Pirate Family

Chapter 672: Endgame

Even Lorne, who bears the name of the biggest crime in this sea, has done a lot of good things. At least, in his territory, before the decline of the Vinhill family, he didn't have to worry about being attacked by pirates.

At least, the Vinhill family has never bullied the residents of their territory.

But just because of his status, is it concluded that everything he did was sinful?

Father Goniz, even if he left the Church of Holy Truth because he disagreed with Ratzinger's ideas, he is still doing what he thinks is righteous in this sea. Any pirate who meets him on the sea, as long as he is raised Father Nitz considered it a crime, and none of them could escape the shipwreck and death.

No matter from any point of view, he can be called justice.

But this time, the invasion of Sdio, even in the name of cleaning up the Vinhill family, sacrificed the lives of ordinary people of Sdio. Can this matter be called justice?

Agatha didn't know, she didn't feel qualified to comment on the matter.

From the point of view of others, the two sides are just standing on different positions, and no matter from which point of view, the Vinhill family is a well-deserved villain. It seems to be a matter of course for the righteous warriors to sweep away the evil. .

Of course shit!

It is extremely absurd to interpret the world with black and white theories.

It is not wrong for pirates to dream, it is not wrong for ordinary people to live well, and it is not wrong for righteous people to purify the world.

If Lorne wakes up, he will only say one thing, it is this ridiculous era that is wrong.

Changing this ridiculous era was Caesar's original intention, as well as Lorne's wish.

But now, everyone who knows Lorne's wish can't help feeling a little confused,

Can this era really change?

"The tsunami will reach Sidio in one minute, and it will be too late if we don't retreat." Lola said solemnly, looking at the huge tsunami like the sky.

"We still lost in the end."

Garrett said bitterly, even if Gonitz is defeated, his goal is about to be achieved. This time, the Vinhill family has completely lost.

It is difficult for a person to admit his failure. But just as Garrett was about to nod her head and leave, she suddenly heard Lola's exclamation.

In the middle of the tsunami, a hole was suddenly broken, and a small boat sailed in through the small hole riding the wind and waves.

The boat was not big and rather crude. A tall man sat on the boat, facing the huge tsunami like a natural disaster, with a calm expression.

He was wearing a pair of leather pants with nails, and he looked a little tall and straight, but the most conspicuous thing was his huge black scarf that almost covered half of his face, and his short purple-red hair.

"Brother Katakuri?"

The moment Garrett saw the person who came, her dead heart was rekindled. She recognized who the person was and screamed.

A perfect man, the second son of the Fourth Emperor Charlotte Lingling, the strongest man in the Charlotte family, the patron saint who protects his younger siblings from growing up safely.

This man has many titles, but in Garrett's eyes, he is still the good brother who can protect his younger siblings no matter what happens.

Katakuri breathed a sigh of relief the moment he saw Garrett on the shore.

"Fortunately, we caught up."

As the man said, he stood up slowly, with his back facing the tsunami, and slowly raised his hand.

The next moment, a wall of dark brown glutinous rice tens of meters high rises from the shore of Sidio, enveloping the entire Sidio inside. A huge tsunami hits the wall continuously, and the huge force shakes the entire Sidio. Dio Xiaodao pushed back tens of meters, but still did not break through the entire wall.

Without the blessing of the strong wind, the power of the tsunami became weaker and weaker. When the last wave hit the wall of the glutinous rice, the soaked glutinous rice finally melted a hole.

Katakuri stepped onto the land of Sidio through this opening, and he first said to Garrett who was lying in Agatha's arms in a gentle tone.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Garrett shook her head vigorously, a tear fell from the corner of her eye.

Then, Katakuri turned around and said to all the captured pirates on the shore.

"I am coming."

His voice was so loud that it echoed throughout the port of Sdio.

At this time, Moria, Odie, and all the defeated pirates put away the last trace of unwillingness in their hearts.

They knew that the moment this man appeared, they had lost their last chance.


"You mean? The Vinhill family defended the invasion of the pirates, and then the second son of the Charlotte family personally sat in Sidio to buy time for the Vinhill family to recover?"

In a certain sea area, a warship like lava was floating on the sea surface. In the conference room, a man with a resolute face said coldly.

There was a punch bandage wrapped around his chest, and traces of burns could still be vaguely seen.

While speaking, the man's fist involuntarily turned into lava, burning the information in his hand to ashes.

"I didn't expect that Garrett was still alive, and after fighting with you, she still retained such combat power that she was able to delay the attack of those pirates."

Opposite the resolute man, sat a middle-aged man with a wretched complexion. The wretched man said lazily while crossing his legs.

"It seems that your plan to eradicate the Vinhill family with the help of the pirates has failed."

"It's not you. After the Battle of Bislan, the Vinhill family was so weak that if you set foot on the territory of the Vinhill family, you alone would be able to wipe out all the pirates in Sdio. "

The resolute man said angrily, and said the name of the man sitting opposite him.


"But none of us expected that the old man with the white beard would suddenly appear there. We are lucky to be able to escape from him alive." The man named Polusalino said lazily, although the words That's true, but there are no obvious injuries on his body, at least he is much better than Sakalski.

"Whitebeard's Moby Dick has been wandering around in the Loxor waters. When it encounters any naval warships, it will take the initiative to attack. In just three days, as many as 13 warships were damaged in the Loxor waters."

"His meaning is obvious, that is, he doesn't care about the grievances between the Vinhill family and the pirates, but if the navy wants to intervene, he will participate in the battle!"

Polusalino picked up a cup of tea and drank it lightly.

"What arrogance!"

Sakaski slammed the hammer on the table suddenly, and said angrily.

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