Pirate Family

Chapter 801: Executor and Giver

"Definitely! Must tell other people!"

The young man said weakly after rolling a few times on the deck. His body was full of marks left by the battle, and the wounds emitted an unpleasant smell because they had not been treated in time.

If it wasn't for the strong aroma of wine to cover up these rotten smells, he might have been discovered long ago.

"Boss, they can't last long, they must! We must find reinforcements!"

The man said out of breath, he struggled for a while before standing up.


With all his strength, he tumbled from the boat and fell into the sea.

The group of pirates had already left the ship, but they hadn't gone far, and they could only avoid their eyesight by the waterway.

The man's consciousness gradually blurred, and the seawater soaked his wound, making him feel excruciating pain all over his body.

But he still tried his last bit of strength and swam forward.

After all, I am the undead dragon Cassie, the boss and the eldest sister's last hope!

They tried their best to send themselves on this ship, and they must bring reinforcements back to save them!

Before he was about to disappear for a moment, he seemed to hear a girl's voice vaguely, and the girl shouted with some doubts.

"Look, there is an injured person here!!"

Then Cassie felt a pair of warm arms lift him out of the freezing water.

The next moment, he lost consciousness.


A man in a tiger cloak was walking on the long street of Kela Island, and the pedestrians on the street gave way one after another, lest they offend this group of pirates who didn't seem to be kind.

"Report, the target has entered the sniper range."

At this time, in a tall building at the corner, a man shrank back from the window after seeing this group of people, then picked up a phone bug placed next to him, and said slowly in a low voice.

"Continue to execute the order! Wait until the executors arrive at the target location before taking action!"

On the other end of the phone bug, an old man's voice came. The old man paused and spoke slowly.

"Before that, you must not be discovered by them!"


The man replied, and hung up the bug.

He twisted his neck, and his whole body entered a fighting state.

On his neck, there is a dark moon tattoo, which looks very strange as he twists and turns.

"There's something wrong with this town."

After walking for a while, the man in the cloak suddenly stopped and said with a frown.

His voice was a little hoarse, like the whisper of a wild animal. With "that ability", he has a beast-like intuition.

On this island, he smelled a dangerous smell.

After he had just finished speaking, the soldiers who followed him stopped in their tracks, showing guarded expressions.

After a long time, there was no movement, the man shook his head and said to himself.

"Haven't you chosen to do it yet? Maybe I feel wrong."

"Let's go, don't make our trading partner wait impatiently."

After speaking, he seemed to really let go of his guard and walked forward.

But not long after he left, on the long street, an old man who was reading a newspaper suddenly put down his newspaper, showing a hesitant look. After a while, he took out a phone bug and lowered his voice Said to the other end of the phone bug.

"Report, the target seems to be on alert, what should I do next."


On the other end of the phone bug, an old man's voice came,

"After all, the target this time is Gulan, the wild lion under Kaido's command. The man standing at the top of the Gifters is only one step away from the six volleys."

"It's strange that he didn't find out."

The old man said so.

"Business as usual."


At this moment, on the South Street of Kela Island, inside the secret base located among the flower shops, an old man slowly put down the phone bug.

Using the kerosene lamp, he took out a reward list, on which was the man in the tiger cape, holding two human heads, laughing wildly at the camera.

"Gula the Wild Lion, with a bounty of 320,000,000 (320 million) Bailey, the deputy head of the Gifters under Kaido, a lion fruit capable person, possesses terrifying power like a lion .”

The old man said to himself, his tone full of guard.

In fact, at the level of the Four Emperors, the bounties offered by the pirates under their command are no longer so important. It is often their own record that measures their own strength.

And this mad lion Gula is undoubtedly a strong man who has emerged step by step from all kinds of cruel wars, and his strength is beyond doubt. Kaido sent him out, which shows that he attaches great importance to this transaction.

It is worth mentioning that the classification of Kaido's pirates is very different from other pirate groups.

From top to bottom are Kaido who is the pirate governor, the three major signs, the dead flame ember, the plague Quinn, and the drought Jack.

Then there are the six volleyers and their substitutes, who really fight the legion.

Below that is the legendary Legion composed purely of ability users, the Gifters Legion. That is, the "G" organization that was short-lived on the Gulan Tezolo before,

This legion is composed entirely of animal-type devil fruit capable users, and it is Kaido's right-hand man to dominate the sea. Gula the Wild Lion is the leader of this legion.

In fact, if it weren't for Kaido's concern about handing over the regiment to others, Gura would have been a member of the Lingkong Six.

And according to gossip, behind these bright organizations, Kaido also controls another force, which is the legendary Numbers. No one knows the identities of the members of the Numbers organization, or their abilities, because everyone who knows is dead.

These forces formed the powerful Kaido Legion.

The old man was silent, and after a long time, he picked up a phone bug.

"The target has reached the specified range and can be used at any time."

"Understood." From the other end of the phone bug, came a man's resolute voice, as well as some harsh sounds like metal impacts, as if the man was wearing armor and walking.

"The enemy is very powerful, please be careful!"

The old man reminded that although the executor sent by the family this time is very powerful, but the opponent is the well-known mad lion Gula after all, he must be the executor.

"I see."

However, on the other end of the phone bug, the man's tone did not fluctuate because of the old man's advice, but he still spoke calmly.

"Leave it to me."

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