Pirate Family

Chapter 768: A Pirate's Funeral (2)

"Be careful, there is a weird atmosphere here, and I feel a lot of powerful auras hiding in this small island."

A naval warship slowly sailed towards Vermejo. At the bow, a female navy with black hair said slowly.

She was wearing a simple red shirt, a pair of brown shorts, a spider tattoo on her long white legs, her long black hair coiled up high, and a vice admiral uniform, looking heroic.

She lightly held the long sword pinned to her waist, looked at the gradually enlarged small island of Virmejo in the distance, and said slowly.

"Maybe, that lion is hiding in this small island."

"Obey! Master Momotu!"

The navy soldiers raised their hands in unison and saluted the woman.

The warship approached the island, and the navy threw an anchor into the sea, and then stepped off the ship neatly.

"According to Lord Warring States' orders, we will search this small island, and if possible, arrest the Golden Lion Shiji."

The woman known as "Peach Rabbit" walked on the ground of Vermaeu, turned around, and reiterated the goal of this action to her subordinates.

The marines were expressionless and resolute, as if they had already kept this action in mind.

As one of the most elite units in the navy, they have experienced countless fierce operations, and this time, it is just a stroke of ink on their heavy resumes.

Momotu nodded with a smile, and then cast her gaze to the back of the navy lineup, where a few immature faces were hiding.

This is the elite member of the Navy's latest "Fifth Glory Unit". Marshal Warring States ordered her to take these recruits to hone, and then train them to become the mainstay of the Navy.

These people have good aptitude, even stronger than some naval officers, so she did not refuse.

"Now, teams No. 1 and No. 2 are camping on the spot and taking turns on duty. Teams No. 3 and No. 4 are going out in batches to explore the environment of this small island. At night, they will give me a detailed report."

"The other teams are on standby on the spot, and then disband on the spot!"

"For justice!"

The marines roared in unison, and then started to act according to the plan set by Momotu.

"This Lieutenant General Momotu seems to be very powerful."

After the crowd dispersed, a young navy with freckles whispered to his companions.

She still remembers that when she and others were conferred new Navy squadron numbers, the first time she saw those legendary big men, her legs felt a little numb, and she almost couldn't stand still. But this very young woman was talking and laughing with those legends.

"After all, she is the most powerful woman in the navy. It is even said that she has the qualifications to compete for the admiral of the navy. Can she not be amazing?"

Beside, a girl with white hair sighed and said slowly. She glanced at Taotu standing in front with a complicated expression.

Anxi is very fortunate that Lieutenant Admiral Peach Rabbit and Garden has never seen herself. In addition, the navy's information about her is still a few years ago. That little loli is a different person. That's why Sister Garrett and the others agreed to make themselves undercover.

Gion didn't recognize her, and kindly expressed condolences to her life, just like a gentle big sister.

However, as luck would have it, not long after her stable life in the navy, she heard the news of this small island that fell from the sky. At that time, Anxi was doing an internship at the navy's base in the New World. He was assigned to carry out this mission with the vice admiral Momoto Usagi who was also at the base.

If it is an ordinary mission, Anxi certainly has nothing to fear, but the most important thing is that this mission takes place in the Loxor sea area, and the Loxor sea area is exactly the territory of Brother Lorne.

Even though the family was notified in advance, Anxi still didn't know if any accidents would happen.

Gion also raised his head, standing on the coastline of Vermejo, looking into the distance, he could vaguely see a steel forest-like island at the end of his vision.

There is the country of iron, Sidio, and also... the lair of the legendary demon.

Gingyuan looked dazed, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Master Peach Rabbit!"

At this time, the freckled girl suddenly jumped up and down in front of Gion, and said with a little excitement.

"I heard that there is a big conflict between the demon and the lion, and this island is the lion's lair, and this sea area happens to be the territory of the demon, that is to say,"

"Do we have a chance to see the battle scene of the two legendary pirates, and after they both lose, we can wait for the opportunity to capture them back together?"

The grievances between Lorne and Shi Ke, because of the reputation of the two people, coupled with the publicity of Morgans, has become a well-known story.

The freckled girl was a little excited when she thought of the possibility of arresting the two legends with her own hands.

Seeing her companion like this, Anxi closed her eyes helplessly. The girl still doesn't know the seriousness of the matter.

"Don't worry." Gion patted the freckled girl's shoulder lightly, and said seriously.

"For the sake of justice, I will personally punish these pirates."

"For justice!"

The freckled girl roared excitedly, and then ran towards Anxi in a bouncing manner.

Looking at the girl's back, Gion slowly shook his head.

It's good to be young, immature flowers have not yet realized the cruel reality of this sea. The reason why the navy only sent her was because they didn't want to confront the Vinhill family head-on. After all, the main force of the navy is now in the East China Sea, suppressing the rebellion there, and there is no time to be distracted.

The justice in the little girl's heart may take some time before it can be realized.

"However, that time is not far away."

Gion clenched his fist tightly and said seriously.

She looked at the small steel island at the end of her field of vision, and her eyes gradually became firmer.

No matter who you are, as long as you stand in front of justice, you are your own enemy.

But for the enemy, she will not be soft-hearted.

The navy's actions were very efficient, and within a short while, a simple camp was built.

At this time, the night was getting darker, and a group of soldiers was patrolling around, watching the movement next to them vigilantly. In the middle of the camp, a bonfire was burning, and by the light of the fire, Gion was looking at the information just sent by the navy.

But at this time, the roar of an unknown beast came from the depths of the dense forest, and then the sound of trees falling down, approaching the camp. A group of people's desperate cries for help sounded in the night.

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