Pirate Family

Chapter 806 Girl

The cry for help was very slight, but it happened that Lorne's hearing was relatively developed, and he could still distinguish the call for help from the noisy noise on the street.

This kind of thing is very common in this sea.

At least Lorne has seen it many times. Men's full of desires need a place to vent. When they are unable to wield their minions to the strong, they like to turn their attention to the weak.

It's boring, it's mean, but that's human nature.

But for some reason, Lorne had a premonition that if he stood by this time, he might miss something important.

Lorne, who has the fruit of perception, believes in his perception very much, even if it is the sixth sense in the dark.

So, he stopped.

In an alley covered with milky white stalactites, a few young men with frivolous expressions blocked a girl.

"Stinky bitch, didn't you reject me before? Didn't you pretend to be high-minded? Why did you pick up a wild man from outside and bring it to your home?"

The leading man had nails on his nose, which looked a bit nondescript, and there was a wound on his forehead, as if he had been injured not long ago. He supported the wall with one hand, blocking the girl in the corner.

In front of him, a black-haired girl about seventeen or eighteen years old covered her chest with her hands, but she still suppressed her panic and said coldly.

"This has nothing to do with you."

The girl is not beautiful, at least compared to those beauties Lorne has seen, it is far behind. But there is a youthful energy unique to young people, coupled with her calm demeanor, which adds to her attractiveness.

She held a package in her hand, and could faintly smell the smell of medicinal herbs.

The girl raised her head and looked at the man, with a hint of disgust flashing in her eyes.

This man is a well-known gangster leader on Kela Island. He has harmed many masters before, but he met a pirate before, and after being taught a lesson by that pirate, he restrained himself a lot.

But I didn't expect that he would still be so stubborn. After a period of silence, he appeared.

"It really has nothing to do with me."

The corners of the man's mouth curled up slightly, with a lewd expression on his face, he nodded slightly towards his companions, and these hooligans whistled frivolously, walked towards the entrance and exit of the alley, using their bodies, The alley was completely sealed off.

"However, it will matter soon."

The man said so.

"Call it, it's a remote place, even if you break your throat, no one will come to rescue you."

His hands grabbed the girl, but the moment he was about to get it, a slender hand patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"You bastards!"

The man said angrily, he asked his men to block the entrance and exit of the alley, just because he didn't want anyone to spoil his good deed.

But these subordinates of his are so useless that even one person can't stop them.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

The man turned his head and yelled.

Appearing behind him was a handsome blond man, and a black-haired woman in tights held the man's hand tightly and looked at him calmly.

The rogue leader felt that something was wrong, he looked around subconsciously, and found that his subordinates had disappeared without a trace at some point.

Cold sweat continued to seep from his forehead.

"do you like travel?"

Just when he was about to beg for mercy, the blond man suddenly spoke.

His voice was lazy and gentle, but with a hint of doubt.

The man snapped his fingers lightly without waiting for his response.

The next moment, the hooligan felt that he had lost control of his body, and his body slowly floated up.

Then, he flew up towards the sky, and the whole person disappeared without a trace.

"thanks, thanks!"

The girl said gratefully.

"It's just doing it casually."

Lorne said lightly, then lowered his head and looked at the white package in the girl's hand. She was being molested by the group of hooligans just now, and she was holding on to the package tightly, which meant that this package was very important to her.

"What's in it?"

"It's some medicine for wounds!"

The girl explained, she raised her head and looked at Lorne.

"I met a man on the beach who was washed up by the waves. He was covered in terrible wounds, so I came out to buy some medicine. I didn't expect to meet these bastards!"

There was some gnashing of teeth in the girl's tone, these hooligans are really hateful. If she hadn't met the man in front of her, she might have encountered some unfortunate things today.

The girl's mind was pure. Since Lorne saved her, then Lorne must be a good person, so she didn't hold back anything, so she told Lorne about the man she picked up from the beach.

Lorne's eyebrows twitched slightly, not because the girl's experience was exactly the same as what he and Lola had encountered before.

Rather, she seemed to have a little impression of the man she described.

Where have you seen it? Lorne racked his brains, but still couldn't remember.

"Can you, take me to meet him."

Lorne said that since he couldn't remember who it was, he might as well go see him directly.

"of course!"

The girl said excitedly. If the benefactor in front of him knew the poor man who was washed up by the waves, he might be able to contact his family!

His family must be very worried that he has suffered such serious injuries.

The girl thought so.

Lorne nodded slightly to the female agent beside him, and then the female agent let go of Lorne's arm without a trace, and slowly retreated.

She took out a sharp knife from inside her clothes and walked towards the depths of the island.

Since Lord Lorne doesn't like these filth, Dark Moon, who is Lord Lorne's sharp blade, is qualified to remove all obstacles for Lord Lorne.

This is her responsibility.

The girl didn't notice the disappearing female agent, hummed a ditty, and led Lorne back to her room.

It was a small wooden house located on the beach in the southeast of Kela Island. The house was not big, but it was very warm. The owner of this wooden house put a lot of thought into decorating it.

"You're back! Did you bring the medicine back?"

A girl with green hair opened the door and said happily.

But the next moment, she saw Lorne behind the black-haired girl, with a hint of vigilance in her eyes.

"Who are you?"

"He is my great benefactor! Sister Wei'an!"

The black-haired girl said so.

"If I hadn't met this lord, I might not be able to come back today!"

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