Pirate Family

Chapter 654 Meeting Ceremony

The seaspout kept roaring towards Sdio's main island, and there was a salty smell in the air, which was the smell of sea water.

"It's really huge." A mist floated over the port, condensing Agatha's figure. She looked up at the approaching sea tornado, and said softly.

"As hosts, we should also express ourselves."

She raised her hand, and countless pitch-black cannon barrels protruded from all corners of Sdio, all aiming at the sea dragon.

The Vinhill family started with arms, and after obtaining the weapon information of Sky Island, the arsenal of the Vinhill family has always been at a unique level in the sea, and only the equipment of the navy's elite troops can compete with it.

Later, after Gage and Vegapunk joined, coupled with Lorne's continuous investment of resources for their research and development, the Vennhill family's technological level has already led the entire world.

The embodiment of technology is armament.

"Give them a welcome gift."

As Agatha said, all the artillery aimed their pitch-black barrels at the seaspout. As soon as her words fell, the edges of the artillery barrels turned red, and then countless flaming shells shot out of the barrels. Squirted out.

The flames were billowing, and after hitting the sea tornado, they exploded instantly, evaporating the surrounding seawater and turning it into countless water vapors.

The flames burned above the tornado, like a pillar of fire burning blazingly on the sea.

It's just that the pillar of fire didn't last long before it dissipated over the sea. Only white water vapor remains.

"Then," Agatha controlled the water vapor and condensed a giant on the sea. The giant roared suddenly at the pirate ship on the sea, then spread his hand, and slapped down on the pirate ship.


Two waves of tens of meters high surged from both sides of the pirate ship, covering the sky and covering the earth.

"As expected of a natural ability user," a fat man who looked like a mountain of meat next to him sighed after seeing this scene. "This level of destructive power, we can't achieve it even if we practice boxing for a lifetime."

Every natural ability user is a symbol of natural disasters. Their destructive power far surpasses the other two series of devil fruit ability users.

"This group of people won't be solved just like that?"

Fat Tiger asked.

A considerable part of this group of combined pirates are devil fruit capable users, and the biggest defect of devil fruit capable users is their fear of sea water.

No matter how powerful the devil fruit user is, once they are hit into the sea, they will be captured because of their weakness and weakness.

"It's not that simple. Can't you, an idiot, understand this?"

At this time, a bald man next to him suddenly patted the fat man on the head, and said viciously.

"You're not afraid to fight later, are you?"

The bald man was extremely strong, and there was a tattoo on his neck, which combined with the pile of tendons on his body, looked very intimidating. The most striking thing is that his right arm is not an ordinary flesh and blood, but a mechanical arm, the mechanical arm is silver-white, and its shape is no different from ordinary arms, except that the metal reflected on it The luster has a dangerous undertone.

"It's better not to fight if you can. It's so tiring to fight." The fat man touched his head and said honestly.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to do what you wish." Agatha said softly, her face serious.

Above the sea, the smoke giant kept hitting the front, stirring up thousands of waves.

But at the next moment, the giant's movements suddenly stopped, and then, his body involuntarily floated in the air, as if something grabbed his arm and lifted him up.

A knight in armor stood in front of the pirate ship. He lightly pressed the deck of the pirate ship, and an invisible luster covered the entire pirate ship.

No matter how the giant slapped it, the pirate ship did not sink into the sea.

And a man in animal skin grabbed the giant's palm with one hand and lifted him up. Then, with one punch, the giant was smashed to pieces.

"Man, his strength is not inferior to that of Adam back then. Are all the people in this family monsters?"

Seeing this scene, the corners of Jody's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but say.

Man, who had done all this, made a provocative gesture towards everyone in Sdio across the sea.

The next moment, he squatted down slightly, his calf suddenly exerted strength, and his whole body was like a cannonball, which hit the port of Sdio hard, creating a bottomless crater.


Agatha calmly ordered that since there is no possibility of reconciliation between the two parties, they must act first and deal with the strong enemy first.

Bang bang bang bang!

Countless bullets sprayed out from the weapons of the soldiers of the Vinhill family, and shot towards the deep pit ahead.

The smoke and dust filled the air, and a strong man stood up from the smoke. The bullet hit his body, as if hitting a thick steel plate, and bounced around.

"Is this tickling me?" Quite sarcastically said, walking out of the smoke.


A shell hit his head, and white smoke rolled over his head.


Man patted the smoke away from his face, and the shell did not leave the slightest trace on his head.

"What a monster." After seeing this scene, even Agatha, who had always been calm, couldn't help but say.

She could feel that in the face of the attack, Man did not do any defense at all, not even using the most basic domineering coverage, but these artillery fires could not even penetrate his skin.

What a terrible defense!

"Oh, is this Joyce?" At this time, Man saw the long column of blood standing in the port, and the face of a man wearing a tall hat appeared on the column. I can't believe that I died here.

"Thanks to you, we found out that the Vinhill family is so weak." Man gently stroked Joyce's face and said softly.

The next moment, he pulled Joyce's head out of the cylinder, and the smell of blood permeated the air.

"In order to express my gratitude to you, let me help you free yourself from this humiliation."

Man Ru said, and then crushed Joyce's head.

"I am Man, a child of God, the most perfect life in the world." After doing all this, Man turned around and said to the Vinhill family in front of him,

Beside him, pirates appeared one after another. These were all people who coveted the wealth of the Vinhill family, or those who had grievances with the Vinhill family and joined together.

"So, are you ready to bow your head to me?"

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