar to that man who was so strong and perverted back then, without doubt, he said softly.

"Since he is a member of the World Government, he is also a friend of Elbaf." He clapped his hands, and the guard behind him brought two chairs over. "Here, please treat it as your own home. After all, Garp and I That guy is also an old friend."

Odin's brows stretched out, as if remembering what happened back then, with memories on his face.

"I don't know if Karp is still alive after so many years."

"Mr. Garp is in his prime, and his body is still healthy." Gion replied.

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