Pirate Family

Chapter 639 Defeated

"Do you like this gift?"

Garrett tilted her head slightly towards Aokiji, the blood in her eyes disappeared. Showed a charming smile.

Then, as if she had lost all her strength, her whole body was completely frozen by Aokiji.


An unimaginable big explosion was released in this sea area. Everything around it, the high wall of lava, the ice that froze the sea, and the inescapable naval fleet in the high wall, and even the air filled with dust.

All were annihilated.

"If you want me to like you, unless there are mushrooms in the sea."

On a nearby small island, two children, a man and a woman, were playing by the sea. Suddenly, the little boy froze, and then pointed at the sea and said blankly.

"There is a big mushroom in the sea."

"You lied, how could there be big mushrooms in the sea. You are so stupid, you can't even understand what I lied to you."

The little girl frowned and said, but when she followed the boy's gaze, she happened to see a black mushroom cloud slowly rising at the end of the sea.


On the battlefield, everything was annihilated, and the entire naval fleet was destroyed by these swords of Damocles.

All the naval warships were destroyed, and the wreckage of countless warships was floating in the sea. Some survivors were lying on a wooden board covered with scars, looking at the sky with lingering fear. The scene just now left a lifetime of shadows on them.

"I, I want to go home, I don't want to be in the Navy!"

At this time, a naive-looking navy soldier suddenly yelled. He tore off his navy uniform with all his strength, crying bitterly. The whole person has collapsed.

Is this terrifying power really something human can touch?

This was his first mission with the navy, and when he first learned that Admiral Akainu Sakaski was leading the team, he was a little lucky. Because no matter what Sakaski's reputation is, his strength is recognized by the entire navy.

Moreover, it was the Vinhill family, known as the weakest of the Four Emperors, who was being conquered. This immature navy even began to fantasize about how he would brag to his colleagues after his successful conquest.

But they didn't expect that they were stopped by an unknown woman on the sea without even seeing Lorne. Then, under the protection of two admirals, the entire fleet was wiped out by this woman.

He can't imagine what kind of enemies he will face in the future. You must know that there are at least four families of the same level as the Vinhill family in this sea!

"I have to leave, I have to leave here immediately, I don't want to die!"

The young navy muttered to himself, but when he just stood up, a palm covered with magma directly grabbed his head and lifted him up.

"General Sakaski?"

The body of the young navy was slowly turned around, and what he saw was a gloomy and resolute face. Sakalski was in a terrible mess, his navy uniform was torn, and his body was covered in wounds from the explosion.

However, he still did not fall.

Just as the young sailor was about to explain something, he felt extremely hot in his head, and then his whole body was melted by the magma.

"Justice doesn't need cowards to defend it."

Sakaski said coldly that he didn't need an explanation from the young soldier at all, all he needed to know was that the soldier had betrayed justice.

Anyone who betrays justice is his enemy.

After doing all this, Sakaski grabbed his chest suddenly, fell to his knees, and coughed up a big mouthful of blood.

After losing his ability, being suppressed by Garrett, and then resisting the explosion of the Sword of Damocles with his body, even though he is a monster, his body has reached its limit.

"Has your ability returned?"

Kuzan's voice sounded behind Sakalski, and a few pieces of broken ice suddenly floated up on the sea surface, condensing Kuzan's body. Compared with Sakalski, his condition is much better.

After all, as the owner of a natural devil fruit, his resistance to the big bang is much better than that of ordinary people with mortal bodies. At the moment when the sword of Damocles exploded, he resolutely completely elementalized his body, Dodged the first and most violent explosion.


Sakaski struggled to stand up and said coldly. Because he felt that his own ability had come back, if he could elementalize just now, he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"It's just that one thing can be confirmed now, that is, there should be some problems with the top combat power of the Vinhill family, otherwise we may really be left here."

Kuzan was silent, and Garrett made them like this. If Lorne and Anilu ambushed around, and suddenly attacked them at the moment of the explosion, it was really possible to seriously injure or even kill them.

The fall of the two admirals is a major event related to the pattern of the sea at any time.

"At the last moment, I froze that woman, and there was no possibility for her to escape."

Kuzan said so.

"At this time, she should have sunk into the sea with the ice."

Kuzan didn't go on, because the whole sea knew one thing, the sea is the enemy of all capable people, no matter how powerful a capable person is, after sinking into the sea, they can only drown in a weak body.

"You can't underestimate any enemy." Sakaski said slowly, this time's contempt for Garrett almost drove him to a corner.

"So what should we do now? Should we still go to Adela?" Kuzan looked at Sakaski and asked, after all, Sakaski was the leader of this operation.

"There is no chance." Sakaski looked around, and the entire naval fleet had been destroyed. He said bitterly.

"This time, we lost."

Sakaski said so, when he finished saying this, he felt a little lonely.

Justice sometimes fails.


seabed. A piece of ice kept sinking, and a frozen woman could be vaguely seen inside.

Several saber-toothed sharks swim around this piece of ice, as if waiting for the ice to melt, and then enjoy a delicious dessert.

The ice gradually melted, and when there was only the last layer left, a saber-toothed shark couldn't wait to bite on it. It wants to eat this delicacy all by itself!

But at this moment, a small fish hit the saber-toothed shark, and a small submarine appeared in front of the group of sharks. Inside sat a woman with glasses and loose hair.

After the submarine drove away all the saber-toothed sharks, it stretched out a detection arm, grabbed the ice, and retracted it into its cabin.

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