Pirate Family

Chapter 668 Betrayal

It's over!

The moment this man appeared, Agatha's face became extremely pale, and a trace of despair flashed in her eyes.

Everyone is fighting fiercely at this time, no matter which battlefield he joins, it is enough to affect the balance of victory and defeat.

At this time, on the Vinhill family's side, only Lola, who had no fighting ability, Andariel, who seemed weak, and himself who had to maintain the fog were left. No matter which one, nothing can stop this man.

At this moment, Agatha suddenly remembered what Lorne liked to say,

There is only one thing in this world that cannot be stopped, and that is fate. No matter how hard you struggle, destiny will eventually come.

So, does the fate of the family end here?

A trace of unwillingness flashed in Agatha's eyes, and her beautiful face became ferocious.

"No, I don't agree!"

Her body kept becoming illusory, and finally completely disappeared into the mist.

No matter which battlefield Weibull is ready to join, she is ready to hold it back.

Even if he knew that he would not be his opponent, even if he risked his life, he still had to stop him! Buy time for others.

Weibull's face was gloomy, he dragged the big knife, ignored the two people beside Andariel and Lola, and walked towards Moria's side!

"You finally came!"

After Moria escaped Fat Tiger's menacing punch, he saw Weibull coming out of the mist, and said happily.

"Help me kill these two people quickly, as long as we kill them, we can walk out of here alive!"

On the other hand, Weibull turned a deaf ear to Moria's words, and walked towards Moria directly dragging a long knife.

"What’s wrong with you?"

A trace of uneasiness flashed in Moriah's heart,

"Shadow Mage!"

The shadow behind him stretched very long, and then his shadow crawled out of the shadow, and without even thinking about it, Moriah and his shadow switched positions.

The next moment, a long knife slashed directly at the position where Moria had just stood, and slashed the shadow that had just changed into the ground. The earth trembled slightly. Moria suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

The injuries suffered by his own shadow will all be fed back to his body. If his shadow was split in half just now, then his body will also die.

"What are you doing! Are you crazy!"

Moria yelled, at the same time with lingering fear, almost, almost he died!

Died at the hands of his "companion".

"Kill all of you to save my mother!"

Weibull yelled, then raised his own sword and rushed towards Moria.

"I don't know what to say!" Moria yelled, and then delayed Weibull's runaway through constant shadow replacement. Then he yelled at the skeleton drinker who was watching the paddling.

"John! Hurry up and help me get rid of this man!"

"Okay, okay! I'll just do it!"

John stood up cheerfully, but when he saw the two crescents on Weibull's mouth, he suddenly froze, and then said with some doubts.

"What is this beard?"

"He claims to be the son of Whitebeard! But it doesn't matter at all now, I'm about to be hacked to death by him! If I die, your consciousness will also disappear!"

Moria turned around, and Weibull's big knife cut down against his clothes, leaving a huge crack on the ground.

It almost hit his body with this strike, but before Moriah could rejoice, the fat tiger next to him punched Moriah violently in the waist and abdomen, and directly blasted him more than ten meters away!

Moria rolled several times on the ground, then struggled to stand up, and yelled at the skeleton drinker in disgrace.

"At the beginning, there really seemed to be such a thing, and that crazy woman kept making trouble."

A flash of memory flashed in the eyes of the drinker named John. He, Whitebeard, and that woman did stay on a ship before, but they parted ways with those people because of disagreements. Stand on your own.

Then came the famous Valley of the Gods incident. The man who was in full swing at that time died at the hands of the fledgling Karp.

"But it has nothing to do with me." John shook his head, put down these old things, and said to Weibull in front of him.

"Even if you are really that man's son, please restrain yourself. After all, if Moria dies, I will die again."

John held out his hand, trying to stop Weibull. But the latter didn't seem to hear John's words at all,


Weibble yelled. It directly slashed at John's body, and sent him flying tens of meters.

The rest of the people: ....

"Sorry, I forgot, I'm dead now, and I can no longer use my abilities."

John struggled to get up from the ground, a huge crack appeared in his chest, Weibull's blow almost cut his body in half. He shrugged his shoulders at Moriah, making a gesture of helplessness.

"Then I'm sorry, I can't beat this man, please ask yourself!"

After speaking, he sat directly on the ground, looking like he was waiting to die.

Moriah: ...

He didn't expect that the body of Captain John, which he found with great difficulty, was resurrected through his ability, and what he got in the end turned out to be a useless waste.


Moria yelled, but now there is no chance to blame John, it is his own negligence, because John is most famous for his ability, that invincible ability, but John, who has been resurrected from the dead, has no way to use it anymore That ability is gone.

John, who has lost his devil fruit, does not have the strength to match his reputation. At best, he is equivalent to a well-known pirate.

And a well-known pirate can play very little role in this battlefield.


Odie and Jody exchanged punches, then took a few steps back.

At this time, Agatha's figure gathered behind him, holding a weapon made of mist and looking at him coldly.

She didn't understand why Weibull would suddenly join her side, but since Weibull helped her, she had to end the battle as soon as possible and help other battlefields.

Odie showed bitterness, and the next moment, the famous big pirate in the new world suddenly put down his weapon and put his hands on his head.

"I surrender! I declare allegiance to the Vinhill family! Please don't kill me!"

Agatha: ....

She didn't think about whether Odie's surrender was sincere, and directly used the mist to condense into a chain to restrain Odie, and then threw it to the rear, where there were soldiers from the Vinhill family waiting. After taking Odie, she immediately took out a pair of Hailoushi handcuffs Odie.

Odie didn't resist during the whole process.

"Bah! Coward!"

After seeing Odie surrender, Moria spit, and then countless shadows emerged from behind him, forming a huge black wing.

He wants to show Odie what the pride of the great pirate is!

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