Pirate Family

Chapter 684 Story and Truth

The little boy is a native of Qingfeng Island, and he has never set foot outside this small island since he was born.

In his world, pirates and navy are unreachable words in storybooks, and he has never touched them.

While humming, the little boy ran towards the small castle on the other side of the mountain with the milk. He remembered what happened when the letter was delivered just now. In fact, the letter just wrote about a faction named the Vinhill family on the sea. The Vinhill family was extremely powerful and controlled countless islands. The pirates will tremble when they see their flag, just like a story.

"Those weird uncles seem to like reading stories too." The little boy said to himself, he thought that what was written on the envelope was just a story, and Gao Suo and others bought it from Old Barn because they liked reading stories. buy these things online.

The reason why he ran away just now was because he peeked at someone else's envelope and felt guilty. Now that he had figured it all out, he suddenly felt that those strange uncles with fierce looks were not scary at all.

"Would they still buy stories from Old Barn?"

The boy thought that if the group of strange uncles hadn't noticed that he was peeking, he could see a lot of stories.

The story of the Vinhill family is much more interesting than the ordinary life on Breeze Island.

At least that's what the little boy thought. He thought about growing up quickly, and whether he would have the opportunity to go to the outside world to see when he grew up.

See if the outside world is as exciting as a story.

The little boy soon came to a castle. The outer walls of the castle were covered with vines. It had been around for a long time, but it was cleaned extremely neatly. The little boy knocked on the door tentatively, and then put a carton of milk in front of him.

"Uncle housekeeper, I'm here to deliver the milk."


But unexpectedly, it was not the old butler's voice that answered the little boy this time, but a clear female voice.

The gate of the castle was pushed open a crack, and a maid poked her head out. After seeing the little boy, she opened the entire gate.

The crisp sound of the piano came from inside, and the sound of the piano was sweet, like the crisp chirping of a hundred birds. The little boy couldn't help but stop and listen quietly.

Seeing this scene, the maid didn't stop her, but stood aside holding the milk. Make way for the little boy.

This is the first time for the little boy to see the inner courtyard of the castle. The interior of the castle is extravagant and resplendent. Countless unnamed bright gems are dotted around the castle, emitting a soft light. Above the hall, there is a The desk lamp is adorned with countless shining diamonds.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there is a girl in a white dress sitting next to a piano stand in the middle of the hall, with her eyes closed, and her slender fingers playing on the keys. The sound of the piano comes from her hands.

The girl was about thirteen or fourteen years old, about the same age as the little boy, with a thin body and fair and tender skin. The temperament is noble, like a princess.

The sunlight shone through the windows of the castle onto the hall, just covering around the girl playing the piano, and a few white feathers fluttered in the air.

"Is it an angel?" The little boy swallowed, this was the only word he could think of. The little girl who looked like a princess in front of him looked like an angel.

"It's the princess."

The maid hurriedly corrected her, but at this time the little girl had stopped playing, stood up slowly, and looked towards the little boy.

"Are you the one who has been delivering milk to me all these years?"

She nodded slightly to the little boy, and then slightly held up the corners of her skirt with her hands as a gesture of thanks.

"Thank you."

Her voice is clear and sweet, as melodious as a lark. The little boy's face turned red, and he said falteringly.

"No... no more, these... are all... what I should do."

"By the way, my name is Rom, what's your name?" the little boy asked, he wanted to know the name of this angel-like girl.

"Presumptuous." The maid reprimanded sharply, as if she was quite angry at the little boy's rudeness, and wanted to drive him out. But the little girl waved her hand and stopped the maid. Then he walked towards the little boy and said softly.

"My name is Sissy."

"Your Majesty, how can others hear your name?"

The maid said anxiously, and wanted to continue to say something, but the girl named Sissy waved her hand to stop her movement.

"I remember, Princess Sissi!" The little boy named Roma said excitedly, his two little faces flushed.

"I will definitely send the best milk from our family in the future!"

After speaking, Rom turned around and ran out of the castle excitedly.

"The little boy?"

Seeing the back of Rom going away, the maid put away the anxiety and anger on her face, and became extremely calm. She walked to the girl named Sissy and asked softly.

"That's a testament to the years I've been here."

Sissy said with a smile. While tidying her hair, she sat in front of the piano again and continued to play the wonderful music.

"It's just that there seems to be a group of pirates eyeing him. Be careful not to let him die."

"I understand." The maid nodded, then walked out of the gate of the castle, and gently closed the gate of the castle.

The castle returned to calm, as if there was only this girl named Sissy left in the whole world. She closed her eyes and continued to play the music.

"Why are we here!"

At this time, a cute little person emerged from Sissy's hair. She was about the size of a palm, and she was wearing a silver-white armor. While rubbing her sleepy eyes, she asked Sissy suspiciously.

"Because I want to do things for my family." Sissy touched the little knight's head and said with a smile.

At this time, she picked up a document that was placed next to her, and a person's information was written on the document.

Name: Chris Sissy.

Identity: Beihai, the royal family of the Nick Kingdom, after the Nick Kingdom was destroyed by pirates, the old housekeeper fled here with the wealth of the Nick Kingdom, and lived incognito.

Age: Fourteen years old.

Personality: Simple, gentle, polite, with a sense of justice, but jealous and disgusted with pirates (this character is easier to gain the trust of the navy.).

The letter wrote in detail the life of this girl named "Sissy", from her basic necessities of life, food, housing, transportation, and everyone she came into contact with.

"It's like someone else's life." The girl said with a smile while stroking the villain in front of her while reading the information.

"Are you right, little Luna?"

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