Pirate Family

Chapter 682 Hiding

Great route, paradise, breeze island.

This small island is adjacent to the headquarters of the navy, Mary Gioia. Under the protection of the navy, it is much more peaceful than ordinary small islands, and is rarely attacked by pirates. It has the title of the island of peace.

However, these are all superficial, the brighter the place, the easier it is for a large area of ​​darkness to grow behind it. Under the illusion of peace, Qingfeng Island is one of the largest lairs of pirates in the paradise. Countless pirates will hide on this small island after they have offended someone they can't be messed with, and are in the process of being hunted down by the navy. By paying some Baileys, you can get a false identity, and then hide in Qingfeng Island for a period of time. After the limelight passes, you will go out again and make waves.

At the same time, there are also many pirates who are attracted by the illusion of peace here, or because their enemies are too powerful to show up, so they choose to settle down here.

As long as you contribute a certain amount of Bailey on time and don't cause trouble, the people in power here will turn a blind eye to the pirates who settle here.

Over time, more and more pirates settled here, and the pirates also formed a dark society here. Countless information, resources, as long as you can think of things, can be obtained through the underground market of Qingfeng Island. At this time, the people in power on Qingfeng Island discovered that the pirates here had become a force that could not be eliminated by themselves, so they decided to report this matter to the Navy, but the day after he just decided to inform the Navy, The king of Qingfeng Island died in his bedroom.

No one knows how he died, but anyone who knows a little bit about this matter can guess that the death of the king of Qingfeng Island is absolutely inseparable from the pirates here.

The old emperor's second son succeeded the king of Qingfeng Island. Unlike the old king, the new emperor was extremely radical and open. He negotiated with representatives of the pirate forces on Qingfeng Island and then reached a cooperation.

The pirates continued to attack the royal family of Qingfeng Island regularly, and then stepped forward to protect the safety of the royal family of Qingfeng Island when someone invaded here. As a price, the royal family of Qingfeng Island must cover up their tracks for the pirates, and must not reveal anything about this place to the navy.

After the negotiations ended, Breeze Island continued to maintain a false peace. It's just that all the pirates have reached an agreement,

Don't make trouble here, this is the iron law of Qingfeng Island.


"Boss, are we really going to hide here?"

Outside the city of Qingfeng Island, in a small manor, a man wearing a one-eyed mask said to a man in black casual clothes in front of her.

"Such a weak paradise cannot realize our ambitions at all!"

The one-eyed man showed unwillingness. He is also a big pirate with a bounty of 100 million. He is the deputy captain of the Wolf Pirates. He was a famous big shot before.

After they have honed in the new world for a period of time, their vision is far from that of the newcomers in Paradise, so Cyclops wants to realize his ambition in the new world. So after the news of the decline of the Vinhill family came out some time ago, he did not hesitate to confuse his captain to take a share of the pie.

The wolf's nature is greedy, and the wild wolf Gao Suo couldn't resist the temptation of his subordinates, and finally decided to try his luck in Sidio.

But unfortunately, they happened to catch up with the group of big pirates on the eve of their invasion, and they were blown out by the autumn wind of the Vinhill family like they were cleaning up garbage.

Later, news came out that those famous figures even in the New World had also fallen in Sidio. This group of pirates was lucky, fortunately, they escaped quickly.

"Lorne's vengeful character is as famous as his arrogance." Wild Wolf Gao Suo said slowly after a moment of contemplation.

"Even those big shots have died in Sidio now, and no one can shake the status of the Vinhill family in a short period of time. That is to say, after the family recovers, it will start to attack those who invaded their territory before." The pirates are in liquidation."

Different from the rumors, the wild wolf Gao Suo is not reckless at all, on the contrary, he is extremely cautious, so after escaping from Sidio, he immediately decided to change the route and return to Paradise from the New World via Fishman Island. Then I came to Qingfeng Island to hide my name.

Prepare to wait until the limelight passes before going out.

"Now there is news that the monster that can control lightning from the Vinhill family has woken up. We are no longer qualified to participate in this vortex."

"Then how long do we have to wait?" Cyclops asked anxiously, "If the Vinhill family has not given up on hunting down those who have invaded their territory, will we have to wait forever?"

He is not reconciled, he obviously has a bright future, but because of a careless move, he can only hide in this small corner.

Although Qingfeng Island is very prosperous managed by those pirates, it is still too small compared to the vast new world.

Which person goes to sea, does not want to let his reputation spread throughout the world, hides in this corner and hides his name, one-eyed is not reconciled

"If you want to die, I won't stop you, you can go out." Wild Wolf Gao Suo said coldly, looking at One Eye. One-eyed speechless, do not know how to respond.

What he said just now were just some angry words. Let him face the monsters of the Vinhill family alone.

The latter may still survive. After all, the navy likes to imprison the captured pirates in the new promotion city, while the former is absolutely dead.

On the shoreline of Sdio, the heads of the pirates are iron proof.

"I can wait." Wild Wolf Gao Suo said lightly.

Wolves are the least impatient animals, besides, they may not have to wait long.

Boom boom boom.

At this time, there was a light knock on the door of the small manor, three heavy and one light, very regular.

"Someone is coming," Gao Suo said lightly, a little guy poked his head in from the door and looked around.

After seeing the wild wolf Gao Suo, he hurriedly took out a file bag and handed it to the strong man in front of him with trepidation.

"This is the message that Old Barn asked me to send over."

"I see, you go back."

Wild Wolf Gao Suo waved his hand and said calmly.

Relieved, the little boy immediately closed the door with a thud, and fled away in a hurry.

"Are you going to let him go like this? What if he leaks our whereabouts?"

One Eye handed the information to Wild Wolf Gao Suo and said coldly.

"Since you are here, you must follow the rules here." Gao Suo said indifferently.

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