Pirate Family

Chapter 748: Navy Star

"Hello, I am Navy Captain Ain, and I will be your future boss in the Navy."

A woman with long blue hair stood in front of Sissi, and stretched out her hand towards her.

She is small and graceful, with a soft voice, not like a navy who helps justice, but like a little girl next door.

"Hi, my name is Sissy. Chrissy Sissy." Sissy saluted Ain with a standard military salute, "Just call me Sissy."

"I know you, the princess of Nick's royal family." Ain said calmly.

"I feel sorry for your life experience, but your choice to join the navy is undoubtedly the most correct choice in your life. Because in the face of absolute justice, those pirates will not be rampant for long."

She spoke very softly, making Sissy feel like a spring breeze.

This is a gentle woman.

This is Sissy's first impression of Ain. But she saw a hint of hatred on Ai Yin's face.

A trace of hatred for pirates, is it this hatred that drives her to give up a peaceful and superior life, and instead choose to fight on the front line with this group of vicious pirates?

She is a woman with a story.

Everyone has their own story.

This is the first realization that Sissy got after the undercover mission. Before that, because of being protected by her brothers and sisters, she had never had much contact with the navy. The impression of the navy is that these people are the enemies of the family. , is the enemy of the pirates.

Now, after she realized the living people like Urad, Rom, and Ain, she realized that the navy is also flesh and blood. From their standpoint, pirates are the symbol of evil.

Isn't it possible for the navy and the pirates to coexist harmoniously?

For some reason, Sissy suddenly thought of this idea, but this idea only wavered in her heart, and then she put it behind her, and then laughed at herself.

If the brothers and sisters knew about this idea, they would laugh at their innocence again. The navy and the pirates are two natural opposing forces, and they will never be able to coexist harmoniously.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Ain saw Sissy suddenly smiled, and asked with concern.

"I'm just excited about joining the Navy."

Sissy quickly replied.

"Is that so?" Ai Yin nodded, and did not continue to ask further questions. In fact, she has not been in the official navy for a few years. Back then, after learning that she could become an official navy, she was as excited as the little girl in front of her. . She slowed down and turned to look at Instructor Urad.

"I still have an important task to perform later, so I won't say any extra polite words. The quality of this group of recruits is very good, and you may be able to transfer you from this position in the future and let you return to the front line."

After hearing that there was still a possibility of returning to the front line, a gleam of joy flashed in Instructor Urad's eyes, but then the joy disappeared and turned bleak.

"My current body, returning to the front line is probably just a drag on you. I'd better stay behind and cultivate fresh blood for you."

Although he was refusing, there was still a trace of regret in Urad's tone.

After hearing Urad's words, Ain didn't say anything, but turned around and walked towards the navy ship.

This group of recruits saw a formal naval warship for the first time, and their eyes were filled with excitement. Led by a non-commissioned officer, they walked up to the warship in unison.

"It's just," Urad called Ain.

"These children are excellent seedlings, the mainstay of the future navy, if possible, can you take care of them."

Ain stopped in her tracks, she wanted to reassure Urad, but she couldn't say such words. Since Roger's death, pirates have flooded the navy, especially the rookie navy. The loss rate has been high. According to the Navy's internal data, at least 30% of the recruits will die in their first three missions. .

Of the ten recruits, only four were able to grow into veterans. The others became the spoils of pirates.

Many navies, after leaving boot camp, never came back.

But even with such a high elimination rate, the navy has always had an endless supply of troops.

Because, hate.

"I'll do my best." Ain took a deep breath and said with his back to Urad.

Then, she boarded the warship.

Standing in the port, Urad watched the naval warship gradually disappear on the sea level.

The excited shouts of this group of newcomers can also be faintly heard.

Just like, they were the same back then. I just don't know if the fate of this group of newcomers will be the same as they were back then.


"I heard that some paranoid naval officers like to let newcomers complete some impossible tasks. Only the absolute elite who survived are qualified to continue to follow them. I don't know if this Captain Ain is the same as them."

In the cabin dormitory, a little girl with freckles was lying under the quilt, and excitedly said to Sissy.

They are partners who are assigned to the same dormitory, and the way girls grow friendship is the same no matter where they are, that is gossip.

As soon as her words came out, the whole dormitory exploded, and the group of girls chattered and started discussing.

"No, it won't. Captain Ain is the star of the navy. It is rumored that she will replace Lieutenant Admiral Gion in the future. She will not be such a person."

Another girl with twin ponytails retorted coldly. Ai Yin is her idol. When she joined the navy, she wanted to become an independent woman like Ai Yin or Gion, to prove to the elders in the family that girls are not necessarily inferior to boys.

"It's just a discussion."

The freckled girl muttered and said slowly. Then she turned her head again and looked at Cici who was sitting on the bed opposite her.

"Sissy, tell me, what kind of person is Captain Ain?"

After she spoke, everyone's eyes turned to Sissy, because Sissy was the star of their boot camp. It was rumored that she independently repelled a big pirate who offered a bounty of tens of millions of Baileys. Officers are not as good as her!

"Captain Ain?" Sissy was stunned, she didn't expect that she would become the focus of the whole dormitory. She thought for a while before speaking.

"Captain Ain is a very gentle person."

"Isn't that the same as not saying anything?"

The freckled girl curled her lips, but did not continue to ask.

Because of Sissy's opening, the interest in the discussion in the whole dormitory dissipated a lot, and they were silent.

It was late at night, and except for a few naval officers on duty, all the soldiers on the ship had fallen asleep. And Sissy looked out at the extremely silent sea through the window.

The thoughts she had when she saw Instructor Ain in the afternoon were revolving in her heart.

Pirates, can they really live in harmony with the navy?

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