Pirate Family

Chapter 760: The Turning Point of the Battle (2)

Lola's insignificant change gave Jody an absolute advantage in this battle.

He raised his mechanical arm and looked at it.

The steam above was beating, constantly absorbing his physical strength.

There's no time for nonsense, now it's time for a quick fix. Jody's body bent, then exploded violently, and rushed towards Snake Princess.

The steam from the mechanical arm drew a graceful arc in the air, and smashed towards Snake Ji's beautiful face.


She Ji put her injured arm behind her, with a cold face, then raised her other hand.

The fists of the two collided, and the two retreated at the same time.

There was a crack in Jody's mechanical arm, and several cracks appeared in Snake Ji's fist, and blood continued to flow out of her fist.

Even so, there was no wave on her face, as if the injured arm was not her own.

On the other hand, the battle between Kern and Ain has entered into a stage of entanglement in full swing.

Every time Ain left a wound on Kern's fur, it would heal quickly, and every time Kern's claws caught Ain's body and left a deep wound, the female navy would quickly back a few steps, Then touch your wound with one hand.

The wound healed quickly.

The battle between the two turned into a tug of war.

At this time, the navy recruits mustered up their courage and began to harass Kern and Jody with their weapons. Countless bullets were shot from various angles, hitting Kern and Jody, sending out Clang clang sound.

Jody frowned slightly, then deftly avoided the bullets that were shooting towards him.

"Let's make a quick decision." He raised his right hand and compared it to Snake Girl. The steam on the arm kept coming out.

He felt that his mechanical arm was constantly disintegrating, and the blood in his body felt like it was about to boil because of the high temperature.

Jody couldn't last much longer now.

After this matter is over, Jody must go back and ask Lola to help him refit, otherwise it will affect his own battle.

"Are you in a hurry?"

She Ji frowned, separated her two hands, clenched them into a ball, and assumed a fighting posture.

Jody didn't speak, but snorted coldly, and then rushed towards Snake Girl again.

This time, he didn't hold back his strength, but concentrated all his arrogance on his fist, and he must deal with this difficult woman with one punch.

The sounds of battle came from the family boat, and Snake Princess' subordinates fought with the warriors of the Vinhill family. Facing these domineering women, although the warriors of the family were defeated and defiant, they still did not fear death. Those who were beaten retreated steadily.

She Ji looked in that direction, then turned her head, with a clear expression on her face.

"Are you concerned about that ship? There should be something on that ship that you value."


The fists of the two collided together, Snake Girl took a few steps back, and then turned her body to avoid Jody's next punch.

"So you want to quickly get rid of the concubine, and then support your subordinates?"

A big hole was blasted out by Jody on the deck. After Ain's repair, the sea water kept creeping in from the hole, and the warship began to tilt, and then fell to one side.

"Rescue the warship!"

At this time, a naval officer shouted, and then led the recruits to rush out of the cabin and surrounded Jody.

Anxi was also hiding in it. She cautiously took out a silver-white revolver with a refined color, and shot a few shots at Kern who was fighting Ain from time to time.

But her accuracy was poor, and she missed several shots in a row, which was very different from her previous performance in the training camp. However, at this time, no one noticed her small movements.

"However, being a concubine is not what you wish."

While speaking, Serpentine kicked Jody on the neck with a side kick.

"Aromatic legs!"

The veins on Jody's neck were exposed, and the black tattoo trembled. But it was just a cold snort, turned his head, and used domineering force to resist She Ji's kick, and at the same time hit She Ji's lower abdomen with a punch.

"Steam bombardment!"

The two flew out at the same time and hit the wall of the warship, creating countless cracks.

"If you don't want what I want, shouldn't you try to avoid my attack and delay time?"

Jody got up first, supported his neck with both hands, and straightened his head. There was a rattling sound from his bones.

"Beating you is also a way of not letting you get what you want." She Ji stood up at the same time, and the pink python crawled behind her, dragging She Ji up with its own body.

Jody's punch was not as good as she showed.


Jody frowned slightly, he didn't understand the meaning of Snake Princess' words.

But the next moment, as if he thought of something, he raised his right hand.

On the mechanical arm, the speed of steam ejection slowed down, and a layer of white stone patterns continued to spread on his arm.

"The concubine is a sweet person who ate sweet fruits." Snake Ji said coldly to Jodi while pulling her hair.

"It can petrify all objects obsessed with beauty, even inanimate objects."

She Ji raised her right hand, pointed down at Jody, and then leaned back.

"Surrender to the beauty of my concubine!"

The corner of Jody's mouth twitched, he had never seen such a narcissistic person. But regardless of this woman's personality, this woman named She Ji is really powerful. Is such a woman really an unknown person?

The right mechanical arm was completely petrified, turning into a pile of stiff stone pillars, unable to move. He frowned, and then slammed his left hand on his arm, and the stone broke, exposing his severed limbs.

"Don't get complacent too early, you can easily get rid of you without using this arm!"

Jody said coldly, at this moment, he suddenly understood why the boss asked him to keep his plan, was it because he was sure that he couldn't beat this arrogant woman?

Every man galloping on the sea has his own pride. Even after following the boss for so many years, Jody still hasn't forgotten that he was the proud burning king back then.

Now, he wants to prove it to the boss!

"Is it?"

She Ji also stood up straight, and raised her eyebrows at Jody.

"How do you want to prove it?"

Jody felt a dangerous aura suddenly appeared behind him, he turned around without even thinking about it.

A long sword brushed against his belly.

Ain stood behind him, looking at himself with a gloomy expression.

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