Pirate Family

Chapter 626: Sakaski

"From Marin Vanduo to Adela, at the speed of a naval warship, it will take four days."

In the conference room of Sky City, Garrett was wearing a black cloak of the same style as Lorne, looking at the nautical chart on the table, and said coldly.

"And it's been a day and a half since the navy fleet set sail, which means that the navy should be at this position at this time." Garrett's slender fingers pointed to a point on the nautical chart, and a line of small characters was marked next to the point. .

The capital of seven waters.

"Akainu's obsession with justice has reached the point of paranoia, so he will not negotiate peace with us. There is no doubt about this."

After Lorne fell into a coma, Garrett naturally became the leader of the Vinhill family. She suddenly understood why Lorne liked to wear a black cloak, because cool colors would make people calmer. For the future of the Vinhill family, Garrett forced herself to calm down.

"But now, with the young master and Enel in a coma, our family can't show the strength to fight against Akainu. If necessary, we can give up Adela."

Beside, a woman wearing a crown and a red dress said slowly. As Adela's queen, when she said the words to give up Adela, she was expressionless, as if she was just saying something that had nothing to do with her.

If this sentence was heard by the people of Adela, it might be very sad, because their queen didn't care about them at all. But that was the truth, Agatha was a member of the Vinhills first, and then Adela's queen.

Moreover, in Agatha's view, if Adela fights Akainu head-on, it may cause more serious harm to Adela's people.

"Indeed, after all, time is really tight." Garrett said, she had contacted her mother before, hoping to get some help, but the answer she got was that her mother hadn't gotten the pure gold ring at this time, and she became Some are delirious and unable to make decisions at all.

Although Katakuri brother agreed to himself, but because the new world is too far away from the paradise, he can't keep up.

"But just give up on Adela?" Garrett clenched her fists tightly, with a hint of unwillingness in her eyes.

Pirates are lunatics in this sea, and it is more difficult to make them bow their heads than ascending to the sky.

The senior members of the Vinhill family next to them were silent. They felt a sense of humiliation and powerlessness. If they were stronger, the family would not be in such an embarrassing situation even if Lorne and Enel were away. .

"Why not take away all the residents of Adela and leave an empty city for the Navy?"

At this time, Lola came in and said with a puzzled face.

"Idiot, how could we let them voluntarily follow us to leave Adela? If we force them, what difference is there between us and the navy?" Agatha said with a wry smile, but a golden light flashed in her eyes. Then muttered to himself.

"Perhaps, it's not impossible."


A navy fleet is sailing on the sea, led by a warship that is red all over and has a streamlined hull like magma. Anyone who sees this warship will be overwhelmed by its might, but any pirate who knows what this warship represents will also show deep fear the moment he sees it.

Because, this ship is named "Lava Justice". And it belongs to Sakalski. One of the leaders of the "Eagle Faction" in the navy, a stalwart of absolute justice, any pirate who meets him on the sea, if there is no special order, will not escape the end of the ship being destroyed.

"After replenishing in the capital of seven waters, the next stop is Adela."

On the deck of Lava Justice, a navy soldier reported tremblingly to the person in front of him, "According to the route, if there are no special accidents, we only need two days to reach Adela."

"Two days?"

The burly man standing at the bow looked at the sea and muttered to himself.

"No, if you don't count any losses, it only takes a day and a half to arrive!"

The navy soldier thought it was the man who was dissatisfied with him, so he quickly added. He looked at the man standing in front of him, with no concealment of his fear in his eyes. This man's insistence on justice had reached the point of paranoia. Can't even imagine the consequences.

"Then move forward at full speed." The man said slowly, "I have a hunch that Lorne will not wait for death calmly."

After finishing speaking, he touched his chest, and there was a huge scar left by the thunder bombardment on his chest, which almost covered his entire upper body. Because the scar was not treated properly, the scar was healed savagely . The scars are intertwined and extremely hideous.

The man touched the wound, and there was still some dull pain, but he didn't care. Instead, he shook his head and continued to look at the sea.

"Anilu?" The man said the name slowly, with a flat tone and no emotion.

He recalled the man who controlled Thunder that he had faced with in Bislan at that time. He clamored to make himself understand, who is the most terrifying natural disaster in this world, thunder or magma.

The confrontation between the thunder and the lava, if there is no obstruction by the green pheasant, will almost destroy the entire Bislan. Because they are both natural, the two almost exhausted their last strength. In the end, the man made a desperate fight, gathered all his strength in front of him, condensed a thunder spear, and shot towards Sakaski.

Sakaski didn't dodge, the Thunder Spear pierced his body directly, but just when the man thought he had won, Sakaski's lava punch also pierced his body. Both of them were hurt.

It's a pity that Sakaski's ability to withstand injuries is a little stronger than that of Enilo, so he won.

"Even if you are lucky enough to get a life back, it is impossible to recover your fighting ability in a short time when your internal organs are soaked by lava."

Sakaski looked into the distance, as if he saw the end of this voyage, Adela, across many seas.

And, staying in Adela, Vennhill Lorne, who is about to fall under justice.

As for Lorne giving up Adela directly, avoiding the possibility of not fighting. Sakalski never thought about it.

Because, he knew, there was no escaping word in Lorne's dictionary.

Besides, apart from Adela, are the other territories of the Vinhill family really safe?

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