Pirate Family

Chapter 764 Lorne's Expectation


Lorne frowned and tapped the table in front of him lightly.

He probably guessed what the "new era" Shanks was referring to

Is the wheel of history so strong that no matter what he does, what should happen will always happen?

"I met a very nice little guy in the East China Sea. Maybe it won't be long before he appears in this sea, which will open your eyes."

Shanks stroked his severed arm, seemed to think of something, and said with a smile.

"Then, I'm looking forward to it."

Lorne also responded with a smile. He has a good relationship with Shanks, otherwise this man would not come to Lorne for a drink immediately after returning to the new world.

"Come, come, this is the wine I brought from my hometown."

Shanks took out a wine bottle from his body and threw it to Lorne.

"The wine tastes sweet, but not mellow enough. It should be a bar brewed at home."

Lorne uncorked the wine, and the aroma of the wine filled his nose. Because of his ability, Lorne's sense of smell was far more sensitive than that of ordinary people, so he smelled something else.

"This is the wine I brought over from the West Sea. Although it is not as famous as the wine of Aughongmu, the country of wine, it is brewed with the purest body and the hottest sun. It is my favorite. liquor."

"Try it."

He spread his hands and made a gesture of invitation to Lorne.

Grunt grunt grunt.

Lorne drank a bottle of wine in one gulp, then wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth, and said slowly.

"It's not bad. It's a little different from Aughongmu's wine."

He had lived in Adela, the country of flowers, for a long time before, and the country of flowers is adjacent to the country of wine, Oghongmu. In addition, at the beginning, the family also had some wine business, so there is still a lot of wine. Some discerning ones.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Shanks seemed amused to hear Lorne praising the wine in his hometown. He picked up a bottle of wine and drank it down like Lorne.

Everyone was drunk and fell on the wine table. At this time, Shanks was still holding an empty wine bottle in one hand. Shouted.

"Come on, keep drinking."

There was a lot of noise.

The bottle fell to the ground and smashed into pieces.

Lorne lay faceless on the table, while Jialei Tehu felt very cold and kept crawling into Lorne's arms.

At this moment, Violet walked in, clapped her hands, and a large group of guards walked into the banquet hall uniformly, then helped all the red-haired pirates up, and took them to the guest lounge to rest.

After doing all this, Violet pushed out, leaving Lorne and Garrett alone in the hall. Wait for the maids in the castle and take them back to rest.

But she didn't notice that when she turned around, Garrett and the man named Beckman in the red-haired pirates opened their eyes at the same time, and then closed them at the same time.


After waking up, the red-haired pirates left Sdio, and Lorne didn't do anything to keep him.

After all, the pirate's journey still needs to be experienced by the pirate himself.

"A new era?"

Lorne stood on the top of Sdio's black iron castle, looking at the sea under his feet, and muttered to himself.

The sea is still calm, but Lorne knows that the "new era" Shanks said will come soon.

"Mr. Gage has already made a similar clone. It should take a day or two before you can conduct a coherence test to adjust your perception to the same level as the clone's."

Garrett walked up to Lorne and put a coat on Lorne.

"Be careful, don't catch a cold."

"I see."

Lorne nodded. He has decided to use Valpo's Tunton Fruit on the clone, and after developing the Tunton Fruit to a certain level, he will send troops across most of the New World to find Kaido in Wano Country.

With so many new and old grudges, it's time to clean them up.

Garrett didn't speak, but leaned on Lorne's arm and looked at the sea with him.

The sea breeze was blowing gently, and the sun had just risen at this time, and the residents of Sdio got up and started their day's work.

This small island ruled by pirates presents a peaceful atmosphere.

And this is exactly what Lorne has always wanted to do.

"By the way," Garrett seemed to remember something, and said slowly to Lorne.

"Little Anxi just sent a message. She has arrived at the Navy Headquarters and has been conferred by the Admiral of the Navy. She has become a Second Lieutenant of the Navy and is responsible for assisting Ain in leading the Fifth Glory Troop of the Navy."

"She was just looking for an opportunity to steal the navy's black butcher knife Monubi before, and she might be able to get some useful clues from it."

Monubi, the black butcher knife, was a pirate who belonged to the Golden Lion fleet before, but after that war, he chose to betray the Golden Lion. After the Golden Lion failed, it lost its trace. It suddenly appeared some time ago, attacked a certain country in the paradise, and was defeated by the navy.

Perhaps some valuable clues could be obtained from his mouth.

"Let little Anxi be careful." Lorne nodded and said.

The two looked at the sea in the distance in silence, maybe they had stood for a long time, and they were about to go back to the room and continue to rest. But at this moment, Lorne turned around suddenly, raised his head, and looked at the sky in the distance.

"What's wrong?"

Garrett noticed something strange about Lorne. asked with concern.

Lorne didn't speak, and Garrett followed Lorne's gaze, raised her head, and looked into the distance.

At this time, a sea of ​​white clouds rolled in the sky. The sun shines on the sea through the sea of ​​clouds, sparkling. Such sunny weather is extremely rare in the New World.

But the next moment, a hole suddenly opened in the sea of ​​clouds in the distance. A pitch-black object fell from the hole in the sea of ​​clouds.

Falling into the sea, smashing out great waves.

The wave swept towards Sidio, but because the distance was too far, after the wave swept past Sidio, there was only an insignificant wave left, hitting the beach of Sidio.

"What it is?"

Garrett asked solemnly.

"That's an island."

"One, an island floating in the sky?"

Garrett frowned and said doubtfully.

At this moment, the phone bug he placed next to him suddenly rang, and the next moment, his face became more solemn than ever.

"Perhaps, little Anxi doesn't have to take the risk of stealing the Navy's interrogation files." Lorne said softly.

Because, on the other end of the phone bug, Agatha told Lorne that the Mon Bach they brought back before finally woke up.

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