Pirate Family

Chapter 692 Fisherman

"There is a fishing boat ahead. What should I do next?"

A silver-white warship was sailing on the sea. After a watchman saw something strange ahead through the binoculars, he rushed down from the watchtower and came to the captain's room to report to the woman sitting inside.

The woman was wearing a black lady's suit, holding a document in one hand, and a teacup in the other, savoring it carefully.

"A fishing boat?"

The woman put down the teacup in her hand and said unhurriedly.

"Then let them go."

Although they are pirates, they are not bloodthirsty. Meaningless killings are of no value to them.

"I understand." The watchman nodded and was about to go out when the woman suddenly said as if she remembered something.


The woman stood up, a hint of amusement flashed in her eyes.

"Pirates are rampant in the new world, how can there be fishing boats?"

"Take me to see."

The New World is the most chaotic sea area in this sea. The weak have long been swallowed by the waves of this sea. Countless strong people came to this sea area after experiencing the tempering of the paradise. A character with a bounty of over 100 million is nothing more than a group of fish here.

Ordinary people, in the face of these vicious pirates, have no ability to resist at all, so what gave them the courage to go to sea?

Through the lens of the telescope, the woman saw a sloop floating on the sea in front of her. A dark-skinned middle-aged man sprinkled the fishing net in his hand into the sea, and then wiped the sweat from his forehead.

But when he raised his head, he suddenly saw a silver-white warship slowly approaching him, and he froze, his body trembling uncontrollably.

"From this point of view, it is indeed a fishing boat."

"Ordinary people's fear of pirates is engraved in their bones. Their expressions don't seem to be fake."

The woman put down the binoculars in her hand and said lightly.

But just as she was about to order the fishing boat to be ignored, a pair of white hands held her down.

"A lot of things, you can't just look at the appearance."

A woman in a red dress came out of the cabin, rubbed her sleepy eyes, there was a lovely white dove on her shoulder, the woman said slowly while teasing the white dove .

"You're awake, are you resting?" Violet looked at Garrett and asked with concern. Recently, Garrett seems to be very lethargic, sleeping most of the day. It was a bit boring indeed, but Violet always had a feeling of uneasiness inside.

"I still can't get used to the feeling of bumping in the sea. If Lorne finds out, he will definitely laugh at me and call me a shame for pirates."

Garrett responded with a smile, then waved and said to the sailors beside her.

"Invite this fisherman up here, I want to see if his identity is real." Garrett said, and then lightly patted the white dove on her shoulder. The white dove spread its wings, jumped into the air, and disappeared in the skyrim.


A dark-skinned fisherman walked up tremblingly under the support of two soldiers, looking around, the boat was full of vicious pirates, a woman in a red dress was sitting on a chair in the middle of the deck, watching calmly. with him.

The fisherman's legs and feet trembled, he knelt down, and then lowered his head and said in fear.

"May I ask you to call the little one here, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just want to confirm your identity." Garrett played with her nails, her slender nails showed a strange red color.

"It looks like you are a fisherman?" Garrett said casually.

"Yes, my family lives on Manli Island in the nearby waters. We have been fishermen for generations. We have never offended adults."

"I also have a young son and a sick wife in my family. They all need nutrition to supplement their bodies, otherwise I wouldn't go to sea during this wind-changing period."

The wind-changing period generally refers to the period between November and February in the New World. During this period, the sea in the New World is volatile and very dangerous.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in your family, I just want to confirm some things." Garrett still smiled and said, then waved her hand, indicating that the fisherman can leave.

The fisherman was relieved. After he was brought onto the boat, he never expected to go on alive, but he didn't expect that Garrett just asked him a few questions and let him leave.

He quickly turned around, ready to leave, but at this moment, Garrett suddenly stopped him again.

"Wait a minute, have you seen this flag?"

Garrett pointed to the flag of the Misty Moon hanging on the flagpole of the Scarlet Rose, and asked with a smile.

"No, no." The fisherman forced a smile, and said reluctantly. "But those who can sail on this sea are all big figures who are indomitable."

"No?" Garrett looked a little disappointed, but still waved her hand to let him go.

"Do you want me to send someone to check his details? Or just directly..." After the fishermen's boat slowly left, Violet walked up to Garrett's side, with a serious expression, and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Now that he has chosen the path of pirates, he must put away all the so-called benevolence of women. In fact, which pirate dares to say that he has not carried the lives of a few innocent people on his body?

She knew that Garrett had doubts about the real identity of the fisherman, and now the family was in a very sensitive period, so it was her responsibility to resolve all these unstable factors.

"If what he said is true, then his wife and children should be waiting for him to go back at home now?"

But Garrett suddenly said out of nowhere.

"Do you want to let him go?"

Violet said softly.

"Who knows? If he didn't lie, then he has the right to live."

Garrett shrugged her shoulders and said indifferently.

"Or, let me make a bet with you on whether that man lied or not."

Violet was aroused by Garrett's words, even though she didn't know how Garrett wanted to verify her answer, she still nodded.

"I know the reason why you came here. Besides helping me, you will also remind me not to do stupid things when necessary." Garrett said calmly.

"However, this time, I just want to act recklessly. If I win the bet this time, then don't stop me."

"I bet he lied."

Garrett snapped her fingers, then said calmly.

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