Pirate Family

Chapter 857: Flames of Vengeance! Raise the flag!

Wano country, rabbit bowl.

The belly of a hollowed out mountain.

The bonfire was blazing, and the prisoners gathered in front of the bonfire to keep each other warm.

"Everyone! I found food!"

At this time, a man wearing a tengu mask walked into the cave carrying a wild boar several times larger than his body.

"After replenishing our physical strength, everyone will be able to return to the Jiuli area and join the large forces."

"Then, we will inherit the will of the Guangyue clan together!"

Tengu's voice trembled slightly. He had never realized that he was so close to overthrowing Heitan Orochi's rule.

Even before, when their army was approaching the city of Flower City, he was still worried about the Kaido Pirates that might appear at any time. But this time, he discovered that the Kaido Pirates, who were so powerful that they were suffocating, were just ordinary people.

They also bleed, they are afraid, and they are tricked and teased.

Even Kaido is not as invincible as before.

Wild pork is tender and tender, even if it is just sprinkled with some simple coarse salt, it has a special taste.

The aroma permeated the entire cave.

"It's been so many years, I didn't expect you to still stick to your original belief so much."

Uncle Leopard sat on the ground, looking at the aggressive Tengu, a trace of emotion flashed in his eyes.

"Of course!"

The Kappa He Song, who was sitting by the campfire warming up, suddenly opened his eyes, and then said slowly.

"Master Oden has a great influence on us, even if we die, we will fulfill Oden-sama's long-cherished wish!"

"It's great that Mitian has a group of good men like you."

Uncle Leopard said with emotion that if ten years ago, he would have taken up his own weapon without hesitation and fought to the death with Heitan Orochi.

But now, he is old.

"Now, as long as the few remaining areas ruled by the real fight are pulled out from Jiuli, then the Jiuli area can be completely belonged to the Guangyue family!"

True Fight is the title of middle-level cadres under Kaido's command. Every True Fight is a powerful devil fruit ability user.

Tengu took out a map from his pocket, on which a few dots were marked in red.

This is exactly the territory of Zhenda stationed in Jiuli.

Wano country is divided into six parts, and Kuri is the largest part in the west of Wano country.

This place used to be the site of Oden Castle, and most of its residents were followers of Kozuki Oden.

As long as the battle flag of the Oden Clan is lit again, these people will follow the Oden Clan without hesitation and blow the horn to rebel against the Heitan Orochi.

Just like that time before.

Larsiya put her arms around her chest, leaned her body against a wall, and looked coldly at these excited Wano people.

She had heard a little about what happened in Wano Country before.

It is nothing more than the remnants of the previous generation of rulers who were forcibly suppressed by stronger forces when they overthrew the current ruler.

Before they have the power to deal with this meddling force, no matter how many times they raise the battle flag, there is only one result,

That is to be suppressed by force, and there is no other result other than this.

But now, the reason why these people are so excited is nothing more than seeing Lorne's force and thinking that Lorne, who can easily deal with Quinn, is capable of dealing with Kaido. This gave them the confidence to rebel again.

Larsiya shook her head slowly.

These people don't know Lorne at all.

Lorne was not the savior they imagined, who could save them, but an out-and-out villain.

Some of the bastard things he has done may not be inferior to Kaido too much.

This time, if Ariel hadn't been attacked by Kaido, Lorne would not have come to Wano to take a look even if ordinary people in Wano were slaughtered.

Because to him, it has nothing to do with him.

Just at this time, a young man with long blond hair came in from the outside as if smelling the aroma of barbecue.

"Come and taste Wano country's barbecue. Many years ago, my craftsmanship was the best in the capital of flowers!"

After seeing Lorne, Tengu said excitedly.

"It smells good."

Lorne took a fat and tender calf, and the aroma of fresh and tender meat wafted out from his nostrils.

Seeing the expectant eyes of these Wano people, the female knight finally couldn't sit still. She walked up to Lorne and grabbed his clothes. Said slowly.

"Come out with me, I have something to ask you."

The two walked out of the cave. Outside was a dense forest. A huge boulder blocked the entrance of the cave, completely covering up the place.

If Lorne and the others hadn't accidentally strayed into this place while hunting a huge wild bear, they probably wouldn't have found it.

"Are you really planning to save the ordinary people of Wano? If you just want to have fun, then don't give them hope."

Larsiya dragged Lorne to the entrance of the cave, and after making sure that the people behind him could not hear him, he lowered his voice and said slowly to Lorne.

"These people are living by relying on Mrs. Oda's prophecy. The failure of the previous war has hindered their confidence. If they are played by you again, they will really collapse."

"So, if you just want to save Ariel, with your ability, you should be able to do it with ease."

"Please don't give these people hope, let them live in peace."

"Is that how you see me?"

After Lorne finished eating the barbecue in his hands, there were excited discussions from those people in the cave behind him.

It was in stark contrast to the indifferent conversation between the two people outside the door.

"The reason why I came to Wano Country is to save Ariel. On the other hand, Kaido and I will have a war sooner or later."

The previous grievances between him and Kaido had been planted as early as the previous execution war, and then experienced the Cake Island incident, the Gulan Tezolo raid, and continued to grow, and it has already reached the point of immortality.

Therefore, Lorne is just trying to make this war happen a little earlier.

"After this incident, there will only be three emperors left in this sea."

Lorne raised his right hand and pointed at himself.

"And among them, there will be no Kaido."

Seeing Lorne like this, the female knight fell silent.

However, since Lorne has already said so, there is no need to worry about the wishes of this group of Wano people.

After all, Lorne's promise has never been broken.

This incident is as famous as his madness.

At this time, there are still two days left before Wano Country's traditional fire festival.

On the top of the highest mountain in the Jiuli area, a pile of raging flames suddenly ignited.

Then, a flag with patterns against the sun and moon fluttered in the wind amidst the flames.

This is the signal for the return of the Guangyue clan!

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