Pirate Family

Chapter 569 Invasion of Judicial Island

These are just the bounties offered by the core cadres of the Vinhill family, and there are countless pirates attached to the Vinhill family. And those loyal, fearless soldiers, as well as the sea, not to mention other big forces that have a cooperative relationship with the Vinhill family.

These together make up this behemoth, and ordinary people feel a little desperate when they think about it.

But now, it was up to these soldiers to face the monster's wrath alone.

"Fire forward!"

An officer sensed the emotions of his subordinates, pulled out the saber in his hand, and shouted.

If this continues, without the need for the Vinhill family to do anything, these soldiers will not be able to bear the collapse first.

The warship turned its bow, aimed its side spin at the previous position of the Golden Proverb, and opened fire directly after the officer gave an order.

Boom boom boom!

Numerous cannons shot out from the barrels, forming a barrage that dyed the misty sea surface into fiery red.

The fiery red of gunpowder burning.

The sound of the explosion reached the officer's ears, but the officer did not relax at all. If the famous Golden Motto was sunk so easily, then the Vinhill family would not have such a terrifying reputation.

"The second round of shells, get ready!" The officer swung his long knife and shouted.

The soldiers hurriedly loaded the huge shells into the artillery. The temperature of the barrel hadn't dropped yet, but just as they were about to fire, there was a whistling sound in their ears.

The officer raised his head and found that the white mist gradually turned fiery red, and then countless shells pierced through the mist and hit the deck of the warship.

"Justice cannot be sunk!"

This is what the officer said at the last moment. Following the roar, the warship was shattered into pieces.

A golden warship passed through the mist, with wreckage behind it.

The first gate of justice on Judiciary Island has been breached!

"To charge towards an invincible opponent, is this their consciousness?"

A bald man stepped on the land of Judiciary Island, turned his head, and said calmly.

"If you don't consider the positions of both of us, they are worthy of respect, aren't they?" Agatha's lower body turned into mist, floating on the ground, and said slowly.

With her arrival, Judiciary Island was gradually shrouded in thick fog.

"But they committed two crimes. One is that they can't distinguish their own strength." Lorne, wearing a black cloak, took the lead and walked in the front of the crowd.

"Secondly, it stands in front of us."

"Let's go," Lorne walked towards the interior of Judicial Island. Behind him, followed by serious and heavily armed Vinhill family cadres.

"Let me see how this opponent is going to welcome me."

"The first gate of justice has been lost, and the group of notorious pirates have landed, everyone will follow me and arrest these pirates!"

In the mist, an officer shouted, followed by a group of soldiers holding flintlock muskets. This group of soldiers rushed over along the avenue of Judiciary Island, just in time to bump into a group of the Vinhill family, but they passed by them as if they hadn't seen this group of people.

The five senses are the organs for human beings to collect information, and now Lorne can easily manipulate the opponent's five senses to determine what they can see or hear. In other words, if you can't break free from Lorne's control, you're not even qualified to be his opponent!

From the perspective of this group of soldiers, no one walked in front of them at all!

Everyone walked to a long and narrow suspension bridge, with endless abyss on both sides, and the surrounding sea water fell into this abyss like a waterfall.

Lorne came here, as if recalling something, he suddenly stopped.

"Do you know? When I first came here, I couldn't help but tremble when I saw the abyss on both sides. If Polusalino hadn't supported me, I might have fallen."

"It's just that that was ten years ago."

Lorne talked about this dark history with a calm face. If other people heard it, they would be extremely shocked, because Lorne has always left the impression of being crazy, killing decisively, and reckless. Such a man is also afraid, and is he afraid of such insignificant things?

"At that time, I was thinking, when I come again, I must not be able to tremble. In my whole life, since then, only others are afraid of me, not I am afraid of others!"

Lorne stepped onto the bridge of hesitation, followed by all the cadres of the Vinhill family.

This time, none of them were afraid.

woo woo woo~

There were frantic sirens on Judiciary Island, and the nervous footsteps of soldiers all around, but none of the soldiers noticed the Vinhills who were crossing the bridge.

At an exaggerated speed, they crossed the bridge of hesitation and came to the entrance of the second gate of justice.

"What is this damn fog?"

At the entrance of the second Gate of Justice, two giants woke up from their sleep. One of the fat giants with short orange hair looked at the surrounding whiteness and said suspiciously.

"Is Judicial Island captured?"

"Then what should we do? Can we help these humans?" Another thinner giant with short black hair asked.

"Forget it, don't worry about it, anyway, our mission is to guard this door of justice, and other things have nothing to do with us." The orange-haired giant said, and then folded his arms, preparing to continue sleeping.

But at this time, a man in a black cloak came out from the mist.

"Long time no see, Casey and Oymo."

"You are?" Oimo was the fat giant with short orange hair. He touched his head and then gave a sudden jolt. "Are you the child who was escorted here before?"

When Huang Yuan was a vice admiral, he had escorted a child over, so he remembered it clearly.

After all, Huang Yuan has a lazy personality, and if he can paddle, he will never do it. When he makes a move to catch pirates, it is rare.

"I am the one who invaded Judicial Island this time." Lorne said lightly. After hearing these words, the two giants, Casey and Oimo, suddenly grabbed their weapons and prepared to stand up.

Their position is, after all, the gatekeepers of the second door of justice. Now that the enemy is in front of them, it is impossible to let the enemy pass by no matter what.

"Don't be in a hurry, I can tell you a piece of information in exchange for you to open the door of justice." Lorne said lightly.

"What information?"

"I went to Elbaf before, and a big event happened there."

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