Pirate Family

Chapter 940 Returning to Sweet Sand Town

"Is this the place where the incident happened?"

Ain followed a navy to the door of a tavern. She had only guessed that Gao Suo was hiding in this small town before, but this attack undoubtedly confirmed her thoughts.

At this time, the drinkers were in a mess, and even some drunk people scuffled because of a single sentence.

The whole tavern was in a commotion.

Ain frowned, and subconsciously covered her nose. Because she smelled a stench of vomit mixed with the smell of blood, this smell reminded her of corpses that had been decomposing for more than ten days.

"The deceased was the owner of the Bar of the Brave. Gao Index opened the bartender, took advantage of the chaos and ransacked the entire tavern, and killed the poor man before leaving."

A navy stood in front of Ain and said respectfully.

"A very simple, but very effective technique."

Ai Yin commented slowly, she turned around, and waved to the patrolmen in Su'an Town.

"Now, I will temporarily take over the power of public security here, and you will cooperate with me to seal off the entire town. Today, I must catch this vicious pirate who has committed numerous crimes."

The captain of the patrol, that is, a sunny and handsome cowboy, nodded slightly.

The navy symbolizes incomparable hegemony in this era. Any small island under the command of the navy must unconditionally give in or cooperate with the navy when facing the tasks of the navy.

Their tiny Koh Suan is certainly no exception.

"Report to Captain Kuya!"

At this time, a cowboy patrol ran to the patrol captain's side panting, and was about to report, but saw Ain beside him.

The cowboy's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Did you find anything?" Ain also noticed the abnormality of the cowboy patrolman, and asked with a frown.

"For Mr. Navy, there is nothing to hide. Mr. Navy can protect us."

Kuya said softly. As if it was Kuya's words that gave the cowboy patrolman courage, he slowed down, and then spoke.

"We have found the traces of the two vicious criminals. They stole two strong horses. Instead of fleeing to the port, they rushed out of the town."

"From another exit of the town, we rushed out towards the central desert."

"And their goal seems to be the other side of the desert, Tiansha Town!"

When he finished speaking, a slight surprise flashed across Kuya's face, but he quickly covered it up.

But Ain nodded and waved to his subordinates.

"The first team cooperates with the patrol police in Su'an Town to block the port. Don't let Gao Suo and the others escape in the chaos."

"The second and third teams will follow me into the desert and follow the traces of Gao Suo and the others!"


The navy soldiers shouted in unison, and their voices calmed down the hearts of the town residents a little.

But at this time, an immature navy with some freckles on his face and brown hair walked out of the crowd, and said to Ain slowly.

"Report to Lord Ain." A trace of stubbornness flashed across the immature Haijun's face.

"I want to follow you in pursuit of Gao Suo."


Ain looked at the young navy, a trace of struggle flashed across his face.

She originally wanted to protect this young man. After all, he was born with a domineering personality and had a limitless future, and Gao Suo was a famous madman. It was too dangerous to hunt him down.

But looking at the young man's firm eyes, Ain was still slightly moved.

"Okay, you go out and follow me."

"It's just that once you encounter any danger, the highest order is to protect yourself."

"The justice of the navy is not defended with unnecessary sacrifices."

She said this, her teacher, the former admiral of the navy, the black-armed Zefa once said this to her.

And now, she has passed it on to these young people intact.

But looking at the stubborn eyes of these young people, Ain couldn't help thinking of himself back then.

The justice of the navy is supported by these innocent young people, and it is able to stand on the sea.

"I understand!" The young navy named Rom said firmly. There was a look of determination on his face that didn't match his age.

"Everything, for justice!"

"For justice!"

All the navy roared in unison, their voices resounded through the sky!

A team of marines rushed out of Su'an Town from the west gate on horseback, and was submerged in the yellow sand all over the sky in an instant.

"By the way, where's Sissi?"

At this time, Ain realized that something was wrong. One of the two young people he was most optimistic about, the girl named Sissy disappeared.

"Report to Lord Ain, she seems to be still in that hotel to investigate information, but don't worry, I have sent someone to notify her, she will react soon, and then catch up with us."

Ai Yin's adjutant rushed to Ai Yin's side on horseback, and said respectfully.

"I see."

Ain nodded, then turned his head and looked ahead.

There is endless yellow sand in front of them. Gao Suo and the others want to use the yellow sand to cover up their whereabouts, and then get rid of the navy completely, right?

A hint of sarcasm flashed across Ain's face, she waved her hand, and a navy immediately took out her cage covered by a black cloth, and then two military dogs leaped out of the cage.

The yellow sand can cover the tracks of the horseshoes, and can cover the escape route of Gao Suo and the others, but it can't cover one thing.

That's the smell.

Their scent permeates the air and cannot be smelled by humans, but to a well-trained navy dog ​​whose sense of smell is thousands of times more sensitive than humans, it is no different from a bright light in the dark.

The two military dogs rushed to the forefront of the team, rushing out like two off-string arrows.

And the mighty navy team behind followed the pace of these two military dogs and rushed towards the yellow desert.


Sweet Sand Town is still dilapidated.

On a crooked neck tree at the entrance of the town, several mummified corpses were hanging.

The bodies of the mummy were covered with scratches from fingernails. On the way to death, they still made their last struggles.

Although to no avail.

"Back to this place again."

A group of black steeds rushed out of the desert, and a traveler wrapped himself in black cloth sat on the steed, looking at the mummified corpses on the tree with crooked necks, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

"It's really a bad idea. Is it to deter those slaves who are trying to escape?"

He took these corpses as the work of Old Buck for granted.

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