Pirate Family

Chapter 937: Negotiation (2)

"Mr. Mayor, there is a guest asking to see you."

An old servant knocked lightly on the door, then walked in, walked up to the old mayor, and whispered in his ear.

"It's the leader of that gang of navies, the lady who calls herself Commodore."


The old mayor frowned. The sudden appearance of the navy made him a little uneasy.

Although he is the local emperor of Su'an Island, it does not mean that he can ignore the majesty of the navy. In fact, the reason why the navy has not noticed the strangeness here is only because their gazes have been captured by those famous people. The "big pirate" was attracted.

The so-called darkness under the lights, people's eyes tend to focus on those more eye-catching things, but often ignore the things around them.

The navy is no exception. In the area under their jurisdiction, there are many local emperors like the mayor, but the navy has never been able to find them.

"Are you worried about the navy that appeared on Suan Island?"

And Gao Suo keenly captured the most critical part of the words of the old mayor.

"I can lure this group of marines away."

"That's what I can do for you."


The old mayor exhaled a puff of smoke, looked straight at Gao Suo with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"This group of marines was originally aimed at you. You told me that you could lure them away."

"I will hand you over to them directly, which can also dispel their doubts, and maybe you can even get an award from the navy for it."

After the old mayor finished speaking, Gao Suo's face became ugly.

But he had no way to refute the other party's words.

"Don't force us."

And at this time, One Eye said coldly.

"Don't forget that we are desperadoes. Whether our identities are exposed or we fall into the hands of the navy, we cannot escape death."

"Guess, before we die, do we have the courage to choose to die with you?"

"Don't underestimate the determination of any pirate!"

The old mayor was silent. He still had a headache for the two desperadoes in front of him.

After a while, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Well, you help me lure this group of marines away, and we will talk about things later."

"And now, I'm going to meet this young commodore, or we'll all be screwed when she gets suspicious."

"I hope you keep your word."

Gao Suo gave the old mayor a meaningful look, then stood up slowly, took off the windbreaker that was on the shelf that could cover his whole body, put it on himself, opened the door, and took his His men walked out.

At the corner of a corridor, he saw a young female navy with long blue hair and a graceful figure.

And the female navy didn't seem to notice Gao Suo's identity, and the two of them walked past each other just like that.

"I want your help."

Ain walked into the mayor's office.

There were still two cups of coffee on the table, it seemed that the old mayor had entertained guests just now.

"It turned out to be the honorable Lord Navy!"

The old mayor coughed, stood up excitedly from his chair, and then looked at Ai Yin with admiration.

"Thanks to your protection, Suan Island has been free from pirates for so many years."

"If you have any help, please just tell me, on behalf of Su'an Island, I will do my best to help you."

Seeing such an enthusiastic old mayor, Ain felt slightly uncomfortable.

Although she is powerful, she is still a young girl after all, and she cannot be compared with the old mayor, an old guy who has worked hard for decades, in terms of handling things.

She said a little cautiously.

"It's not too much trouble, I just want to know the news about the sand bandit group that attacked the town last night."

"The reason we came here originally was to capture a vicious pirate, but the sand bandits last night were too rampant. I think you should have endured their harassment for a long time."

"So, I want to help you and get rid of this Sand Bandit."

"At the same time, it is also to help the residents of Suan Island and tourists who come to this small island to eliminate their hidden dangers."

"Sand bandits?"

The old mayor was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly returned to normal.

"That's really a big thank you."

"This group of villains has infested Su'an Island for a long time, and the residents of Su'an Island are miserable!"

"It would be great if we could get rid of them!"

The old mayor held Ai Yin's hand and began to talk incessantly.

It seems that he has endured the hatred for this so-called Sand Bandit for a long time, and now he has finally vented it.


When Ai Yin left the old mayor's office, she had a strange expression on her face.

It's not that she didn't get any useful clues, but that the old mayor gave her too many clues.

It is full of people in Su'an Island's speculation about the location of the sand bandits, as well as many suspicious places. If these suspicious locations are fully aggregated. It can almost completely include the desert of Suan Island.

That is to say, what has been said is equal to what has not been said.

"It seems that we have to rely on ourselves."

After walking out of the mayor's administrative building, Ai Yin stopped and said to herself.

But this girl didn't feel discouraged at all because of a little bit of difficulty, but her face was determined.


Going back to Gao Suo's side, when Gao Suo left the old mayor, both he and his subordinates looked extremely gloomy.

"Can you trust that old guy?"

After walking to a secluded alley, Cyclops lowered his voice and asked.

"If old Buck's promise can be taken seriously, I can become One Piece."

Gao Suo said with a look of disdain.

"That old guy, after using us, he turned around and discarded us like garbage."

He is quite familiar with Old Buck's character.

So he didn't take this old guy's so-called promise to heart at all.

"Then what should we do now?" A hint of ferocity flashed in the one-eyed eyes.

"Give the old guy's information to the group of navy?"


Gaussian shook his head.

"Do as Old Buck said, and we help him lead away this group of navy."

"But, didn't you say he wouldn't keep his promise?"

Said one-eyed puzzled.

"It's up to him to believe or not to keep his promise."

A trace of madness flashed in the eyes of Wild Wolf Gao Suo, and he said slowly.

"Besides, I didn't say how I would lure this group of navy away."

"I am also not a person who keeps promises!"

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