Pirate: Fourth Scourge

Chapter 107 Can't afford to play?

As the sun sets, the original bright red sun slowly sets, and it is already dusk. The crimson brilliance dyes the yellow desert red, and also reflects the two wounds on the body when it is black.

"This Aokiji is really insidious!" Heishi looked at the two wounds on his right arm and left shoulder, and couldn't help cursing.

When it was dark, he rushed to and behind Kuzan. He originally thought that the other party would dodge and avoid like before, but he unexpectedly chose to be tough.

Just forget it, he actually came with both hands together, so that he didn't react at all when it was dark.

Fortunately, when it's dark, you can superimpose the "God Ghost" on the "Intentional Boom Fist" to offset most of the impact of the two ice giant birds, otherwise his left shoulder is probably going to be smashed!

"Well, he should be hurt more severely than me, right?" Hei Shi changed his mind and felt a little more psychologically balanced.

Although his punch was also offset by the storm pheasant, because the range was large enough, some of the shock waves hit Kuzan unimpeded. Although the opponent had already colored the ice armor and the armed color, he believed Kuzan in the dark. He was definitely injured, and it was the abdomen that was injured.

After the blow, the two opened the distance tacitly, and then... the war ended.

Because they all discovered that the other party really has the ability to kill themselves.

So there is no need to continue this kind of meaningless battle.

In this way, the two of them left without saying hello.

"Since Kuzan is here, doesn't it mean that there is no chance to rescue Bentham and the others?"

He suddenly thought of this again.

Originally, he planned to rescue Xiao Feng first. As for Crocodile, it doesn't matter if he walks or not. When it's dark, I can't wait to detain him for a while.

But Xiao Feng's words can be rescued first, his fruiting ability is still very practical, with his help, I feel that it can save a lot of things in the dark.

But since Kuzan is here now, there is no need to save people.

Can't beat, really can't beat.

Unless he knocks down a few more bottles of medicine.

But something like "Hao Shui" uses one bottle less than one bottle.

Although there are still a lot of drugs in the package of "Aoun VII" in the dark, but the drug is not enough to compete with Kuzan.

The 25% improvement of "Hao Shui" attribute is too important.

As for the "Aoun No. 7", it was actually a "strengthening medicine" made by a scientific research institution. The effect is actually very mediocre, but after Aoun's ultimate enhancement, it has undergone a qualitative change.

Probably it can increase all attributes by about 10%. In addition, things like defense, recovery and even Haki will also get additional upgrades.

The effect was only slightly worse than Ornn's personal enhancement.

Also, Heishi didn't think he would really be able to fight Kuzan after he knocked on these two drugs.

Don't forget, this is a desert, and there is basically no moisture in the land or the air.

Every piece of ice made by Kuzan consumes his own stamina, and its power is estimated to be much inferior to where there is sufficient water vapor.

"In this way, Hawkeye had been merciful before..." Hei Shi couldn't help thinking of the situation in which he had met with Hawkeye some time ago.

Hawkeye seemed to have seen through the strength of the black time in advance, budgeted the most powerful punch that can be used in the black time, and then slammed a sword that was not much different from the power of the black time punch...

"If this is the case, then the eagle eye is too terrible... can only be said, is it worthy of being called [Eagle Eye]..."

Anyway, after a fight with Kuzan, Hei Shi never believed that Hawkeye's last sword was his full strength.

You must know that the power attribute of the black time was only more than 400 before. Although the power was accumulated for three seconds and the ghost was gone, the actual power is estimated to be only about the power of the ordinary punch after he has knocked the medicine.

If that is the full strength of Hawkeye, then I am too sorry for the title of the world's number one swordsman.


"What are you talking about? Give me the credit for this work?" Smoker held the phone worm in his hand, his tone a little indignant.

"This is the meaning of the above."

"Fuck, you let them eat shit!" Smoker couldn't help but explode.

"Smoker! Pay attention to your words." The phone worm's expression stagnated.

"I have said very clearly in the report! Crocodile and his criminal group were not caught by our Marine!"

"Of course we have understood what happened, but if it is announced that Shichibukai was defeated by a few pirates, do you know how much the impact will be!? In short, the above decision has been made, and the commendation will be halfway through. You must be there after this month! Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

"..." Smoker was so angry that his eyebrows were shaking, but he was helpless. Once such a matter was decided, how could his little colonel be able to resist? Unless he doesn't want to do it anymore.

At this moment, Kuzan opened his mouth and said, "Give me the phone bug."

Although Smoker didn't know what Kuzan was going to do, he passed the phone bug to him.

"It's me." Kuzan said.

"Are you... Aokiji Admiral?" The tone on the phone worm immediately became flattering.

As the small leader of the World government, Smoker can ignore him, but Marine Admiral is different.

"How much are you going to mention about the rewards of the Black Time?" Kuzan didn't say anything extra, and directly asked what he wanted to know.

"Dark time? Oh, the one who defeated Crocodile, right? Let me see...Uh, 300 million, from 100 million to 300 million."

"Add another billion."

"Huh? Nothing? Although he defeated Crocodile, Crocodile is only a pirate with a bounty of only 80 million, and the above also feels that he is not very threatening. How could he agree to increase by one billion?"

"He had a fight with me."


"I hurt more."

"...Blue... Aokiji Admiral, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I am like someone who would joke with you?"


[Your charm value –50 has been replaced with +20]

【Please note! You have been listed as extremely dangerous by the World government]

【Please note! Yours has become an extremely dangerous element and is in danger of being hunted down at all times. Please pay attention to your safety! 】

[Your bounty amount exceeds 500 million and you have won the title "Notorious"]

[Your bounty amount exceeds one billion and you have been awarded the title "Ru Lei Guan Er"]

When I was on the sea heading to the next island to look for Straw Hat Crew, I suddenly received four prompts.

"What's the situation?" When it was dark, he slammed the brakes and set the plank under his feet on the sea.

"The bounty is more than one billion?!" Heishi blinked, but didn't react for a while.

"Even if you defeat Lao Sha, it won't be enough... No, it's Aokiji!" Kurotoki suddenly remembered.

"This guy will actually report the fight with me to the World government? Isn't this step too hard to play?" Hei Shi was a little annoyed, and it was not his initiative to find trouble.

It's just like a primary school student who takes the initiative to cause trouble, fights and loses, but tells the teacher first!

"And the original charm of -50 has been replaced with +20? What is the truth? It means that the little pirate will only be annoying, but the big pirate is a personality charm, right?" Hei Shi was a little speechless.

"However, these two titles are not a small surprise..." When Hei Shi looked at the purple and pale gold titles, a smile finally appeared on his face.

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