Pirate Family

Chapter 580 The Most Poisonous Poison in the World

"Erynis is gone, but his will will not end."

Omeni walked to Erinnis and gently closed his eyes for him.

In her hometown, there is such a custom that people who die with regret have no chance to be reincarnated. And she didn't want Erinnis to live in hatred in her next life. So even though Erinnis had told him that he wanted to see Lorne's fate with his own eyes, she couldn't bear it.

"Your fate, I will watch for him!"

Omeni turned around and stared at Lorne.

Erinnis had spent his life in suffering and revenge, and Omeni didn't want him to live in the next life, nor would he be happy.

"Hahahaha, it's all over!"

Anna still yelled frantically, but no one paid attention to her now. Lorne frowned, he felt a very dangerous aura approaching.

"This is your last hole card." Lorne looked at Mikawa Qi, and said slowly.

"Marie Gioia is the holy land of the Tianlong people. Is his defense really as weak as you think?" Mikawa also knew what was coming, so he didn't choose to resist and lay quietly on the ground.

"you mean?"

Lorne himself was thoughtful, and he had a doubt before that Mary Gioia had encountered so many invasions, but each time they repelled a strong enemy.

Why do they rely on the group of Tianlong people who have been hollowed out by the life of pleasure? It's still a gamble that the navy will come to support every time.

Lorne didn't know, but he soon knew.

At the end of the "micro-sensing field", Lorne "saw" the Heavenly Dragon Treasure House behind Pongle Castle, and suddenly opened the door.

A figure full of oppression came out from inside.

His imposing manner was not inferior to the white beard that Lorne had seen before, even more amazing than the white beard who was riddled with diseases!

"Is it as good as the peak white beard?" Lorne said solemnly. Is this the last card that Erinnis hid?

"Did you know?" Sanchuanqi coughed up a mouthful of blood, but he didn't realize it.

"How did the devil fruit illustrated book come about?"

The Devil Fruit Illustrated Book is a legendary book that records the abilities of all devil fruits. It is extremely rare to be able to judge the ability contained in any devil fruit through him. I heard from Gage before that the Vinsmoke family once collected it. One copy was lost in the flames of war.

Lorne didn't speak, but Mikawa Qi spoke on his own. Perhaps because he knew that his time was short, this man also became a bit talkative.

"Every devil fruit on it has been tested continuously by every capable person, and then checked and filled in, and finally compiled together. , must have been developed by someone.”

"Then, guess why the world government knows that after the fruit of surgery has been developed to the extreme, it can perform immortality surgery for people? It doesn't hesitate to offer a reward at a sky-high price." A strange smile appeared on the corner of Mikawa Qi's mouth.

"You mean?" Lorne had already guessed what Mikawa wanted to say.

"Because, that person is the first operator of the eternal life surgery in the historical records! A person who has lived from that era to the present!" Mikawa Qi said enthusiastically.

"Marie Joa's last barrier, the monster called the Dragon's Wall!"


The crack in the ceiling of Pongle Castle intensified and spread, and finally the entire Pongle Castle was split in two,

A crack hundreds of meters long stretched from Pangger's front hall to the Tianlong Treasure House in the back mountain.

A woman looked at Lorne from a distance across the gap of hundreds of meters.

"You are late."

"I am coming."

The two spoke at the same time. The previous sentence came from the woman's mouth. After she finished speaking, she shook her head slowly, and then walked towards Lorne step by step.

Every time she took a step, cracks appeared on the wall bricks of the castle on both sides as if they had been subjected to some huge force. When she walked over, the bricks a little closer to her turned into piles of powder.

Affects the domineering look of the entity!

This is the effect that can only be obtained after the domineering arrogance has been condensed to the peak, and Lorne has only seen it on Shanks.

The latter sentence was said by Lorne. He originally thought that the monster was the man in black who cut flowers standing in Pongle Castle when he crossed the Red Clay Continent on the Golden Proverb. The man in black who said he was waiting.

But after Lorne took a closer look, he realized that he had made a mistake and they were not alone.

He had the wrong person.

Behind the woman was a huge blood cocoon, perhaps because of the constant jolting on the ground, this blood cocoon had some cracks.


Lorne felt the familiar breath in the blood cocoon all at once. Lorne took a deep breath, then raised his head, and saw the woman's eyes full of hostility.

Whoever you are, are you ready for my wrath since you did this to my family?

The woman walked very slowly, every step was like walking in a garden, without the slightest awareness of wanting to fight with others.

But she seemed to be walking very fast, and she seemed to have walked to the front hall of Pongle Castle after only a few steps.

When she was twenty meters away from Lorne, she stopped. Then he looked at Lorne calmly, without any emotion in his eyes.

It's like a dead person looking at another dead person.

"I am the guardian of the Tianlong people. I follow the contract and protect the blood of those people." The woman said slowly, her voice was hoarse, but with a special charm, as if recorded on a phonograph, hundreds of years ago. murmuring.

"Whoever sets foot on Marie Gioia dies."

"However, as far as I know, the people who set foot on Marie Gioia before seem to be alive and well." Lorne said suddenly, with a hint of sarcasm. "Your threat is too weak."

As far as he knew, the people who boarded Mary Gia, whether it was his father or the murloc hero Fisher Tiger, were all still alive.

The woman tilted her head, then suddenly smiled.

Even as an opponent, Lorne had to admit that the woman's smile was very charming, and she couldn't find a single flaw from any angle. It was like the pinnacle work that the top painter had spent his entire life painting. It is the most precious artwork in the world.

"After seeing me, they found that they couldn't find a way to restrain my ability, so they immediately withdrew from Mary Gioia."

"My duty is to protect Mary Joa, so since they are gone, I will not chase them down."

"Try it, can you escape from here?"

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