Pirate Family

Chapter 779 The Death of Shiji

The rocks fell, covering the sky and the sun.

Lorne retracted his fist, and bright red blood dripped down his fist continuously.

On the opposite side of him, Shiji looked at him madly, and there was a huge hole in Shiji's chest.

"it's all over."

Lorne said slowly, in the last time, facing his full blow, Shi Ji did not dodge or evade, and chose to resist with his body. Now, he paid the price for his arrogance.

The earth floating in the sky seemed to have lost the power to control them, and began to fall one after another under the action of gravity.

The people present were all top powerhouses. After losing Shi Ji's control, these falling rocks could not pose any threat to them at all.

Lorne looked at Shi Ke and felt a bit of regret. This man should not have died like this.

But at the next moment, a flame rekindled in Shiji's empty eyes. He looked at Lorne and yelled crazily.

"Do you think that this will defeat Lao Tzu?"

"Lao Tzu, it's the Golden Lion Shiji!"

Lorne's face changed drastically, but at this moment, he was exhausted and had no strength to stop Shi Ke at all.

The rocks floating in mid-air gathered together again, and a huge palm, like an ancient giant, lay on the sea and slammed down on the small island.

No one can stop Shi Ke at this time, even Lorne is no exception!

Lorne turned his head subconsciously and began to search for Anxi's location. He was not very afraid of Shi Ke's attack, because such a large-scale attack could not threaten him. Anxi, who landed on the island, and Violet, who followed her to the island.

At this moment, Lorne no longer cared about exposing Anxi, he just wanted to save them.

They should not pay the price for their arrogance.

Lorne quickly found little Anxi in a team of marines. Although little Anxi was trembling, she was still trying her best to comfort her companion.

But just as Lorne was about to save little Anxi, he suddenly felt Shiji's flame of life behind him, and it suddenly disappeared.

Shi Ji's body still retains the offensive movement, but his pupils have become extremely gloomy, losing the previous pride, and even the long golden hair has lost the luster of the past.

His movements froze, everything just now was just a flashback of this man.

This great pirate with a legendary life, at this moment, finally, closed his eyes forever.

Shiji, who lived his whole life as a pirate, also ended his life as a pirate.

However, even though he was dead, his huge body still did not fall down, looking from a distance, he looked like a roaring lion.

Lorne looked at Shi Ke, silent for a long time, without saying a word.

The grudge between him and Shi Ji was finally settled today. But he was not happy at all.

It is a pity that this sea lacks a man like Shi Ji.

Not Shiji's regret, but the sea's regret.

Above the sky, in the conference room of SKY, the city of sky, Garrett looked nervously at the monitor in front of her. When the land of Vermaeu floated up and covered the sky, she held her hand tightly. After the rock floating in the sky lost control and fell down, she couldn't help but let go of her tightly held hands.

She has always believed in him.


The end of summer in 1510 in the lunar calendar.

After the big pirate, the red-haired Shanks lost his arm in the weakest sea, Dongkai, another piece of news spread throughout the world.

The legendary pirate, the flying pirate, the pirate admiral, the behind-the-scenes controller of the Golden Lion Shiji and the impulsion city prison break, the devil, and the news of the decisive battle of one of the four emperors, Vinhill Lorne, in the Roxor sea area, Resounded throughout the new world.

No one knew how their decisive battle was going to be, because most of the pirates who went to Vermaeu due to their own greed did not come back, and the pirates who managed to save their lives, as well as the navy, kept silent about it. However, when this incident was mentioned in front of them, fear flashed across the eyes of these people involuntarily.

The fear of seeing great power.

Immediately afterwards, the news of the death of the golden lion Shiji, so far, no one in this sea has ever questioned Lorne's name.

After the disaster, the ecology of Virmejo was completely destroyed, devastated, as if a flood had come.

Sorrows and music sounded on a small hillside. A group of people looked solemn, wearing black suits, standing in front of a small grave.

Engraved on the tombstone is a laughing picture of a pompous man with long blond hair and half a ship's rudder.

The sky became dark and the rain poured down. Garrett raised a black umbrella to help Lorne shelter from the heavy rain.

"Holding a funeral for an opponent, is this the romance of your men?"

she said with a chuckle.

"It's really incomprehensible."

"After a man like Skee dies, the sea will become much less interesting."

Lorne said slowly, as if he recalled the time when he was suppressed by Shiji after he escaped from the city.

At that time, Shi Ji was in full swing, unimaginably powerful. He had just defeated the chief director of the city, and uprooted the whole city, and slapped the world government hard.

His subordinates are the big pirates advancing throughout, and they are the most notorious criminals on the sea.

At that time, would he believe that after a few years, his congregation would betray their relatives, all his subordinates died in battle, and the person who died was actually his opponent.

This world is really capricious and unpredictable.

At least that's what Lorne thinks now.

"Bury Shiki with his greatest ambition in life. It's really your way."

Garrett paused, and said slowly.

Vermaeu was completely destroyed because of the battle between the two of them, but after searching, they still found all Shiji's previous research materials. Gaji and the others brought back this research material about "IQ", maybe they can What effect does their research play.

Because Vermaeu's fall point was not far from Sidio, Lorne sent people to monitor the island. Shi Ji is dead, all his inheritance will naturally be inherited by those who defeated him, this is the tradition of the sea, a tradition recognized by everyone.

But Skee's greatest legacy isn't the "IQ" stuff.

Lorne looked at Shi Ke's tombstone, and after a moment of silence, he took out a small box.

The small box was slowly opened, and there was a fruit inside.

A strange fruit with golden spiral cloud patterns.

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