Pirate Family

Chapter 750 Encounter

"woo woo woo woo!"

The fat man who was tied up looked at the bald man in front of him in horror. He didn't understand what happened. He was just patrolling the kingdom as usual, and by the way, he gave the untouchables a shake of the royal family's prestige. Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked out of the palace, he encountered a group of vicious pirates.

His brave guards were not the opponents of this group of pirates at all, and they were put into a group after three attacks and five divisions.

Then the group of pirates tied him up without saying a word, brought him to the pirate ship, and walked away.

"It's so noisy." The bald man said impatiently, buttoning his ears.

According to the family's information, this King Walpo is not a good person either. Since he took the throne, he has committed all sorts of crimes and oppressed the residents of the kingdom. In the eyes of the residents of Magnetic Drum Island, he is much more hateful than pirates.

Even after they hijacked Walpo, the ordinary people on Magnetic Drum Island only resisted symbolically, and then made way for them to watch them go away.

"Actually, I'm not interested in weak people like you."

Jody touched his head and turned to look at Walpo. There was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"It's just that, while you still have the strength to scream, you'd better enjoy this last time."

Hearing the bald man's words, Walpo's pupils dilated a bit, and then despair spread out of them. His body struggled violently, as if he wanted to escape for his life.

But for him who lacked exercise all the year round, he was unable to break free from the shackles, so he could only whimper in despair.

As his strength passed, his whimpers became smaller and smaller.

"Finally quiet."

After hearing the chattering noise in her ears finally disappearing, Jody felt a lot more relaxed.

He turned his head and looked towards the endless sea ahead.

The sun shines directly on the sea level, reflecting soft light, and the gentle sea breeze blows on people's bodies, carrying a little salty smell, which makes people feel very refreshing.

"Sure enough, it is indeed a peaceful paradise."

"Ordinary people living under the illusion of peace will never be able to imagine how violent the tide of the times is."

He sighed, then looked ahead, silent. His eyes were extremely deep, as if he could see through everything in the world.

After a long time, he suddenly patted his bald head. Said with some embarrassment.

"Sure enough, I still don't feel like the boss."

"Fighting to the flesh is what suits me. Leave this kind of nerve-wracking thing to the boss and those smart people."

After thinking about this, Jody turned his head and called out to a crew member on the deck.

"Mate, where are you now?"

A strong man in a black leather jacket ran over quickly, took out the nautical chart and glanced at it.

"Now we should be approaching the middle of the paradise, near the waters of Florence. It only takes another week of sailing to reach the Chambord Islands. After passing through the Chambord Islands, we will reach our site."

The new world is the territory that really belongs to the pirates. In that sea area, the words of the big pirates are even more important than the laws of the world government.

"The king of a country is missing, and the world government must take it very seriously. Don't think about it, they will send the navy to block several routes in the paradise and round up us."

"However, they don't think we've gotten here."

Jody glanced at the sea chart. This route was carefully selected by them. Coupled with the unique shipbuilding technology of the Vinhill family, the speed of the ship is much faster than that of ordinary pirate ships. The entrance sails here.

Now, that group of navies may still be blocked on the main routes of several routes, and they want to catch them all.

"Report to the captain!"

At this time, the watchman suddenly stood on the lookout platform and shouted,

"Ahead, a naval warship appeared!"

The smile on Jody's face became serious. He took the binoculars thrown by the watchman, and then looked forward.

Sure enough, a naval warship appeared at the end of the field of vision, and they drove towards this direction in a daze, and the target was obviously themselves.

"damn it."

Jody cursed, then yelled at the mate.

"Notify everyone, prepare to fight!"

It's not that he's afraid of the navy. In fact, apart from the few famous officers in the navy, no one else is worth mentioning.

He was just worried about whether the navy's appearance this time was hiding something else.


It turned out that Jody was completely overwhelmed.

Ain looked at the naval recruits who were vomiting and diarrhea in the cabin, and frowned slightly.

She forgot one thing, that is, many people will have a strong sense of discomfort when they go to sea for the first time. After all, this group of naval recruits are young people who have never been on the battlefield. After the initial novelty passed, they discovered the essence of long-distance voyage, which is boring.

When sailing on the sea, except for a few times when going to the island to supply supplies, most of the time, there is boundless sea around. dizziness.

This kind of dizziness will gradually get used to it as you spend more time at sea.

But obviously, the time that this group of recruits stayed at sea was not long enough.

Because of this, their speed is much slower than expected.

"Perhaps, I should apply directly to the people above, and take them back to Marlin Vandor directly."

Ain sighed, and then said to himself.

"Perhaps, this is an unforgettable memory for them?" Ain's adjutant joked.

"In the future, after these people have grown into the mainstay of the navy, in your eyes, captain, they are just newcomers who have been vomiting and diarrhea for the first time when they go to sea."

Ain was silent. Did not speak. At this time, a girl with white hair walked in front of Ai Yin.

Although her complexion is equally haggard, she is much better than others.

"Sir, I've rested and applied to continue training."


Ain said lightly, while looking at the girl with a hint of approval in her eyes.

This girl deserves to be the best among the recruits this year, and her ability in all aspects is even better than that of many official naval officers. If she can grow up smoothly, plus a Roma, the future navy depends on them up.

Thinking of the hope of the future navy on his shoulders, Ain felt that his burden was much heavier.

But at this moment, a female navy hurriedly ran up to Ain, and said in a hurry.

"Report! Sir!"

"There is a pirate ship ahead!"

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