Pirate Family

Chapter 831 No strong man raises a butcher knife to the weak

Heitan Orochi is very cautious, or very timid.

After using despicable means to kill Kozuki Oden together with Kaido, he was cursed by Kozuki Oden's wife, Kozuki Toki, saying that twenty years later there would be immortal souls to avenge him.

The strong men under Kaido didn't care about these curses, but Heitan Orochi took this seriously. He lived in anxiety for nearly ten years, and he had to go in and out under his subordinates. Under the protection, dare to show up.

This time, Wano Country's rebellion was thwarted by those damned but not dead samurai under Kozuki Oden's command, and finally defeated them. Kurotan Orochi would not let this opportunity go, and wiped them all out, so that he could be safe Get a good night's sleep.

The samurai looked coldly at the residents of Bianli Village, and after a long silence, he spoke slowly.

"The time has come. It seems that the group of rebels are so cowardly that they don't even have the courage to come forward to protect you who are hiding their whereabouts."

As he spoke, he once again raised his blood-stained long sword, making a gesture to chop off the head of the resident most in front of him.

"I'm fighting with you!"

But at this moment, a thin, yellow-faced middle-aged man rushed out from the crowd, hugged the waist and abdomen of the frontmost warrior, and pushed him out.

"I won't let you continue to bully everyone!"

"Be careful, Yejiro!"

Seeing the middle-aged man rushing out of the crowd, the old man couldn't help shouting.

He watched this man grow up. When he was young, he used to be an idle hooligan, causing complaints from the neighbors. However, after Kozuki Oden came here, Nojiro was inspired and regarded Kozuki Oden as himself. idol, follow him wholeheartedly.

From hooligans hated by the neighborhood. Become everyone's patron saint.

So after Kozuki Oden died in that humiliating way, Nojiro was hit hard and depressed all day long.

"The Guangyue family will definitely not perish just like this, Heitan Orochi will definitely be replaced by the Guangyue family!"

Ye Erlang roared angrily, but at this moment, the samurai finally came to his senses, subconsciously smashed Ye Erlang's waist with the hilt of his sword, and the man's advancing pace stopped.

Because he hadn't eaten for a long time, Ye Erlang's muscles were already exhausted, and he was powerless to resist.

The samurai sneered, then raised his long knife, and chopped off at Ye Erlang's head.

A head rolled on the ground, and Ye Erlang's body fell to the ground weakly.

"Back then Kozuki Oden, or the dead soul who didn't know the so-called vengeance, had only one fate for resisting the Heitan clan, that is, death."

The samurai said coldly, because he was adopted by the Heitan clan and brainwashed by them since he was a child, everything about this warrior is based on the interests of the Heitan clan.

In the face of the ambition of the black charcoal snake, the lives of these little untouchables are insignificant.

"It seems that group of rebels will not appear again."

Even beheading two people, the group of rebels did not show up. The samurai thought that he might have come to the wrong place, and the group of rebels was not hiding in this place at all.

But he was not going to let this group of residents go. This group of untouchables with yellow and thin faces and sad smiles on their faces all the year round made him feel sick. So he was going to get rid of this village before he left.

No one will punish him for this, because his identity is fundamentally different from this group of untouchables.

With a sneer on his face, he walked towards the residents of Bian Li Village. But at this moment, he suddenly heard a woman's sigh.

"After waving the butcher knife at the weak, can your heart really calm down?"

A woman with long cherry-colored hair in a red cherry blossom kimono walked towards the warriors. She raised her head with a look of pity.

"Under the rule of Heitan Orochi, your hearts have already been wiped out."

"Sakura Palace Pear!"

The samurai shouted, and his men slowly drew their long swords, aiming at the woman.

Although this woman is beautiful, she is definitely not weak. On the contrary, she is one of the leaders of the previous group of rebels. Many ninjas under Heitan Orochi died under the seemingly tender hands of this woman.

Unexpectedly, she actually hid in this place. It seems that this action of hers caught a big fish!

The samurai held the long sword horizontally, and the palms of his hands were sweating.

He didn't have the confidence to cut off Sakura Miya Rika's head, but now, there was an entire formation of Wano country warriors in full costume, and Sakura Miya Rika was alone. He didn't believe that this woman could defeat them all.

"Did the hand holding the long knife start to tremble when facing the concubine?" Ying Gongli showed a mocking smile on his face.

"Is it because I was surprised by my concubine's beauty, or..."

She paused, her slender body disappeared instantly, and the next moment, she appeared in front of the warrior.

"Or is it because I can't hold my long knife tightly when facing the strong?"

"Profound Truth No Sword Take!"

Her hand suddenly slapped the samurai's wrist, and then took off the samurai's long sword.

Before the samurai could react, she had already sent the long knife into the samurai's body.

Blood flowed out. Facing Sakura Miyagi, this samurai had no ability to resist, just like...

The two ordinary people before were the same when facing him.

The roles of prey and hunter, ready to be replaced at any time.

"Kill this woman!"

At this moment, the other warriors finally came to their senses. They gripped their weapons tightly, yelled at Ying Gongli, and then rushed towards the woman.

The cold light flickered, and one after another warriors surrounded Ying Gongli, but no one could touch the woman's body. Ying Gongli was like a cherry blossom fluttering in the wind. Blood blooms everywhere.

With every step she took, a samurai fell with force.

"I didn't expect such a beautiful woman to be so unrelenting when she moved her hands."

In the dense forest not far away, a man wearing a tengu mask looked at Sakura Miyagi in the middle of the battlefield and said in disbelief.

"Did you misunderstand something?" Beside him, a woman with a sexy figure in tights said slowly.

"There is one essential difference between Sakura Miyari and those unarmed dancers in Wano Country, that is, her original identity is a pirate."

A mighty pirate.

The woman added silently in her heart. The original Yinggong pear was the cause of the famous "Battle of Dressrosa".

"Even if she can't defeat Kaido, she can still show her strength when facing these ordinary warriors."

As she spoke, the woman involuntarily looked in the direction of Ying Gongli, but she was also a little puzzled in her heart.

According to Ying Gongli's indifferent and super-chene personality, she has no reason to act so decisively.

What was it that stimulated her?

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