Pirate Family

Chapter 701 The real game begins

"Damn it! How did he win again!"

In Gulan Tezolo's VIP room, a gambler couldn't help but said.

In the center of the table is a picture of a certain casino in the City of Gold. In the picture, a young man is gambling, and a mountain of Baileys are placed on the table in front of him. In this short period of time, the number of Baileys he brought over doubled several times.

"He's so brave."

Garrett commented that the man in the picture pushed out all his chips every time, but every time, he was able to win. Now the value of the chips in front of him is close to 500 million Baileys .

"But, he's about to lose."

Marcus said suddenly, "He won't win for long."

"If he can't accept it as soon as he sees it, he will soon fall into the abyss."

Jia Lei nodded and did not continue talking. She knew that a person's good luck is always limited, Kamoxi can't win forever, according to his way of playing, no matter how many hands he can win, but as long as the casino wins him once, he will be lost forever.

Unless, Garrett glanced at the man in the golden suit sitting in the middle.

In the entire City of Gold, the banker behind all the casinos is the man in front of him, and the profit and loss of all the casinos must be counted on this man.

Unless Kamoshi's luck was so good that Tezolo would lose his fortune, otherwise, he would always lose. Moreover, even if Kamoshi's luck was really that good, would Tezolo sit back and watch this happen?

"The game is almost over."

When his chips reached 500 million Baileys, Kamoshi hesitated for a moment, and then divided his chips into two parts.

This time, he only pushed half out.

And this time, he lost.

There was a burst of screams from the entire VIP room, and a smile appeared on Garrett's face. She knew that the real fun had only just begun.


"What happened, are you going to stop?"

In the casino, Bacala snuggled up beside Kamoxi. After seeing Kamoxi's first miss, she raised her head, looked at the young gambler, and asked with a smile on her face.

"How come, it's just that I didn't notice it for a while, my goddess of luck is here, how can I stop?"

Kamoxi wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and then spoke calmly to the female dealer sitting in front of him.


But this time, he still didn't choose to push out all his chips, but also divided it into two parts, only betting on half of all the chips.

After losing once, Kamoshi seemed to have lost his magical luck and turned into an ordinary gambler, winning and losing, and his chips slowly shrinking.

"It's really boring."

After Kamoxi lost another hand, and the chips fell to 200 million Baileys, Bacala yawned and said slowly.

"Trust me, I will definitely win!"

Seeing being looked down upon by the beauty, Kamoshi gritted his teeth, then pushed all his chips out, and said fiercely.

"All on. I'm on big!"

He is still immersed in his invincible luck and cannot extricate himself. He believes that as long as he puts all his chips on the table, his invincible luck will return.

"Hiss hiss."

The gamblers around have already sensed that something is wrong, Kamoxi's emotional change, in their words, is the upper hand.

And once people lose their minds, they will do some crazy things. Many gamblers go bankrupt because of their superiors.

"As you wish."

The dealer smiled and continued rolling the dice.

The dice kept shaking in the pot, touching the hearts of every gambler. They couldn't wait to know whether tonight was the birth of a legend or the end of a gambler.


The female croupier slammed the dice pot on the table, and made a gesture of invitation to Kamoshi.

Kamoxi originally wanted to press down, but after seeing the female croupier's actions, he suddenly smiled slyly,

"I've changed my mind, I'm going to be young this time."

The dice pot was slowly opened, and there was a suffocating sound from around.

Three dice were neatly placed in the dice pot, five five six, big!

This time, Kamoshi lost!

Kamoxi sat slumped on the chair. A few minutes ago, he was still a rich man with hundreds of millions of Baileys, but in just a few minutes, he lost everything.

"It's wonderful." Bacala clapped her hands, looked at Kamoshi and said with a smile on her face.

The chips have been lost, and she is about to get up and leave.

"Wait a moment!"

But at this time, Kamoshi suddenly spoke, and then took out a bright gemstone necklace from his clothes.

"Pandora of eternity?!"

Those present, someone recognized the necklace, and then exclaimed.

It's not because the value of this necklace is so expensive, because any jewelry that can be inlaid on the necklace will not be too big, and the gemstones on this necklace are only a few million Baileys at best.

This money may be a rare and huge sum of money to others, but to gamblers who have just seen hundreds of millions of Baileys melt into bubbles, it is just a drizzle.

However, the reason they exclaimed was not because of how expensive the necklace was, but because of the value behind the necklace.

Just like the pair of couple rings obtained by the man called the devil, this necklace was handed down from a huge kingdom hundreds of years ago, but it is different from the pair of crimson and dark blue rings that symbolize lovers. "Eternal Pandora" is a symbol of luck. According to legend, whoever owns this necklace will have good luck.

No one knows whether the legend is true or not, but according to historical records, the owner of this necklace is indeed not too bad luck. Most people live their lives in peace. This makes the necklace a bit more legendary, and it is sought after by many people.

Now, in the black market in the underground world, there are still people offering a reward for this necklace. As long as you bring this "Pandora of Eternity" finger to him, you can get a reward of 100 million Berries.

"This necklace is not too much to exchange for 100 million Bailey chips."

Kamoshi said to the attendant standing beside him.

The attendant took the eternal Pandora from his hands. Then after the appraisal, he said slowly.

"It's true, it can indeed be exchanged for 100 million Baileys. Do you want to exchange it?"

After hearing these words, Kamoxi heaved a sigh of relief, but felt a little bit disappointed. This necklace was obtained by chance during his previous adventure, and he planned to give it to Lucy as a wedding present at the right time.

"I will definitely redeem you."

Kamoshi looked at the necklace leaving him, and said firmly. Then after the chips were delivered, he sat up straight again and said to the female croupier.

"Let's continue."

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