Pirate Family

Chapter 805

The underground prison is filled with a dark and damp smell.

From time to time, some fat black mice would run past their feet, into a certain cage, and gnaw on a certain corpse inside the cage.

The rancid smell filled the nostrils.

As soon as Lorne stepped into the cage, he frowned slightly. It's not that he hates the smell, but that it reminds him of some bad memories.

In fact, with the family's financial resources, it is easy to build a top-level prison. The reason for this design is that in Lorne's memory, the prison should have looked like this.

Only in such a depressive environment can the purpose of detaining prisoners be achieved. After being held here for a long time, perhaps some valuable clues can be obtained from the prisoners.

Lorne walked to a prison cell, in which sat a strong man covered in blood.

But even though he was so embarrassed, he still puffed out his chest and sat upright on the cold floor.

"A lion cub with its teeth stripped?"

The subordinate moved a chair, and Lorne sat on the chair and looked at the prisoners inside.

"A stinky mouse that only hides in the shadows?"

Gu La countered mercilessly. Although he has been captured, he has no intention of bowing his head.

Because, he is the most proud Kaido's subordinate in this sea.

He is the proudest lion.

And a male lion will not bow to a group of hyenas.

"Don't you see who I am?"

Lorne said playfully. He appreciates the wildness shown by this Gula. It seems that Kaido's men are not all waste.

"It doesn't matter who you are, but when you annoy us..."

Gula opened his eyes and said with disdain. But suddenly, he froze.

Then, under the dim kerosene lamp, he looked out from the dark cage and just saw Lorne's long golden hair.


Like Black Tree, Gula roared in disbelief. But unlike the Black Tree, as Kaido's subordinate, he has already engraved Lorne in his bones, and he will not admit it when he turns into ashes.

Even though the man's hair, eyes, and face were slightly different from the man in his memory, Gula did not admit his mistake. This man was Lorne!

"Recognized me, it seems that you are not too stupid."

Lorne said with a smile.

"Are you here to show off your might?"

Gula snorted coldly.

"Let me tell you, you blocked Master Kaido's plan, and Master Kaido will never let you go!"

"When I was on the Gulan Tezolo, I destroyed all of Kaido's fleet, and he told me so."

Lorne said slowly, with a hint of amusement on his face.

"However, until now, I am still alive and well."

Gula took a deep breath and didn't speak.

What Lorne said is true. After what happened on the Gulan Tezolo, Master Kaido returned to the Wano Kingdom and was furious. He threatened to summon the army immediately and go to the Loxor sea area to tear Lorne to pieces. ten thousand paragraphs.

But not long after, Whitebeard suddenly declared war on Kaido, and Kaido was too busy to take care of himself and had no time to avenge Lorne.

"And, according to you, this transaction is very important to Kaido."

After a short silence in the atmosphere, Lorne suddenly spoke, breaking the short silence.

Gula didn't speak, but Lorne continued talking on his own.

"Is it related to Kaido's plan?"

Gula's breathing became heavy. He didn't expect that Lorne could deduce Kaido's plan with just a few simple words.

As expected of the so-called "demon" who can play with people's hearts.

Feeling Gula's mood swings, a certain idea in Lorne's mind was confirmed. He nodded slowly, then stood up and walked out.

"Master Kaido will not let you go!"

Gula stood up on the floor, the sea tower stone shackles that restrained him made him feel weak, but he still held on to the cold cage tightly and yelled at Lorne.

"Master Kaido will never let you succeed!"

"He can't stop what I'm going to do."

Lorne turned his back to Gula and said so.

Then he seemed to feel that Gula was too noisy, so he stopped slightly and said to himself.



In this sea, there is only one man who is qualified to be called a lion, and that man is dead.

There may be a second lion in the future, but it will definitely not be Gula.

He waved his hand, and the prison cage holding Gula suddenly shook violently, and then began to close slowly as if it had its own vitality. Completely block Gula inside.

Gula's roar became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

Finally, it was quiet.

When Lorne came out of the prison, he happened to see Lancelot escorting Black Tree and his men out, obeying Lorne's order, and they wanted to bring the man back to Sdio.

After the Adela incident ended, the capacity of Sanchuan Road was severely damaged, and it was no longer possible to continue to carry out large-scale transportation. Therefore, after Lorne descended to this small island through the gate of the void, he did not intend to pass through the gate of the void. go back.

Perhaps the slow travel will add some surprises to his ordinary life.

After simple care, Lorne left the secret base accompanied by a female agent. The two dressed up as a traveling couple and wandered around Kela Island.

Although many people couldn't help turning their heads and giving him a second look after seeing Lorne, they didn't show any expressions of surprise. It's not because someone recognized him, but because the blond Lorne's appearance is really too handsome. It is different from the fortitude of Lorne's body, but it adds a bit of femininity.

Just like those stars in the Red Earth Continent.

But no one connected him with the famous demon. After a brief surprise, these people continued their work. However, when they turned their heads, a sympathy flashed in the eyes of these people.

This sea is not a peaceful and prosperous world, countless terrifying pirates are rampant in this sea. This blond man's excellent appearance, if not matched by the corresponding strength, may not be an advantage, but a disaster.

The sun was shining brightly, and the pirates on the street were in a hurry. Lorne raised his head, just as he was about to enjoy this rare leisure time.

Next to it, in an alley, some noisy voices suddenly came.

It seemed to be the unbridled laughter of several young men, and the helpless cry of a young girl.

Lorne stopped in his tracks, frowning slightly.

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