Pirate Family

Chapter 783 A piece of information

"Father, you clearly know that Lord Lorne will not agree to your plan, why do you want to offend him?"

After a long time, the pink-haired girl walked up to Gaji and spoke.

"The entire sea knows Lord Lorne's temper, his family, and his reverse scale. Anyone who touches this will pay a painful price."

Many people have confirmed this with the lessons of blood.

For example, Moonlight Moria who hijacked little Anxi back then, for example, the Darkness of the World, Erinnis and his gang who raided Garrett's world.

These people have confirmed this at the cost of blood, never touch Lorne's family.

"You are the core of the Vinhill family, so why offend Lord Lorne?"

Reiju looked at her father and said slowly. Girls mature much earlier than boys, not to mention that as a big sister, she shoulders the responsibility of taking care of her younger brothers after her mother dies, so when her younger brothers were still naive, Reiju saw the beauty of the sea dark. She thought much deeper than others.

"The limit of science is clearly in front of you, and you can get it at your fingertips, but you can't touch it. This is the biggest regret for a scientific researcher."

Gage said in frustration, he didn't understand why Lorne rejected him, or refused him categorically, without giving him any room for maneuver. Isn't it a good thing that his child has better genes?

Gage couldn't figure it out.

"It is impossible for people to agree on ideas."

Reiju comforted her father.

"Everyone has their own persistence, just as it is impossible for anyone to persuade you to give up your scientific research results."

"Besides, didn't Master Lorne make some concessions? He agreed that with the parents' permission, the family would come forward to make some compensation and strengthen the physical fitness of these newborns."

Gage remained silent. Although large-scale experiments may yield some good subjects, they are still not as good as the genes of the two strong ones.

The journey of scientific research is endless.

Gage thought so.

Seeing this scene, Reiju's expression was a bit complicated, her father had already fallen into a kind of paranoia, and he didn't care about anything except his experiment.

What ethics and morals, family, are not worth mentioning to the father.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have experimented with his own child in the first place.

Reiju's eyes darkened, she looked at her father, and after a long time, she stood up slowly, turned and left the laboratory.

"What are you going to do?"

Gage's voice sounded behind Reiju.

"I want to join the army, join the Vinhill family's army, and contribute to Lord Lorne's ambition."

Reiju said, turning her back to her father.

Compared with his father, Lord Lorne is much more humane. Under his devilish appearance, he should have a warm heart.

Reiju thought, perhaps, this is the reason why so many strong men follow Lord Lorne wholeheartedly.

The conflict between Lorne and Gage was just a small episode, which was quickly forgotten and forgotten.

The blond Lorne kept practicing the control of the Piao Piao fruit. With the experience of the previous two fruits, as well as Shi Ji's previous performance, coupled with the excellent physical fitness of the clone, Lorne's development speed of the Piao Piao fruit has progressed. divine speed.

And after having the fluttering fruit, it also made up for the fatal flaw of Lorne's lack of aggressiveness. Now Lorne, even if he directly faces the admiral of the navy, or any emperor, he will not have the slightest fear. With the cooperation of the two bodies, Lorne is confident that he will not be inferior to anyone in this sea.

Shiji's death caused an uproar in this sea, after all, Shiji was the first legend to fall after Roger's death. His death made people think and discover that the pirates of the last era have gradually begun to draw their curtains, and this sea belongs to the pirates of the new era after all.

As the leader of the pirates in the new era, Vennhill Lorne is also exposed to the attention of the whole world, and his every move attracts worldwide attention.

Shi Ji's death did not calm the sea for long, and soon, a new news came out.

"It turns out that during this period of time, the reason why the main combat power of the navy has disappeared is because they went to ambush the revolutionary army?"

Lorne looked at the piece of information in his hand, with a playful smile on his face.

"For the world government, the Revolutionary Army is their biggest concern. Their threat to the world government is incomparable even if several four emperors are tied together."

Garrett was in front of Lorne. While doing stretching exercises, showing his flexible body, he said to Lorne lightly.

At their level, ordinary exercises can no longer strengthen their own strength, only some side training,

For example, strengthen your coordination.

"The Navy discovered the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army in the East China Sea, so it sent its core force to fight the Revolutionary Army in the East China Sea."

Lorne looked at the information in his hand and said slowly.

"The two groups of forces ignited the flames of war in the East China Sea, and finally ended with the defeat of the revolutionary army and the complete victory of the navy."

"The headquarters of the Revolutionary Army was destroyed, and the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Long, fled. After the navy won, they cleaned up the pirate forces in the East China Sea, and returned the East China Sea to peace."

"After all, the navy is a navy, and it is the real master of this sea."

Garrett stood up slowly, her clothes soaked in light sweat, but facing Lorne, she didn't have the slightest thought of shy away from it.

"The defeat of the revolutionary army is a matter of course."


Lorne smiled. Of course he knew the strength of the navy. In fact, even now, if the Vinhill family were to go to war with the navy, he would not have the confidence to do better than Long.

"It's just that the pirates in the East China Sea are a bit pitiful. Before they grow up, they encountered the army of the Navy headquarters."

Garrett tilted her head and said playfully to Lorne.

Just like a newly born lion cub, who has not learned the hunting skills from his parents, encounters a group of wolves who have experienced many battles, and will not have any other results other than becoming the food of this group of wolves.

What's more, the navy is not a jackal, but a group of ancient beasts crawling on this sea.

Lorne smiled. In fact, if you want to say that it is pitiful, it should be the ordinary people in this sea who are oppressed by pirates or corrupt navies. However, neither he nor Garrett is qualified to say such things. sentence.

"After the Navy returns to the Great Route, this calm will not last long."

Lorne put the information on the table and said slowly.

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