Pirate Family

Chapter 725 Treasures and Gifts

Tezolo has the title of the world's richest man. It is said that he controls 20% of the world's gold, and there are countless treasures.

His vault is known as the "Great Secret Treasure ONE-PIECE" with coordinates.

Eighty billion Pele is a lot, but it doesn't match Tezolo's name at all.

The Kaido Pirates continue to do evil, and often create some disasters at the level of destroying the country. For example, Quinn once completely squeezed out a relatively barren country in this sea, and obtained a wealth of more than 10 billion Baileys.

And when Sanchuanlu was still under Kaido's command, he once estimated that the total wealth controlled by Tezolo was at least 500 billion Baileys.

This number is a bit different from the current 80 billion Baileys.

So Tezolo must be hiding a treasure trove in the dark!

"I'll go to Jiang Tezuolo to dig it out and ask for clarification!"

Seeing something wrong with Kaido's face next to him, Quinn immediately volunteered.

"Don't worry, boss, that Tezuolo has fallen into my hands, and he will definitely spit out everything he knows!"

After he finished speaking, Kaido nodded, and then walked in the direction of his pirate ship. This boring war is over, he is ready to go back and continue drinking.

And Quinn shook his fat body, and walked towards the ruins where Tezolo was buried.

Tezolo was buried in the ruins after being defeated by Lord Kaido. Originally, Quinn guessed that Tezolo would climb out of the ruins and continue fighting. But after his whole body was buried in it, there was no more movement.

"dig it out!"

Quinn said coldly to the two people next to him, the two pirates heard this, immediately picked up their weapons, and started digging in the ruins.

But as he dug, Quinn's face began to look a little strange.

Until the group of pirates hollowed out the entire ruins, they did not find any trace of Tezolo.

This man seemed to have disappeared out of thin air!

"What the hell happened! How could he disappear!"

Quinn yelled loudly, and cold sweat continued to seep from his fat face.

For some reason, this Tezzolo disappeared right under his nose.

"Search the entire Golden City immediately, and I must find Tezolo!"

Quinn yelled at his subordinates, this man is related to hundreds of billions of Bailey Bailey's treasures, and there must be no exception.

If he can't be found, Quinn can even imagine his own ending.

Kaido is a pure pirate, with all the characteristics that a pirate should have, cruel, greedy, powerful, and savage.

Most importantly, he will never be merciless, whether it is dealing with enemies or incompetent subordinates.

Therefore, if this simple thing cannot be done well, Quinn's ending will definitely not be so wonderful.

But he didn't know that Tezolo didn't disappear out of thin air, but left in front of his eyes openly.


"Ahem, I didn't expect that you would come back to save me. For me, you would directly face an opponent of Kaido's level."

In front of a small boat, Tezolo, who was being carried by a tall experimental subject, coughed out a mouthful of blood, and said slowly to Garrett in front of him.

"You misunderstood a little. It's not that I want to save you, but Lorne thinks that you are a good ally. If someone like you dies in this war, he will be on the position of One Piece in the future." Afterwards, you couldn’t watch the ceremony, wouldn’t it be a pity? That’s why he decided to rescue you.”

Garrett sat in front of Tezolo, commanding the experimental subject to start the boat. After the boat started, she turned around and said to Tezolo with a smile on her face.

At this time, she was a little pale due to excessive blood loss from the injury, but there was a smile on her face, a happy smile.

Because Lorne is back.

"Cough cough. But no matter what, you guys saved me after all. Don't worry, I will never let you down after I make a comeback." The experimental subject put Tezolo on the boat, and Tezolo adjusted his body The injury on the body, and then said slowly.

"It's just that I didn't expect that Mr. Lorne's use of abilities has improved to another level."

Just now, when he was dug out of the ruins by these pirates, he was already ready to fight, but Kaido's kick just now broke his bones, and now He was a bit reluctant to even move a finger.

But just when he was in despair, the group of pirates didn't seem to see him, and threw him out like garbage, while the two experimental subjects came out from behind the group of pirates in a fair manner. In front of Quinn, Tezolo was taken away.

At that time, Tezolo had already figured it out. These pirates must have been confused by Lorne's ability to use their own perception, so they didn't recognize him.

However, what surprised Tezolo the most was that not only these miscellaneous fish, but even Quinn didn't find the slightest flaw, allowing these experimental subjects to take him away.

Therefore, Tezolo doesn't know where the current Lorne has gone. Perhaps the current Lorne is really worthy of his title of "Emperor".

"But, now I have a question."

The boat started and disappeared into the night. Tezolo turned around and glanced at the Golden City behind him, but he didn't take any notice in his eyes, because this city was just a shell, and his real wealth was hidden in an absolutely safe place.

A place that only he knows the whole world. He can afford to lose a mere city of gold.

As long as he can make a comeback, he will definitely make today's Kaido return ten times and a hundred times.

Tezuolo turned his head, looked at Garrett, and asked slowly.

"Where is Mr. Lorne now?"


At this time, Garrett stood up, looking at the Golden City behind the boat, and the countless pirate ships surrounding the Golden City.

Said slowly to Tezolo.

"Lorne said that he wanted to teach these pirates a lesson."

"I also said that in the distant country of flowers, they have a custom, that is, at the end of the new year, they like to give gifts to their relatives and friends."

"And this is the gift he gave me."

At the mention of Lorne, a smile flickered on the corner of Garrett's mouth.

Tezolo followed Garrett's eyes and looked at the past, after seeing everything that happened in front of his eyes. He gaped, muttering to himself.

"Is this the so-called New Year's gift?"

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