Pirate Family

Chapter 911 Belonging to victory... the future!

Lorne heard a soft, but gentle woman's voice.

"We meet again."

The woman said so, and then a white and slender arm rested lightly on Lorne's shoulder.

Lorne felt that the space around him became slow, and the two skeleton arms chasing him behind him were stagnant in mid-air, motionless, and the smoke and dust in the air seemed to freeze the crazy smile of Sagi-kun in the distance. average.

In the whole space, only myself, and...another woman were left.

Lorne looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a beautiful woman with long hair in a white kimono looking at him slowly.

Her face was pale, and there were still some marks left by the flames of war on her face, as if she had just walked out of a battlefield. Looking at Lorne, the woman narrowed her eyes slightly and revealed a beautiful smile.

From her expression, Lorne could read a trace of relief and...relief?

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Lorne has seen this woman.

In the strange dream he had when he just came to Wano Country, he saw this woman!

The memory in the dream gradually became clearer, and the blurry face of the woman became clearer at the same time. Lorne widened his eyes and said incredulously.

"It's you!"

He never thought that at this moment, it would be her who appeared in front of him!

That, the ghost that should have died in the fire ten years ago!

"I said, we'll meet again."

The woman tilted her head and walked up to Lorne.

"I'm very glad that I didn't misunderstand you at the beginning. You really have the ability to save Wano Country."


Saying that, this solemn woman actually bowed slowly to Lorne.

"Thank you very much for saving Wano Country."

"I'm just taking what I need. With your ability, you should be very clear about one thing, that is, I am not interested in the survival of the so-called Wano country."

Lorne said coldly, he is an extremely possessive person who likes to control everything in his own hands.

But the woman in front of him, he couldn't see through at all. Obviously possessing such powerful power, but there is no way to save his lover.

After seeing the dossier hidden deep in the Orochi Mansion, Lorne roughly guessed the identity of the woman in front of him, that is Kozuki Oden's wife, the mysterious Mrs. Shi.

"In this world, there is only one thing that we cannot violate."

"That is our respective destiny."

Mrs. Shi seemed to understand what Lorne was thinking, and shook her head with a wry smile.

"I used to think that I could change everything, but I realized how powerless I was in the face of the power of fate."

She didn't seem to want to get entangled in this topic any longer, so she spoke slowly.

"But no matter what, I still want to thank you for everything you have done for the Wano country. Thank you for not involving Hiyori in this war."

Madam Shi looked into Lorne's eyes and said word by word.

"You are a good man."

nice guy?

Lorne felt that he had often heard people say that he was a good person recently. Could it be that they couldn't see how cold his essence was under his skin?

In this sea, anyone could be a good person, but it would definitely not be him, Lorne.

Lorne's hands are stained with the blood of countless people. If there is really a hell in this world, after Lorne's death, he is sure that the villains who died in his hands and are waiting for him are enough to fill the entire hell .

"But this is not important."

Lorne shook his head slowly, looking at the frozen giant skeleton not far away.

"I can't hold on for long. After I fail, that monster will wreak havoc in Wano Country, and then not only Wano Country, the New World, the Great Sea Route, and even the entire sea will be destroyed by this monster."

"Or, can you defeat that monster?"

A sarcasm flashed in Lorne's eyes. He didn't have any hope for it. Kaido and Kurotan Orochi back then were enough to dominate Wano Country, even if Kozuki Oden died humiliatingly in public in a way that was not a warrior at all. . Women can't help it either.

Not to mention facing this giant skeleton who was much stronger than Kaido at the beginning.

"My strength cannot be used in battle, and my strength is not much stronger than that of an ordinary person."

The woman shook her head slowly. She is quite aware of her powers.

Even with such a powerful strength, she is not an opponent of any peak pirate in this sea.

"However, I can help you."

"Help me?" Lorne pointed to himself and said with some doubts.

"Yes, for helping you, consider it as your... repayment for saving the entire Wano country."

The woman nodded affirmatively, and then she did one thing.

She patted Lorne's shoulder lightly, and Lorne felt his body move again.

Then, Lorne flew towards Mr. Zuo Mu.

"My ability doesn't have any combat power, but it can help you travel to the future." The woman murmured.

"Travel to... the future ten seconds later."


"Die, die with your arrogance, Lorne!"

Zuo Mu-kun roared madly, as if he had already controlled everything.

After he completely crushed Lorne, only the sick old man with white beard and the mad woman Charlotte Lingling were left in the whole sea.

Neither of them will be the opponent of the skeleton giant who has absorbed the power of Lorne and Kaido. After the four pirate emperors are made into sacrifices, the body of the "ghost" will return perfectly.

Then, this era belongs to him.

This is Sagi-kun's ambition!

But at this time, Lorne's body, which was hundreds of meters away and was about to be grabbed by the giant skeleton's arm, disappeared.

Before Zuo Mu-kun could react, a crazy roar rang in his ears.

"Do you want to take my life?"

Lorne's body appeared in front of the head of the giant skeleton, and on his arm, the transparent flowing cherry blossoms spun wildly.

"You are not qualified! Collector!"

Lorne's arm slammed down on Zuo Mu-kun's chest.

Mr. Zuo Mu had no time to defend himself, and Lorne's arm directly penetrated his chest. Blood gushed out, staining Lorne's black cloak red.

This man with infinite ambitions widened his eyes, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Why did you appear in this place?!"

Unwillingly, Zuo Mu-kun roared that he still had a plan, and he still had cards he hadn't used yet. His ambition has not yet been realized!

He didn't want to die like this!

But Lorne didn't give Zuo Mu-kun a chance to resist, the arrogance of Liu Ying on his fist suddenly exploded, and Zuo Mu-kun felt as if there were countless explosives exploding in his body all at once.

He slowly raised his hand and let it hang down feebly.

The ambitious man, forever, closed his eyes.

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