Pirate Family

Chapter 942 Mutation

Tiansha Town reveals a dilapidated atmosphere everywhere, like a slum.

There were only a few people wandering around on the street, and Ain noticed that these people didn't have any expressions on their faces, but their bodies were stiff like walking dead.

Only those who are truly ashamed and have lost confidence in everything will show such a face.

"What kind of secrets does this small town hide?"

Ai Yin said to herself, she felt that she was getting closer and closer to the ultimate secret of this small island.

Two military dogs rushed to the front, lowered their heads, sniffing Gao Suo's breath.

"It's in this small town!"

The dog trainer walked up to Ain and said slowly.

"Gao Suo didn't stay here for too long, but rushed towards a certain place."

"It seems to have been premeditated."

"Is it a safe haven for villains, or a dirty cave of demons?"

Ain said slowly.

"Soon, I will know."

She turned around, glanced at the immature navy behind her, and then said slowly.

"The unforgivable villains are ahead, and the warriors with justice on their backs, follow me forward."

"Everything, for the justice of Azure!"

She roared, and the two military dogs seemed to have been sensed, and suddenly raised their heads, their bloodthirsty eyes stared straight at a certain place.

"Ho Ho!"

They roared twice, then pulled up their legs and rushed towards the depths of the town. And Ain also led the navy, following behind the two hounds.

The group soon came to the door of a luxurious and extravagant manor. When an old man with the appearance of a housekeeper saw Ai Yin and the others, a trace of surprise flashed across his face, and then he was about to turn around and leave.

"Ho Ho!"

But the two military dogs jumped directly on the iron gate of the manor. Seeing this situation, Ai Yin did not speak, but directly pulled out the saber from his waist, and slashed down towards the iron gate. .

The iron gate collapsed in an instant, and the people in the manor noticed the abnormality. A group of strong thugs rushed out of the manor, brandishing their weapons, and rushed towards Ain and the others.

"This is a private territory, idlers, etc., retreat quickly!"

A strong man in the lead roared.

"Not here."

Ain ignored the group of strong men, but looked at the two military dogs.

After the gate was pushed open, the two military dogs rushed towards the other side of the manor without any hesitation.

"Keep half of the people and subdue this group of people who have lost their minds, and the rest follow me."

Ain said loudly, and then rode his horse, following the pace of the two hounds.

It is impossible for this group of strong men to be the opponents of the well-trained navy, even if it is only half of the navy, they easily withstood the impact of the strong men.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

The old butler came out of a secret passage and appeared next to the bar connected to the small manor.

An anxious look flashed across his face, and he muttered to himself.

"I don't know what the navy found, but the owner must be notified now."

"Only the master can handle this situation!"

He walked directly into the bar, and made a secret gesture to the drinkers drinking in the bar, and then the drinkers immediately understood what he meant, put down their movements, and then stood up directly.

A few pornstars came to the front of the stage and began to dance sexyly, while the group of drinkers gathered in front of the group of pornstars, pretending to be hungry.

The navy wouldn't come to this place without a reason.

Once they came here, they must have discovered something.

So Old Buck gave them what they wanted to see. In his envisioned situation, when the Navy came to this place, he directly turned this place into a place that provided some indescribable services.

It is used to paralyze the navy's sight and buy time for itself.

After doing all this, Old Buck directly opened a secret passage in the bar, and then sneaked in.


"Why, aren't you panicking?"

Violet raised her head and looked at Old Buck sitting in front of her.

"There seems to be something terrible happening outside."

There was a faint vibration from the ceiling, accompanied by roars as if two groups were fighting.

The sound was completely drowned out by the roar of excitement from the stadium audience. If it is not intentional by a careful person, it will not be noticed at all.

But coincidentally, Violet is just a very careful person.

At this time, Old Buck also felt something was wrong, he finally lost the complacency of having everything under control, and his face became extremely gloomy.

A man with the appearance of a housekeeper walked up to Old Buck, then lowered his head, and whispered something in Old Buck's ear. After he finished speaking, Old Buck slapped the armrest of his chair suddenly.

Slapped the expensive chair carved with exquisite patterns into pieces.

"You too, do you miscalculate?"

Violet looked at Old Buck and said sarcastically.

"I'll teach you a lesson later."

Old Buck said coldly, then turned around and gave instructions to the old housekeeper.

"Inform the guests that today's event is cancelled. Then lead the guests to leave through another passage."

"Then, you lead people and find a way to stop this group of marines. The commodore has seen my face, so I can't appear in front of her."

"I see, Master!"

The old butler bowed slightly to Old Buck, and then said respectfully.

After a while, a host walked up to the stage with a look of regret. Facing the audience with a look of regret, he announced the cancellation of the next boxing match.

The audience who heard the news sighed, but looking at the strong security guards around them, they still obediently chose to obey.

After all, hormones can be vented at any time, but a person has only one life after all.

In the octagonal cage, a girl swordsman with pink hair looked at everything around her blankly. She didn't understand what happened, but she could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

She looked at her opponent and smiled.

"We seem to be able to fight to the death without fighting."

The girl swordsman said slowly. But before her words fell, two strong men with masks came in and subdued her.

"Don't worry, this is just a small wave in my long life."

Old Buck said slowly to Violet.

"As long as I still control this small island, I can create ten paradises like this at any time."

"And you, you can't escape from my palm."

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