Pirate Family

Chapter 944: Chips

The cave where Old Buck kept his slaves was located in the very center of the desert, and was covered by a petrified boulder, so even if many people passed by here, they wouldn't notice it if they didn't pay attention.

A convoy of carriages came here. Old Buck stepped down from the front carriage and waved his hand. His men immediately brought in the group of slaves whose vision was obscured by the black cloth.

"Hide this group of goods, and then I will deal with the group of navy."

Old Buck gave orders to his subordinates, but at this moment, a thin figure slowly walked out from the yellow sand.

"We meet again, this time, do you have time to talk to me?"

A man who covered his whole body in clothes said slowly, he took off the cloth strips wrapped around his face, revealing an extremely familiar face of Old Buck.

"Sure enough, it's not without reason that this group of navy came to me."

"You are challenging my bottom line, Gao Suo."

The man who appeared in front of Old Buck was the most wanted criminal by the navy, Wild Wolf Gao Suo.

As one of Old Buck's confidants many years ago, Gao Suo was familiar with Old Buck's lair, so he had already arrived at this place before Old Buck and the others came here.

"No, I'm just collecting a few chips."

Gao Suo shrugged his shoulders and said slowly.

"Now, I have chips."

"Your bargaining chip is that group of navy?"

Old Buck said coldly, he did not expect that this little boy who was obedient many years ago would grow up to what he is today.

It seems that the pirate's journey will change a person.

"Why should I talk to you?"

Old Buck waved his hand, and his subordinates immediately heard this, raised their spears, and aimed at Gao Suo and Cyclops.

"After I have dealt with you and your men, I will send your corpses to the navy."

"Isn't it better?"

A masked cowboy rode out of the crowd and looked at Gao Suo with murderous intent.

"It seems that after all these years, you have cultivated quite a few loyal dogs."

But facing the siege, Gao Suo didn't panic in the slightest, instead he said with disdain.

"Do you really think that after killing me, this group of marines will give up? Perhaps the reason why they came to this island at first was because of me, but after discovering the sand robbers disguised as your men, , they put their focus on destroying this group of sand bandits."

"Even if I die, they won't stop here, but will doubt you even more. Old Buck."

"You and I know this very well."

After finishing speaking, Gao Suo was not afraid to point his black muzzle at him, but got off his horse and walked towards Old Buck step by step.

"So, is there anything better you can do now?"

Old Buck signaled his men not to shoot for the time being, and looked at Gao Suo with a frown.

He has been running this place for decades, and has grown from a silent fish to the emperor of Su'an Island, so he understands a truth, that is, to cooperate with the most suitable person who can bring him the most benefits.

Even if this person is his enemy, it doesn't matter.

"It's still the previous condition. You provided me with two flawless fake identities, but this time, I want to add more money."

Gao Suo looked at Old Buck, showing his white teeth.

"One billion Bailey, give me one billion Bailey, plus two identities, and put it on a small boat east of Su'an Island."

"After you have done all this, I will completely lure this group of marines away."

"make a deal!"

Old Buck is worthy of being a hero, he understands the reason why a strong man cuts off his wrist.

If you want to get rid of the current troubles, you must give up some things.

For him, although it is a bit of a pain in the heart, if the navy can be solved, it is still worth it.

"Sure enough, it's old Buck, so refreshing."

A cruel smile appeared on Gao Suo's face.

"I also want you to provide manpower to assist my plan."

"Don't push yourself too far!"

The blue veins on Old Buck's forehead were exposed, and he almost said in a growling tone.

"Don't worry, it's not your men, those cowboy patrols who will expose their identities."

But Gao Suo didn't care about all of this.

"I need you to provide some strong slaves, otherwise these coolies won't let me do it alone?"

"Don't worry, after using these slaves, I will execute them secretly without revealing your existence."

After pondering for a while, Old Buck nodded slowly.

Two people, in a few words, decided the fate of several people.

And these slaves know nothing about this.

"These slaves are the only stock I have right now, you can choose as you like."

Old Buck brought Gao Suo into the cave, and looked at the lifeless slaves in the wide cave and the countless cages, even Gao Suo was stunned.

He didn't expect that after so many years, there were so many slaves controlled by Old Buck. These black cages densely filled the entire cave.

And these slaves were hiding in the corner of the cage, lifeless like corpses.

The slaves brought over from the side of the octagonal cage had a slightly higher status, and were thrown to a slightly cleaner place by Old Buck's men.

After the headgear was taken off, the group of slaves looked at the crowd at the door in confusion, not knowing what happened.

And Gao Suo glanced at these slaves casually, like a customer picking ingredients in a vegetable market, but when Gao Suo saw a woman in a black suit with a calm face, he passed by. As if seeing something incredible, he took a deep breath.

"Is there any problem? Hurry up and choose, otherwise the group of navy may catch up to this place after a while!"

"No, there's nothing wrong with that."

Gao Suo suppressed the shock in his heart, then pretended to be calm and casually ordered a few slaves.

"Just them."

Gao Suo said slowly, then turned around. Shocked eyes. He has been wanted by that family for so long, of course he knows the information of that family very well.

At least, know what the core senior cadres of that family look like.

He didn't understand why that woman appeared here, but one thing was very clear, that is, the forces standing behind that woman would never let anyone who hurt their family be spared.

The moment he saw that woman, Gao Suo must have seen the destined future of old Buck.

It was an extremely dark future, with no trace of brilliance in sight.

"Then, I'm leaving."

Gao Suo said that he has only one thought now, and that is to leave this place as soon as possible.

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