Pirate Family

Chapter 870 Dog and Dog

The rain became heavier and heavier, washing away the blood gushing from the bodies of the warriors.

Rainwater and blood flowed along the cracks in the stone road and into the small pool, staining the clear water with a flirtatious red.

The shooting sound of the hidden weapons hidden in the hall gradually slowed down, and in front of Lorne, the corpses of the warriors he beheaded were piled up like a mountain.

But even so, the warriors did not stop attacking, and they still rushed towards Lorne in an endless stream.

Like a swarm of moths chasing a flame.

Even if the moths will never know that the moment they come into contact with the flame, they will be completely incinerated by the flame.

"I really don't know why you have to work for that bastard Heitan Orochi."

Seeing this scene, Lorne couldn't help cursing secretly, can't this group of people see the gap between themselves and them? Is it really meaningful to die meaninglessly?

But he didn't want to know, since these people wanted to come to die, then Lorne would fulfill them.

"I saw that old lion used it once before, but I haven't had a chance to experiment with it. Let's use it on you this time."

Facing the group of useless warriors, Lorne slowly raised his right hand.

"Lion's Elegy, Earth Scroll!"

The broken ground of the Orochi Mansion shook again, the ground cracked, and countless rocks hidden deep under the surface rose up.

The ninja warriors couldn't stand, fell to the ground, and were instantly swallowed by the cracks in the earth.

But this is not the end, but a beginning. The rocks seemed to be subjected to some incredible power, and gradually gathered in the midair, finally turning into a stone lion.

Roaring, the lion devoured all the remaining warriors.

"it's over."

Lorne said so. He leaned against the stone wall made before, panting heavily. Sweat soaked his clothes.

The continuous use of abilities still consumes a considerable part of his physical strength.

But he didn't notice that there were some small black boxes buried in the cracks in the ground.

On the small box, there is a small red light, which is flickering faintly.

The speed of the light flickering gradually increased. In the end, the pause is not even felt.


In the south of the Flower City, on the Wano Inland Sea.

There is a small boat with the family crest of the Heitan clan hanging on the boat.

A short, ugly man blew his beard and looked at the looming Flower City in the distance,

"This time, let me escape from the Capital of Flowers in such embarrassment. If you don't get the results you deserve, I will definitely not let you go."

The man turned his head, looked at a man in white haori beside him, and said coldly.

"The fire seems to be burning very violently. After this war is over, what is left for us is probably only a capital city that was burned by the fire."

Another man with a pale face next to him was looking in the direction of the Flower City. The fire was burning, and a layer of black smoke shrouded the sky above the Flower City.

"General, please rest assured." The man in white feather weaving slowly knelt down to the man in front who called himself the general.

"I swear in the name of Sagi-kun that all traitors will be wiped out!"

Sasuke-kun said slowly.

Yes, the person who arranged all of this was not the Heitan Orochi who holds the highest power, or the sleeping maniac who just returned, but he who hid the deepest in the entire Orochi Mansion.

He had expected that this group of rebels would sneak into the capital of flowers, and then take advantage of the fire ceremony to attack the Heitan Orochi parading the streets. So after returning from the sleep madness, he persuaded Heitan Orochi to withdraw from the Orochi Mansion overnight, and handed over the command of the army of the Orochi Mansion to himself.

For Heitan Orochi, the life and death of ordinary people in the capital of flowers is nothing compared to his own life. When he heard that Sagi-kun had a solution to this group of traitors, he immediately sent Sagi-kun to him without even thinking about it. Ordered as the supreme commander of Orochi Imperial Court Fanzhong, replacing the missing Fu Lu Shou's position.

Then, Sagi-kun used the group of prisoners as bait to fish out the rebels lurking in the capital of flowers. In the case of a sudden beast attack, it is impossible for this group of rebels to compete with the large and well-prepared warrior army.

But this is not Sagi-kun's real purpose.

The person he really wanted to besiege and kill was not the remnants of the Guangyue clan, but the man who came to the Kingdom of Harmony with a floating island and menacing soldiers.

The man who inherited the power of the golden lion Shiji and easily disrupted the situation in Wano country!

There seemed to be a violent earthquake in the direction of the capital of flowers, and the shock rolled up waves as high as tens of meters, sweeping towards the direction of the boat.

"Hurry up and protect the general!"

The waves hit the boat, and the boat began to bump instantly. The black charcoal snake lost its balance and fell to the deck.

The two ninjas quickly jumped to the side of Heitan Orochi, protecting the man who controls the supreme power of Wano Country behind them.

And Sagi-kun also took this opportunity to stand up, grabbed the side of the boat with difficulty, and looked in the direction of the capital of flowers.

He seemed to be waiting for something.

"Your scheme should be more than that."

At this time, an untimely voice sounded in Sagi-kun's ear, and Sleeper Kushiro came to Sagi-kun's side at some point, looked at this unfathomable man, and said coldly.

"With the strength of His Majesty the General, it is more than enough to defeat the group of rebels, but it is still too reluctant to deal with a top magician."

"Especially that sorcerer's ability, or that kind of terrifying natural disaster."

Magician, that is, the name for those with devil fruit abilities in Wano Country.

"Sure enough, you have seen through it." Mr. Zuo Mu smiled, and said slowly to the man next to him.

"As His Highness's most loyal dog, isn't it normal to do what he can for his master?"

Sleeper Kushiro frowned slightly. A dog raised by Heitan Orochi, this is what he has always called himself.

But now being talked about by Mr. Zuo Mu, it made him feel a little mocking.

No one would humiliate himself like this. The reason Sleep Kushiro was so forbearing was because he wanted to endure humiliation and lurk beside Heitan Orochi, waiting for an opportunity to avenge His Highness Kozuki Oden.

So, what is Sagi-kun doing for it?

The sleep madman couldn't guess. That's why he has always been afraid of this man.

"The grandest show has begun."

Sagi-kun looked at Sleeping Kushiro, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

At this time, a violent earthquake occurred in the direction of the Wano Country's Orochi Mansion, as if it had opened up the world. After a long time, the earthquake stopped slowly.

And Sagi-kun took out a red button from his arms, and shook it in front of Sleeper.

"Do you like watching fireworks?"

The next moment, Mr. Zuo Mu faced the button and went dark.

There will be another chapter later.

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